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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='Bottle' post='896499' date='Jul 16 2010, 01:15 PM']I'd like to get back to using a low B tuning again, but on a 4-banger - which would entail a restringing for BEAD or ADGC tuning. How would a standard Fender/Squier Jazz Bass cope with this tuning - i.e. any BC'ers who've gone this route? I'm thinking that 34" scale is a mite too short for an authoritive open B, but I'm willing to be proved wrong![/quote] I have a Bass Collection SB310 set up like this at the moment. I have a 130 B string and it is as good as my 34" 5-string BC. It did require a slight truss-rod tweak, but only a slight one - i don't think there's a massive difference in overall tension. You lose a bit of string tension, there again if you have a 35" that compromises the tension of the other strings.
  2. If you are prepared to split this up, I'm very interested in the HK stuff and the monitors, please let me know when you are ready to work out a price.
  3. This looks very Japanese to me, but I'm not an expert by any means. Unbranded Les Paul copy, looks vaguely Antoria-like to me. Anyone know what it really is? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/vintage-bass-guitar-/220636502301?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item335ef5d91d"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/vintage-bass-guitar-...=item335ef5d91d[/url]
  4. Webstrings are good - [url="http://www.webstrings.com/"]http://www.webstrings.com/[/url]
  5. [quote name='chris_b' post='897267' date='Jul 17 2010, 01:31 PM']Bass is usually the last thing that gets DI'ed. I would start with the bass drum and then think about fold back for your singer.[/quote] Our current PA is a pair of budget powered cabs, one of which is starting to sound a bit ropy. We do have a bassdrum mike and keyboards split between backline and PA. I think we'd need some subs just to get the best out of the keyboard sound, before we start to worry about the bass as well. Trouble is we've recently heard bands using very expensive PA including subs and of course it sounds great. Since we don't have a power amp, the budget will need to include one which will rule out the RCFs you suggested, unfortunately.
  6. Thanks for the comments. At the moment we don't use subs, but we think it would be better for keyboards and possibly bass to go through the PA.
  7. Our lovely lady vocalist has decided to invest in some new equipment and has offered the following two suggestions to me for comment: [url="http://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/650W-Active-Speaker-and-Subwoofer-by-Gear4music/BBP"]http://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighti...-Gear4music/BBP[/url] and [url="http://www.getinthemix.co.uk/Peavey-Pro-15--Pro-Subs-MK2-&-IPR1600-Package-.htm"]http://www.getinthemix.co.uk/Peavey-Pro-15...00-Package-.htm[/url] I don't know much about PA equipment, but both these solutions seem to offer a lot of bang for a reasonable amount of buck. I'm leaning towards the Peavey solution (the second link) because of weight issues (the gear, not mine!) and because I've never had any duff kit from Peavey over the years. I'd be very interested to hear from anyone knowledgeable about these matters, and of any other alternatives around the £800 quid mark. Also, if there is anyone in or near York who fancies popping into Gear4Music and having a look at their demo rig, please get in touch.
  8. I'd be having a quiet word with Max at sfx if I were you.
  9. [quote name='chris_b' post='896123' date='Jul 15 2010, 11:52 PM']A Compact on its own is great and one sounded fantastic with my AE210 so it would probably work really well with your 212.[/quote] Unless the 2x12 is 4 Ohm, like most of the 2x12s I've come across. If the TC 2x12 is anything like as good as my EBS 2x12, I wouldn't bother looking for another cab.
  10. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='895914' date='Jul 15 2010, 07:59 PM']70s Antoria. Was a bit tempted but my gear buying budget has been going on catch-up items such as a hard case and a professional setup. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Antoria-Soundmaster-semi-acoustic-bass-1970s-/200496391537?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2eae842571"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Antoria-Soundmaster-...=item2eae842571[/url][/quote] Seller is Jacqui Smith. You don't think .... ? Maybe offer to trade a few porn DVDs! Her old man might have a use for them :-)
  11. Don't write off the CIJ/MIJ basses. If you can track down one of the not-for-export Japanese basses, you get Japanese quality control plus US pickups and electrics, usually for less than the cost of MIA basses. Getting them new is a challenge now that Ishibashi isn't allowed to export them, but there are some second hand options. I have a '70s re-issue not-for-export from 2002-2004 with ash body and maple board, which came from Far East Guitars. It's identical to this one. [url="http://www.fareastguitars.co.uk/usedpb1.htm"]http://www.fareastguitars.co.uk/usedpb1.htm[/url] I'm obviously biased, but it's the best Precision I've played.
