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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Also known as 'Yellow Pine' I believe. Used for making pianos in the 1920s. Not a great choice for guitars though I would have thought. Pete "It's a toilet door made out of herring boxes!"
  2. Don't do it man - those cabs are the best ever.
  3. To my surprise, no-one else seems to have posted this - apologies if you've all seen it before. [url="http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/video-signals-duff-mckagan-fender-snowboard-bass-498271"]http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/video-signals-duff-mckagan-fender-snowboard-bass-498271[/url]
  4. And you've broken my avatar. What are those black bars top and bottom?
  5. My first reaction is that there's far too much white space. The home screen is now three times as long as it used to be. In the forums, a one-line post takes up a lot of space due to the enormous amount of real-estate that is now allocated to username, avatar and all the mostly meaningless twaddle that appears underneath it, and then there's extra space for the Report/Multiquote/Quote buttons. Huge signatures also have too much prominence - it's almost impossible to find any content in the posts by Ou7shined and KiOgon, for example. I'm sure someone will find the new features useful. I think it's a step backwards in readability.
  6. I tried to vote no, and got an error screen saying I'd already voted. Which I hadn't. Mods, what do you make of that? Funny, don't recall lending my vote to some other bassplayer.
  7. Sorry, that link to photobucket doesn't work for me - just ends up at the Photobucket front page.
  8. Does the place you're studying have a music tech course running? Students on that course might find that producing a backing track for you will work for their coursework assignments also, so you might find some willing volunteers that way. Network network network!
  9. Looks like I'll be doing the 'take son's stuff back to university' run to Guildford that day so I'm hoping to call in at some point. Don't think I'll be able to bring much with me though - why do students these days have some much stuff? Mine used to fit into a Mini van.
  10. Incredible how these have shot up in value. When you think that you can now buy a second-hand Roland V-Bass, a GK-3B pickup and a bass to screw it to for less ...
  11. This is a Pro 4000 bass head? I have JJ KT77s in the power stage of mine and am very happy with the outcome. I'm not sure what's in the pre-amp stage - probably the original Mazda ECC833 . Any decent amp tech should be able to replace that valve holder and bias up a set of new power valves. There's a sticky somewhere with a recommended list of amp techs. I expect Crazy Kiwi will be along soon with chapter and verse, he knows all this kind of stuff off by heart!
  12. [quote name='dmccombe7' post='1353748' date='Aug 27 2011, 05:43 PM']I've seen a lot of LED style lighting kit on market. Anyone used it with their own bands and how does it compare.[/quote] Between us we have 2 or 3 sets of LED lights, KAM Parbar or Equinox. All have DMX so you can control the whole lot from one laptop or one set of footswitches. They weigh less than half of the equivalent PAR sets, don't use anything like the same amount of power so they don't overheat the band and can be dismantled as soon as they are switched off. Can't see any drawbacks other than the price.
  13. [quote name='Fullmetal' post='1353927' date='Aug 27 2011, 10:18 PM']And thank you for pointing out that the Marcus Miller's are MIJ, always thought they were MIA which is why I was confused. Since they are MIJ, doesn't that mean there is a significant difference (same quality parts and improved quality of build?)[/quote] Fixed that for you.
  14. [quote name='jonannlou' post='1346257' date='Aug 20 2011, 12:16 PM']Any idea what you paid for your one? I guess the one on ebay is a higher range bass, but it gives me an idea to its value and if its a cheapo bass or not ) Theres no prices on that website, why would they do that!![/quote] Because they don't sell to the public, they have dealers. Somewhere! I don't recall what I paid for mine, but it was under 100 and at a time when used prices are higher than they are now. I'd have to say that if you wanted a bass that looked like that, you'd be better to find a Peavey Cirrus BXP or Grind, they seem to go for about the same money.
  15. This one? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GUITAR-JIM-REED-OLD-VINTAGE-BASS-VERY-SOUND-/270803504663?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f0d258e17"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GUITAR-JIM-REED-...=item3f0d258e17[/url] I've got a Jim Reed 4-string passive jazz copy which I bought second-hand off ebay a couple of years ago for the kids to play with, to keep them away from my decent basses. It has a really really fast slim neck and decent electrics (Kent Armstrong pickups). The only problem with it is a traditional 1970's Fender style neck pocket, with a 2mm gap along one side of the neck . Hopefully a neck-through won't suffer the same thing. Jim Reed is a 'luthier' working from Italy. For a while there was a guy up north importing them and selling them one-at-at-time on ebay. I don't know if there were ever any official importers. Web site is here: [url="http://www.jim-reed-guitars.com/eng/index.php"]http://www.jim-reed-guitars.com/eng/index.php[/url]
  16. Depends on the band. There are seven of us in the Pogues covers band, still one fewer than The Pogues although Shane didn't play anything. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='1340402' date='Aug 15 2011, 10:38 AM']More members also increases the likelihood of hearing "I'm unavailable that day."[/quote] We sometimes gig with six, or even five, depending on who is available.
  17. [quote name='christhammer666' post='1338302' date='Aug 12 2011, 11:40 PM']" lemmys demented love child"[/quote] Ha ha what a brilliant name for a thrash metal band. I find putting my thumb on the back of the neck helps, rather than having it on the side with the marker dots.
  18. I thought the Brian Bromberg sig was Dean, not Carvin. By the way, how come no-one has mentioned Epiphone for E ?
  19. [quote name='Tex Gore' post='1338363' date='Aug 13 2011, 01:56 AM']This is going to be one of those annoying moment when it appears someone has helped, and they haven't - because I can't - nonetheless felt compelled to post a reply as I have an SGC Nanyo Bass Collection 611; an instrument that seems to have been entirely forgotten by the internet. It's great - I've played it for 20 years, and it does have a lovely neck (even with a few chunks out of it).[/quote] Pictures! Never seen one of those!! The bass collection five-string neck is pretty close to a Yamaha TRB5 - TRB is flatter and slightly slimmer front-to-back.
  20. How about these guys? You would be guaranteed something unique! [url="http://www.outofthisswirled.com/"]http://www.outofthisswirled.com/[/url]
  21. [quote name='deanovw' post='1338443' date='Aug 13 2011, 09:15 AM']The guitarist in my band did it last night! He stomped on his octaver pedal, looked at me with a big grin and played what I was playing.[/quote] Bring it on. Two can play at that game - the V-Bass makes a much better distorted crunchy metal guitar sound than most guitar rigs I've come across.
  22. My Pogues covers band Waxies Dargle are playing in Langer Park , Felixstowe on Sunday 14th August as part of the Carnival celebrations. We're on at 3.15 pm for an hour or so, there's loads of other bands playing all afternoon and into the evening. There's also music today after the carnival itself, hopefully the weather will improve a bit. Pete
  23. OK. Not crap. Definitely not crap. Lovely in fact. Probably overpriced too, but I think it might interest some of the dudes who frequent these parts. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Greco-Japan-1990-LP-CTM-Bass-Black-/150635915519?pt=Guitar&hash=item231299a8ff"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Greco-Japan-1990...=item231299a8ff[/url]
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