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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Interesting serial number and no 'Japan' on the control plate . Wonder if it's a very early one?
  2. I think autocorrect got him, and it should have been 'battery inverter'. I'm told that a PJB Double Four will run straight off a laptop battery, it's DC input so no need for an inverter. I never got around to trying it while I had one.
  3. My Briefcase for double bass sounds a LOT better with a decent pre-amp (EDB1) in front of it.
  4. They are short scale (30.5") and take medium-scale strings, because of the extra distance between the bridge and tailpiece. Love mine to bits - good luck with the sale.
  5. I woudn't let my dodgy memory be your guide. I sold my TRB5P in 2012. Very high-quality and great-sounding instrument but it didn't really do anything better than the BBNE2. The Piezo wasn't stand-out effective and the electronics/pickup combination in the BBNE2 is better. About the only Yamaha I'd lbe unable to resist these days is a BB3000MA.
  6. Seems to me that there is a major upheaval happening, and many people who were able to make a living as musicians through a combination of playing and teaching are going to find that the numbers no longer add up 😞
  7. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when Mrs Andyjr1515 finds out what's happened to her iron!
  8. Fair point Lozz, but if the venue goes bust because we didn't keep it going, we're also preventing a fellow musician from earning. Damned if you do and all that. There are certain venues, every town has one or two, that are essential to the live music scene, or who have supported your band with regular well paid gigs. I'd be willing to support those kind of venues, either by returning the fee as a donation (which salves the conscience if you must be paid), or by doing a free gig. Or even by just making a donation, I've done that for some of the venues local to me who have run crowdfunding appeals.
  9. BB800 and BBNE2. Formerly owned a TRB 5P Mk 1
  10. Possible, yes. But how likely do we think it is? I wouldn't bank on it.
  11. Have you thought about switching off the amp before unplugging anything, or disconnecting the lead that plugs into the amp input first?
  12. In theory, 8th August is our first gig that hasn't yet been cancelled. In practice, with 2 band members over 70 and one of them with an interesting medical history, I don' t think it's going to happen. I don't think it'll be rescheduled either. When the band leader booked it, he described it as a 'social club'. Didn't mention that it's actually a Conservative club. They might be needing a dep accordion player, if you know of anyone.
  13. I was looking at one of the cases, also sold out. I guess they are waiting for the next shipment from China.
  14. Definitely one for 'weird'. Why would anyone do this? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Epiphone-viola-electric-bass-guitar-3-string-conversion/164295098496?hash=item2640c04080:g:DhAAAOSwmz5e~wHL
  15. I seem to recall Dood singing the praises of the Pedaltrain Volto, though I haven't tried one.
  16. Many many thanks for the extra pictures. If you're around next weekend and it hasn't sold, I'd like to try the bass and see if it will fit. I'll PM you later in the week.
  17. Go to a nail bar. They can build a thicker and harder casing on top of the original nail. I know an old-time banjo player who does this and it is very effective. Now they've got used to only having to do 2 of his fingers, it's all good.
  18. Wonder if that would fit my Duesenberg. Can I have some measurements please, width across the upper and lower bout, total length, depth, body length (bulkhead to end of case)?
  19. Crossover? Why not just use the effects send of one to drive the effects return of the other one?
  20. Good point, didn't really spot those. Douglas is on my wavelength, spookily.
  21. Organisations the size of Yamaha, and the companies that make instruments for Ibanez, will hold huge stocks of tonewoods. Some will be bought to season for 10 or 20 years prior to use. So even though there is a ban, it seems reasonable to me for companies to use up existing stocks.
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