  12. I've started getting multiple notifications - 2 or 3 per pm. Not using mobile internet - this is on my yahoo web mail client.
  13. [quote name='Spoombung' post='888265' date='Jul 7 2010, 12:10 PM']Oh man, just acquired the first Backdoor album on CD. I played this over and over again when I was learning back in the 70's and it still sounds miraculous.[/quote] Quality. I still have the copy I bought second-hand from Judd's in Canterbury around 1974. It was a 'eureka' moment for me, though I've spent most of the intervening years realising just how big the talent gap is. One of these days I'll get around to digitising it. I also occasionally wonder if the first owner realised his mistake in parting with it!
  14. This bass is now sold. The trolley is still available :-)
  15. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='876923' date='Jun 24 2010, 10:18 PM']The Body is 3-Piece Ash, the middle piece is a bit flamey...And it is heavy as hell (easily over 10lbs), but...i like it.[/quote] Oh and by the way, man up! 10lbs is puny, my banjo weighs more than that!
  16. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='876923' date='Jun 24 2010, 10:18 PM']It's basically a Japanese 70's reissue Precision, Ash Body, Maple Neck, Seperate Maple Fingerboard, USA Pickups. They were a small run in the mid 2000's, not made for export.[/quote] I have one very similar to this with a CIJ 'P' serial (1999-2002?) , except that it has frets and a jazz-width neck. Mine has TI Jazz Flats on, cant beat them!
  17. Many thanks for the responses guys. I had my doubts and it seems that they are well-founded.
  18. Depends what sound you're after. If you want that Jaco zing you need to go with roundwounds and prepare to accept a bit of wear to the fingerboard - rosewood, yes? Flats will be kinder but sound, er, flatter. The feel is different too. Half-rounds somewhere in the middle. Depends on the price - if it's all the same, half-rounds might be a good choice. Not much help that, sorry. I have EB flats on my fretless partly to minimise further wear on the ebony board, and they sound zingy enough for my purposes.
  19. Stunning. Are you sure you want to do this?
  20. Bass Ukelele? Hell no. I was in Hobgoblin Music in London earlier today, and downstairs they have a bass mandolin. It looks like this: Yes, those are real full-size guitars in the picture.
  21. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='873054' date='Jun 20 2010, 10:13 PM']Does it come with the trolley?[/quote] Ha ha, yes please take the trolley, even without the bass! You'll have to come and collect it though!
  22. [quote name='Clarky' post='872852' date='Jun 20 2010, 06:39 PM']Maybe not feasible but I think it would be helpful to buyers and sellers if there were specific sub-forums So for "Basses for sale", there could be: 4 string; 5 string; acoustic/other For "Amps & Cabs", there would be: amps; cabs; combos; rigs and so on Would really help in searching for specific bits of kit - lets say I wanted to find a 5-string Fender Deluxe Jazz, for example, the search string would currently pull up dozens of items containing Fender and Jazz and it would take a fair while to sift through to find if anything actually fitted the bill - if there was a 5-string sub-forum this could be done very quickly to the benfit of both buyer and seller[/quote] Use google as a search engine rather than the one built-in to the basschat site - just add site:basschat.co.uk to the search .
  23. [quote name='Gwilym' post='863803' date='Jun 10 2010, 10:42 PM']ok, so now I'm sorted for a mono strap Comfort Strapp now up for a straight sale £15 ovno[/quote] PM on it's way
  24. Bump. If you're interested in seeing this at the London bass bash please let me know.
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