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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1325931795' post='1489896'] Thurrock ! Where the Thu-- is Thurrock east of the smoke per chance No thats good news look forward to it, I found you before so I'll find you again. [/quote] Yup, it's near J30 of the M25 at the north end of the QE2 bridge/Dartford crossing.
  2. Brilliant bit of kit, very happy with mine. DT10 has been discontinued but they come up second-hand on here occasionally. Haven't used the replacement. Probably also worth a look at the Boss one and the TC Electronics Polytune in that price range.
  3. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1325843617' post='1488492'] I think this TC amps/cabs made in heaven thing is a little bit of a red herring. [/quote] When Dusty organised a mini-bash in his studio in Southend, we had the opportunity to try a TC450 through some TC cabs, and then A/B head and cabs with dave.c 's LH500 and Aguilar GS112s. I thought the results were quite surprising - the TC sounded fantastic and very loud through the TC cabs, and very puny in comparison when put through the Aggies - we had to crank it quite a bit to get back to the same volume. The LH500 sounded better through the Aggies and was slightly louder than through the TC cabs, although the difference wasn't as marked as it was with the TC450. I accept that this was a very subjective and unscientific test, so it fits right in with 95% of this thread ;-)
  4. [quote name='grossey' timestamp='1323269039' post='1461302'] Thats indeed a cunning plan, but for the moment we are talking about at least 3 different prisions (anyway, we may not be asked to return!!). [/quote] As long as they don't ask you to stay ;-) Have you thought about a double bass?
  5. If it's value you're after, take a look at the For Sale forum. There are a few options there for 2x10 combos, including Fender F400, Eden Nemesis and Markbass, and several other good alternatives with different speaker configurations.
  6. The other thing to consider is that there are two kinds of MIJ/CIJ, those made for export and the not-for-export instruments which are only intended for the domestic market. The not-for-export have US hardware and pickups, although I couldn't say whether the build quality is any higher. I think consistency is the main point: Japanese quality control is world-famous for a reason.
  7. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1323258023' post='1461057'] If EBS made a 250w - 300w classic combo, maybe with a 15" speaker then I would be first in line to grab one as it would be perfect for the bigger gigs I do.. [/quote] What about a Gorm 350? There's one for sale in the forum at a very good price: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/157847-ebs-gorm-350et-1x15-combo-for-sale/page__p__1471338__hl__gorm__fromsearch__1#entry1471338
  8. Seems a bit optimistic to me - even not-for-export MIJ/CIJ stuff doesn't reach anything like that sort of figure.
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1325185364' post='1480756'] I'm looking into introducing a switchable socket that would allow me to choose whether to run the amp through the on-board Rola Celestion 15" or into an external cab, most probably a Barefaced Compact. [/quote] I thought that the Barefaced Compact was a cabinet that requires loads of power to get the best out of it - is a 25W Wem amp really going to have enough power to drive it? What about close-miking it and running the result through your PA?
  10. [quote name='chiron-UTS' timestamp='1325289695' post='1481938'] ... just bandless! [/quote] That's a shame too, t'was a great band and is much diminished by your not being in it any more. Have a free bump on me.
  11. Roland MicroCube or Peavey Microbass are both very good, and probably a bit more realistically priced than the PJB stuff.
  12. If OBBM is still reading this thread, I for one would like to know what he tried, and whether it worked or not.
  13. You might be better off posting in the 'For Sale - Amps and Cabinets forum.
  14. The amp is early 1980's. Future Amplification Ltd, from Leeds.
  15. It's very easy to set up a Roland V-Bass like this, slightly more difficult to split your brain into playing the guitar and bass parts at the same time. and probably more overkill for a one-off pub gig. Plus you can only get away with playing 'Peaches' so many times! If you have a tuner output or an effects loop on the amp you might be able to use that to split the signal, and then put it through a harmoniser or octave-up or both. I have a Behringer harmoniser you're welcome to borrow if we can work out a way of getting it to you. Alternatively, what are your programming skills like? You could use something like Logic 8 to play the bass lines on a laptop, as long as you didn't vary the order you'd be OK.
  16. Don't suppose anyone has a 12mm nut from a dead pedal foot switch, or large jack socket, that they could part with? It's to replace a useless black plastic one off the footswitch on my lighting rig - it's bigger than an ordinary 6mm jack socket, same size as the nut that secures a footswitch to a pedal.
  17. A Kay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-70s-Kay-Bass-Guitar-sunburst-Japan-1970s-short-scale-Lemmy-needs-TLC-/160703270808?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item256aa94f98
  18. And Yamaha - a BBT500 and 4x10 just sold for £300 in the for sale section.
  19. I have a Mk 1 TRB 5P, 34 inch scale length, and the string spacing at the nut is between 8.5 and 9 mm. It's 19mm at the bridge.
  20. Check out the 'Recommended Amp Techs' thread from the Repairs forum for recommended techs in your area. Personally I'd take it to Dave Lunt in Stockport, but I don't know the area . http://basschat.co.uk/topic/198-recommended-amp-techs/
  21. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1324678657' post='1477065'] . . . despite his crappy curly cable ;-) [/quote] Hah! I'll have you know that crappy curly cables were the state of the art in 1973. I still have one somewhere, plus one that was half curly half straight, the ultimate in cable chic.
  22. Some good bargains to be had in the for sale section of this site. For that budget, Peavey or Trace Elliot would be a good choice.
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