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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. I was thinking they're not going to shift many of those in Yorkshire.
  2. Great job. It's good for another 35 years of earth-shaking mayhem! I really love the sound of these cabs.
  3. Would anyone care to post some examples of Dug playing a 12-string bass? Interested to see how it gets used in a band context.
  4. What a great band they were. Saw them at Kent University in 1975.
  5. First I had the original V-Bass, and then a VB-99. Fortunately no clips have survived!
  6. That's why you have a GK3B. Used that on my 19mm 5-string Bass Collection, and it can also cope with a 6-string.
  7. I went to see him with my father in the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury (the original one, not the old Odeon where it is now). This must have been around the same time because Etheridge was on guitar then too. Wonderful evening, with hindsight I wish we'd been able to go to more gigs together. On the way out after the gig, I decided that we needed to liberate the huge concert poster in the foyer. The old man held it while I pulled out the pins, and as the last one came out 50 other posters from previous events which were underneath all came out in a tidal wave and filled the foyer floor. We ran for it! If there are any hot club fans in Kent, check out Thomas Abrahams from Ramsgate. He is a sensational guitarist who plays like Django, trio is called Manoir Manouche.
  8. pete.young

    Zoom MS60-B

    Maybe try the Zoom on batteries?
  9. That would be the John Miles famed for his use of the Packleader guitar?
  10. Obviously. Otherwise you'd be Jean-Luc Pointy. Wasn't he a fiddle player? Anyhoo it appears that the Bass Centre is using a self-signed certificate. As J-LP says this doesn't present much of a risk to you as a viewer, as long as you're confident that it's the actual Bass Centre site and not some clone. It's pretty sloppy on the part of the Bass Centre though, there's really no excuse for a commercial site to be set up like this. Pointy-head Pete.
  11. Hi WoT, what's the story behind this? I know the song and the album well. The bass tone on that record helped put me off short scale basses for about 30 years!
  12. Right, in that case the 'Guitar Out' jack on the GR20 will output just the signal from your conventional pickups without any of the synthy stuff , provided that you feed it down the 13-pin cable in the first place. This will work whether you have an internal or an external pickup. If you don't plug the Guitar Out jack into a separate amp, the guitar signal will get mixed into the mono or stereo 'Output'. Double-sided tape is a good alternative to the Roland clamp and takes up a lot less space, use one that won't leave a nasty residue.
  13. The 13-pin output won't go straight to an amp. It has to go through a floor unit, either a VB99, a GR guitar unit or an SY1000. Depending on which one you pick, there may be a separate output socket for just the on-board guitar pickup signal. You could use a jack lead from the socket on the bass, but then you have the problem of 2 cables running from the bass to different locations. If I were you, I'd give it a try with an external kit first. If you buy a second-hand unit you won't lose much money and you can find out whether it works without altering the bass. The divided pickup can just be stuck on, you don't have to fix it down with screws.
  14. @ped is the expert on the internal fitting. With the external version, the GK3 output and the guitar pickup/preamps are separate. If you want to send the guitar output down the 13-pin cable, you need to plug a short lead from the jack socket to the GK3 controller. I'm pretty sure that the internal version will be similar, but with some internal wiring and a switch rather than an external lead.
  15. This popped up in my feed this morning. What an outstanding video, one of the best analysis and technique videos for bass that I've ever seen on YouTube. The "From the bottom" couldn't be further from the truth 🙂
  16. I had one of the originals. Horrible piece of stinky poo. Glad to get rid of it for £15 quid in about 1974.
  17. Might be something here that you can work with? https://alternativeto.net/software/loopback/
  18. I'll keep mine crossed too just in case. It would be a terrible shame if something happened to this lovely bass.
  19. You couriered this? Have you taken leave of your senses?
  20. Fair enough. I'm not a fan of the standard SR5 either. The Classic looks much more like a proper Stingray, with the control plate.
  21. Dug back into my archives and the 2500 Tribute I owned was definitely 16.5mm spacing at the bridge. Maybe the US made ones are different? That's the reason I got rid of mine: I found a Bass Collection with 19mm spacing and I find that much more comfortable. The BBNE2 is 18mm and I wouldn't want to go any less. Horses for courses.
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