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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. I'm not quite sure about this Strat - something doesn't seem quite right, but I can't put my finger on it. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160701233723&ssPageName=ADME:B:WNARL:GB:1123 This is a re-list - the same instrument sold last week for £485.
  2. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1317042959' post='1385820'] That "luthier" who told you never to take the neck off... never have anything to do with him again. From his arse, he doth speak. [/quote] *applause* I'd put this into the 'quotes' thread if I could work out how.
  3. pete.young


    [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1319186156' post='1410860'] I have the BDDI and am quite happy with it. I also use their cable tester,which is superb [/quote] I have both of those too, and they are great value for money. So is the AD121 acoustic guitar pre-amp, which is really good for things like mandolins and bouzoukis with piezo transducers in. [quote] Hmmm I may have a look at their squidgy synthy thing, the one on my Boss is a little difficult to tease sounds from. [/quote] I had one of those and wasn't very impressed with it: the switch was rather dodgy, it has tracking issues and it's very similar to the Boss in operation. I couldn't get the sounds I wanted out of it either, and bought a Korg which was much better all round. I also have a harmoniser, which is quite fun and works pretty well. I'm not so impressed with the amps and cabs though. There are plenty of stories of cabs going wrong elsewhere in the forum, and we had a guitar combo which was nothing but trouble. The cheap construction methods don't help either: we have a pair of powered PA cabs which have to be treated with velvet gloves, because the heavy transformers are surface-mounted straight onto PCB and can fail catastrophically when dropped.
  4. All that mul's brother? Sorry, no eye deer.
  5. I have an EBS Neo 2x12 which isn't on your list but might be worth considering. It's the best all-round cab I've ever owned, gives great result with modern Markbass and ancient Burman valve heads. Slight mid-scoop, if you like that sort of thing, can be EQ'd back if you don't. It's also very light (24kg) and easy to carry. I bought mine second-hand on this forum, and it doesn't seem to have depreciated much since then. If you're anywhere near Ipswich you are welcome to come round and give it a go. As 51m0n says, there's lots of good options, just find something you like the sound of.
  6. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1323697285' post='1465907'] Only ever been to one or two auditions. The most recent one was basically a band rehearsal, however they invited two other bass players along to the same audition...!? [/quote] Yes, I've had this happen to me too. Bizarre. What with that and the keyboard player/band leader who didn't know the difference between Bmin and Gmaj7. it was clear we were never going to get on ! We auditioned for guitarists a couple of years ago and did it properly, as a result we got the right guitarist, wasted a minimum of our time, and didn't hurt anyone's feelings if they didn't get the gig. Why would anyone do it differently? The one comment I don't understand in this thread is 'beware of bands who know the songs well'. If I were auditioning for an established band, I'd expect this.
  7. Try a search on the Japcrap thread in the ebay forum. They come up for sale occasionally on the bay and although the ads will be gone, some of the expertise may be useful to you.
  8. Don't bolt them to the cab. Find a piece of 1" board and bolt them to that instead.
  9. Just posted this in 'Gear - Miscellaneous', but it could easily have gone in this forum too: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/162309-v-bass-multicore-cable/
  10. Question about cables for V-Bass and bass synth users. My multicore V-Bass cable (GKC-5 I think) is showing signs of breaking down, so I need a replacement. I appear to have 3 options: 1) Buy a replacement Roland cable - £39 OUCH 2) Buy some 13-Pin DIN plugs and some multicore cable and make one - about £6 in bits plus some uncertainty 3) A Kenwood CD Changer lead - £18 off the bay. This is a 13-Pin to 13-Pin lead, the pinouts are different but is it reasonable to assume that the Ground connector isn't linked to the sheathing? (the Roland one isn't, but the pinouts are different. Anyone done this or have any helpful suggestions? I'm thinking that for 6 quid I might have a punt at making one myself.
  11. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1323442619' post='1463483'] Do you have to use a screwdriver to adjust the octave strings? [/quote] Looks to me like Banjo tuners.
  12. [quote name='Deep Thought' timestamp='1323177207' post='1460119'] I have a Hercules stand (not the one pictured). Folds up nice and compact, but the foam on one of the arms has worn out, [/quote] 1/2 " pipe foam insulation and duct tape can be used to effect a repair!
  13. There is also the Epiphone Flying V if you want something that looks a bit more exotic.
  14. If your gear is PAT'd, the lead will be associated with the amp and both will be valid for the same period. Leads that are tested independently only get a 12-month ticket.
  15. Franconia Jazz copy - not sure whether these are Japanese or Korean, but looks tidy. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FRANCONIA-BASS-GUITAR-/110781672636?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item19cb1a2cbc 1980s Aria http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/bass-guitar-Aria-Pro-II-/220902277140?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item336ecd4014 A Jedson. "Don't think it was the best guitar in the world when it was new". I wouldn't disagree there. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jedson-Bass-Guitar-/120819182579?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1c21626bf3 Unbranded Jazz copy with DiMarzio/SD retrofits http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MIJ-Jazz-Bass-copy-Late-70s-Early-80s-DiMarzio-and-Seymour-Duncan-/160689888244?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2569dd1bf4 Avon EBO http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AVON-VINTAGE-EBO-SG-TYPE-BASS-GUITAR-JAPANESE-MIJ-Rose-Morris-Made-Japan-/320805428870?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ab17e5e86
  16. Judging by the transformers, this is going to be around the 25-30 Kg mark! These amps are good quality hand-made kit. There's a guy who runs a studio near me who has one of these and two huge cabs. Makes a very nice 70s style rig. Stuff here: http://www.andy-duke.co.uk/roost/
  17. pete.young

