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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Somebody should snap this up. I saw him last year in Ipswich and he was brilliant.
  2. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220875019320 Can't tell if this is active or passive from the pictures, but it looks like an unlined fretless SGC Nanyo Bass Collection with an ebony or ebonel board.
  3. [quote name='Vibrating G String' timestamp='1318669031' post='1404898'] I futzed with it a bit and then after turning it off and back on it worked again. Is there some kind of circuit breaker/protector in there that I tripped or might I have more serious problems? [/quote] Yes - there is protection circuitry which cuts out the power stage if the amp overheats or the power fluctuates - I'd say that you have most likely triggered this by unplugging and plugging stuff in with the power on. As you've found out, it's generally not a good idea to connect and disconnect speakers from amps with the power switched on.
  4. I'm not an expert, but I thought all TRB6P (the one with the piezo bridge) were made in Japan. Is it neck-through?
  5. Well this prompted me to go and look for the iPlayer and Youtube footage of Peter Gabriel, but my internet connection is so sh*te that it's basically unwatchable so hopefully I'll get to see it on Friday. What it did do was remind me what a fabulous album 'So' is - there are so many strong songs and wonderful ideas that never seem to age.
  6. If there are any Pogues fans in Ipswich reading this, I'd welcome a chat about possible dep opportunities with Waxies Dargle. At the moment, I'm the bass dep when the regular bass player has a diary clash, and I'd rather find someone else to come in on bass so I can carry on doing the mandolin/bouzouki/fiddle thing. You'll need to be in Ipswich, and a Pogues fan. I can't see it working otherwise. Please ping me a PM and we'll take it from there.
  7. Dunno if anyone still has a computer with a parallel port, but I have a working (boxed, even!) Black Widow parallel port scanner, plus a bunch of associated 25 way and Centronics cables and a 4-1 parallel port switch - can be collected from Ipswich or meet up in central London.
  8. Gary Karr. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anrlC_ssJV0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdZkKO7wXf8&NR=1
  9. Very nice, I love a story with a happy ending. That should go a treat with the ballgown .
  10. What a beautiful example. I'd have done almost anything for one of these in 1969. Hope you find a good home for it. I dare not!
  11. Seems like whenever I do a google search which points to something originally posted on the old site, the link doesn't find the article. All I get is the front page. Anyone else noticed this, or is it just moi?
  12. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/156445-markbass-lmii-effects-loop/
  13. Mine was ordered on 11th September and still hasn't arrived. I'm not impressed. Ped, it's a great shame that you didn't ask for recommendations for a reputable supplier - I could have recommended a friend who runs a custom shirt, clothing and guitar strap supply and embroidery business, who would have done a much better job.
  14. Had Sunbeams on my G+L 2500. Fantastic strings, sounded great and lasted for ages.
  15. CK, In your signature, you list your Rig 2 as: Trace Elliot V8 or Burman Pro 4000, EBS Neo 212 x 2 . Was just wondering how you manage to run a 2 Ohm load on a Burman Pro 4000 - mine's minimum 4 Ohms load.
  16. Couple of gigs this weekend (1/2 October) 1st October - Crossover, The Railway, Foxhall Rd Ipswich - rock and pop covers band - 9pm 2nd October - Waxies Dargle, The Spreadeagle, Ipswich - Pogues covers - 5pm I'll be the one who isn't wearing a BC shirt because it still hasn't arrived :-( - come up and say Hi anyway.
  17. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1317197770' post='1387802'] A bassist in a local band uses a Behringer head & 410. I don`t know what model it is, but it sounds great, and he gigs regularly, without any backup gear. For info, he has a very JJ from The Stranglers type sound. [/quote] Isn't that sound mostly due to having blown drivers? I'd avoid Behringer - we had a guitar combo for a while and was glad to see the back of it. I know someone who has a Harley Benton 4x10 and it's OK for the money, but as others have said I'd be inclined to keep an eye on the For Sale section for Peavey or maybe Trace Elliott, assuming of course that you haven't got a bad back yet ;-)
  18. @JTUK - fair enough, I'm not an expert on Aguilar cabs so I don't know what the difference between DB and GS is.
  19. Thanks everyone for the great information and apologies for the slow reply, I've been a bit busy over the last couple of days. Monckyman, the reason for wanting to do this is to emulate 51m0n's setup with head and compressor in the same rack case - it makes sense to compress all the signal all of the time. First I need to find a rack case (a minor detail!)
  20. Met up with Nigel a couple of days ago in a splendid Victorian boozer near Oxford Circus to collect the much-travelled Status Vintage PJ. We put the world to rights over a couple of beers and I can't imagine a better way to buy a bass. A perfect transaction - I recommend Nigel to everyone and wish him the best of luck in his search for that dream chrome Warwick. As for the bass, wow. I've been playing it at home and it's everything I hoped it would be. My only challenge is to stop my son trying to smuggle it out of the house and taking it back to Uni!
  21. Hm - we tried an RH450 with dave.c's Aguilar GS1x12s at Dusty's Essex bash and it was decidedly underwhelming. It sounded much better with TC cabs, and the Aguilars were much happier with Dave's Hartke LM1000.
  22. Does anyone have a detailed set of instructions for switching a Markbass LMII from parallel to series? I understand it involves moving 2 jumpers and its probably obvious, but better safe than sorry. Would I be right in thinking that if I change it over to series and don't have anything in the loop I'll need to connect the send and return with a short jack-jack lead?
  23. I like the way it carries on playing itself when he plays the fiddle break.
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