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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. And luckily for Elvis, she wasn't buried at sea.
  2. And before that, Usenet. A term often used for this kind of audio brainfart is 'mondegreen', coined by Sylvia Wright in 1954.
  3. I wouldn't say I'm an expert. 615 is shown in all the catalogues I can find as a P/J. 465 is a JJ.. String winding: string them up this way, the pull is at more of an angle and the machine head turns the wrong way.
  4. Fitting a pre-amp and making it active again wouldn't be hugely difficult, and as the OP says the original pre-amps left a lot to be desired. I have a Nordstrand in my 465 which is a 4-pot, but you could probably find a 3-pot if you wanted to keep the jack socket on the top instead of going back to the original barrel jack on the side. My 465 looks identical to the '615' so it would be interesting to know why the OP has ID'd it as a 615. Also why the B and G strings are wound the wrong way round the posts on both basses.
  5. Stereo is a complete waste of time in live gigs like this. No-one in the audience will notice, especially not when it's the first dance and people will be paying the band even less attention than usual. Maybe if you were the Foo Fighters and had a 12 gazillion pound touring rig, but for most of the gigs most of us are ever likely to play it's like tits on a bull. If you were going to do it, you'd need both channels from the pedal going into a separate input on the desk and panning one full left, one full right. Having stereo split between FOH and your bass rig is not going to achieve anything other than a horrible mush on stage.
  6. A piezo typically requires a very high impedance pre-amp. An absolute minimum of 1 MOhm, more if possible.
  7. Or "Hello, is it me you're looking for, A$$HOLE?"
  8. Similarly, there was a band in the Suffolk/Norfolk area called 'Topless Barmaids'. Very unpopular with the bar staff.
  9. I always do anyway. The concept of cleaning mikes seems entirely alien to most rehearsal studios round here. Behringer XM8500, not exactly going to break the bank is it.
  10. I think he has several copies, including at least two made by his tech Andrew Guyton.
  11. Paypal won't be interested in signed receipts, pictures of the two of you during the handover, or anything else. If he wants to pay with Paypal, the only secure way is for you to ship the bass to him and then you have the shipping receipts.
  12. B string on a 6-string guitar set is purple too.
  13. Genius. Now both pickups will sound like sh1te.
  14. Probably best to have a chat with Chris. Smoothhound customer service is excellent.
  15. The 40 Instrumentals thread has pretty much nailed that!
  16. From what I am reading and hearing, I think 4th July could be mayhem and I am glad that I don' t have anything in the diary. I'll be avoiding pubs even more than normal on that day. Some of the local pubs are talking about not opening until 6th. There is a lot of use of 'should' in the guidelines : pubs 'should' obtain details of customers in case they need to be traced and tested, etc. To me, should means must: it's the same as shall. But to many people (including some international standards committees who go out of their way to redefine the word) it means, 'well maybe this would be a nice idea but don't stress if it doesn't happen'.
  17. That should empty the dance floor more quickly than you can say 'Jessica'.
  18. That Pedulla Pentabuzz of @Kiwi is still hands down the best fretless I've ever played, so I'm sure this one is excellent too.
  19. There's a used one on t'bay, in better condition than Anderton's new one 🙂 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-SDGR-SRH500-semi-acoustic-bass-with-gigbag/203021482545?hash=item2f4505fa31:g:4u8AAOSw2eNe5nMQ
  20. Apologies for the slow update. I've now sorted this and it's working properly. The problem turned out to be that R1 had failed open circuit and I hadn't been paying proper attention to the resistance measurement. Replaced it with a new resistor and all was well. Learning point for me - if I make any more pedal kits I'll be sure to check the resistance value of all the resistors before I solder them onto the board. Schoolboy error!
  21. Sending stuff is fine with DPD, but they won't let you book a courier to collect from someone else and deliver it to you. This is for everything, not just basses: I ended up using Parcelforce to collect some motorcycle panniers.
  22. I found when I tried to get something collected that the choice of courier was much reduced: for example DPD wont' do pickups. You could try asking the seller to arrange the courier on your behalf.
  23. I'm a dabbler rather than a player these days. I have an FP-4, which looks like the equivalent instrument to the FP-60, one down from the FP-90 that you linked to. I've had my FP-4 for about 10 years now, it gets played every week (sometimes more than once) and is still as good as the day we picked it up. The action is superb and it has a wide range of non-piano and midi sounds. It's sort-of portable but if you need something just for home use the FP-60 might be a cheaper alternative to the FP-90. If I need portable I have a V-Accordion 🙂
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