    PA Systems

    Maybe someone could move this into the 'Amps and Cabs' forum?
  18. Plus one for the sack trolley. Rather than fit castors to the cabs, fit them to a piece of 1" board. That way you only need one set, you don't damage the cabs, and you don't need to stack them on their sides or put up with the castors rattling.
  19. Got a couple of gigs with Waxies Dargle, a pogues covers band, coming up in the next couple of weeks: Saturday 3rd December - The Kings Arms, Stowmarket, a cracking pub next to the railway station. I'm on bass for this one. Saturday 10th December - The Spread Eagle, Ipswich, on cittern/mandolin/fiddle etc. Hopefully we'll have our whistle player back for this one too, all systems go!
  20. [quote name='Walker' timestamp='1322654920' post='1453951'] We've no amabition (or talent!) to play huge venues and as you say, house PA's will be used anyway. We played a festival last summer and went straight into their gear with no issues although the mandolin and banjo threw the sound guys for while! [/quote] Yes, that does tend to happen with acoustic instruments - usually they like a challenge! I play cittern/mandolin/fiddle in a Pogues covers band, along with another guy who plays mostly banjo plus a bit of mandolin, and we both find that the biggest challenge is being audible on stage over the drummer, who is loud even when using hot-rods. We both use acoustic combos (he has AER, I have Roland) and DI the output from them into the PA, partly to improve the monitoring aspects, partly because the piezo transducers sound better through the amp pre-amp stage, and partly to balance up the sound from all the different instruments. Also, you can stick them on a speaker pole and get them at ear level! That way, when we do end up on a festival stage with a soundman he doesn't have to do much to cope with instrument changes.
  21. Markbass F1 is only 1u, 500W into 4ohm and there are rackmount ears available for it. A good match for your cabs too.
  22. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1322503268' post='1451722'] This was from someone with no feedback who uses too many exclamation marks, both things which make me slightly uneasy! [/quote] And from someone who has made no fewer than six postings to this august forum, all of them in the Wanted section in response to people looking for kit. I was thinking 'scammer', but surely nobody could be stupid enough to do that in postings rather than PMs. I think what you did was entirely reasonable.
  23. I think this should be a piece of cake for the V-Bass, using a blend of the normal mag pickups on the guitar for fundamental, and octave up plus chorus on the unit. Will give it a go and report back.
  24. I think it's short for digital multiplex - it's basically a protocol that allows you to send signals to up to 512 lighting devices down a 3-core cable. Most of the lighting sets that I'm aware of use XLR sockets for DMX, so all you need to do is chain the units together and you can control them all from one laptop - usually you get a DMX box that plugs into USB on the laptop. There's a good primer on it here. http://reviews.ebay.co.uk/DMX-Lighting-Effects-What-is-it-Hows-It-work_W0QQugidZ10000000001554234
  25. You don't say what kind of head you're using, but if it has a gain for each channel you don't have to feed the same amount of power to both cabs.
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