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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. The Eminence Basslite C2515 seems just about ideal for a small reconing project that I have in mind. 300W 4 Ohms and very light weight. [url="http://www.eminence.com/guitar_speaker_detail.asp?model=BASSLITEC2515&speaker_size=15&SUB_CAT_ID=5"]http://www.eminence.com/guitar_speaker_det...mp;SUB_CAT_ID=5[/url] The only problem is that Eminence UK don't import them, and it's hard to find any reviews or information other than what is on the Eminence web site. I'll talk to Blue Aran about importing one, and I could import one myself. In the meantime, does anyone know anything about this range of drivers?
  2. ROFL. Excellent banter, chaps.
  3. [quote name='Tanc' post='10531' date='Jun 1 2007, 01:51 PM']I can see that it was a HUGE mistake to join this forum.[/quote] Well, one of the nice things about this forum are all the new features, specifically the 'Ignore posters' feature.
  4. In the interests of balanced reporting ... I'm not going to comment on the cabs, but I'd avoid the amps like the plague. My son bought one (despite me telling him not to!) and I'm less than impressed. It is incredibly noisy (loud hiss, not mains hum) and unbelievably cheaply made - pots soldered straight on to the PCB, etc. He was lifting it out of the car one day and just snagged one of the tone controls, and the knob flew off, having sheared the pot shaft clean off. This time we got lucky with superglue, but these things are so fragile that they shouldn't be taken out of the house.
  5. Count the number of turns and divide it by the length of the threaded portion of the screw. If it's a very small diameter screw with a fine thread, an overhead projector sometimes comes in handy to blow up the picture. If you can measure the external diameter, you can usually also work out the minor diameter (the diameter of the root of the thread). With OD, minor diameter and pitch it should be possible for anyone who knows about screw threads to identify the thread.
  6. [quote name='acidbass' post='8636' date='May 29 2007, 03:44 PM']Very true. 4 string basses could probably get away with it, but in the modern age of 5 and more string basses, older style valve amps just won't cut it.[/quote] Um. My Burman guitar combo has exactly the same transformers as my Burman bass head, and they both definitly cut it when it comes to 5 string basses. Generalise at your own risk. As far as Mr. Torres is concerned, I have nothing but praise for him. I had a long and interesting chat (well , for me it was interesting) with him at the London Guitar Show . DBA, I think you're fortunate to work with him.
  7. WinISD it is! Thank you folks. I tried using the basstalk search function and came up empty-handed. Maybe I made a smelling pisstake! Do people still check their PMs on basstalk?
  8. One of the people who doesn't seem to have found his way here from basstalk is alexclaber . That's a damn shame, not least because I'm trying to find the software which models cabinet performance for various driver dimensions. Alex posted about this on more than one occasion. I've been looking for the posts on basstalk but I can't find anything useful. Can anyone else point me in the right direction?
  9. You need to have a chat with that nice Mr. Torres!
  10. Has anyone here come across the new EA Micro 300 ? With the current exchange rate, I'm very tempted. [url="http://www.urbbob.com/ea_heads.html#micro300"]http://www.urbbob.com/ea_heads.html#micro300[/url] This amp doesn't have the same tone shaping system that the iAmp 200/350/500/800 use. Do any EA users want to comment on how useful that system is?
  11. Colin Hodgkinson. There's a tab tutor with a CD called 'Bassmaster', you can get it on-line from the Bass Centre [url="http://www.basscentre.com/"]http://www.basscentre.com/[/url]
  12. If you don't get any joy in Naarge, Paul Glazebrook in Kesgrave near Ipswich is a dead whizz with amps and doesn't charge nearly enough. He revalved both my Burmans and I can certainly recommend him.
  13. It's definitely good news for my accordion! Imagine getting out the old squeezebox for a crafty practise a couple of days after a gig and having stale ciggy fumes blasted out of the bellows.
  14. [quote name='bassbloke' post='2477' date='May 19 2007, 09:34 PM']I know it's just a name, but if it had been me , I'd have expanded on the bassworld idea and registered www.bassplanet.co.uk, which is currently available.[/quote] Great minds think alike, Bassbloke! I also looked up basstastic, but that appears to be given over to some bizarre pastime involving drowning worms on the end of a bit of string!
  15. pete.young

    Octave Pedle

    I have the EBS one and I'm very happy with it. Recommend you try one out first though.
  16. Further to the thread in the General Bass Discussion forum, I note that both the 'Off Topic' forum and this forum 'Site Issues and News' do not appear unless you are logged in to the site. If you just browse to the site without logging in, you only see three forums in the first group instead of five. Is this deliberate?
  17. That's interesting. It's not there if I browse to the site as a guest, but it appears if I log in to my account. Is that what you're seeing, guitarnbass? Not sure why, assuming that this behaviour is intended.
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