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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. As long as it doesn't leave any marks.
  2. Mayonnaise has been known to work in this household, although it was on a couple of guitar cases rather than an instrument.
  3. Kenny Gee. He's the ultimate in elevator music.
  4. Would be nice if it was occasionally _somebody's_ cup of tea, though.
  5. If you want super clarity, Euphonic Audio Classic i800 would be worth looking at.
  6. You could check out the Build Diaries forum. Many of the builders hang out there and post highly detailed descriptions of the techniques they use, and cool photographs.
  7. If that kids bass has 'Tanglewood' written on the headstock, you did OK for £5 - normally I'd expect them to fetch £40-£50 or more.
  8. Usually I take my BBNE2 as a spare. Which goes to show just how good these basses are. Anyhoo, it's nice to see my favourite thread title of all time make a brief return to the first page.
  9. My 465 now has one, it's a feature of the Nordstrand preamp which replaced the long-ago-failed original. I never use it. The batteries last for years.
  10. Tom bought a stage box from me. We met up at a mutually inconvenient service station near the M25 for a handover, shame that we didn't have more time to chat. It's been pending for a while, but was arranged at very short notice and Tom rose to the challenge with his customary panache.
  11. Just picked up a banjo from Russ, social distancing flawlessly observed. I even got to touch the actual Binky bass! All good.
  12. Or, play the lower note with your thumb and pop the top one.
  13. I had a red one of these for a litte while but I'm pretty sure it was passive only. The neck was fantastic, the sound was like a good P should be and it was relatively light weight. I didn't bond with it, partly because of the body shape: it's squared-off in comparison with a normal contoured P and I preferred my CIJ not-for-export and my old Yamaha BB so it didn't get much of a look-in. Might be worth rubbing the lamp and summoning @Happy Jack, since he owned it at least twice and had fond things to say about it.
  14. Get rid of both of them and buy a double bass.
  15. That bridge looks suspiciously like the one on my Hondo Alien, except for the double saddles.
  16. 12Kg. That was a banjo, not a bass.
  17. Spotters badge to hooky_lowdown, well done.
  18. Used Bass Collection SB325 / 330 /400 series would be light and cheap.
  19. I don't think it's a Yamaha. Those dot markers in the neck are very distinctive, I've not seen them on a Yamaha. Also, there is no dot marker in the first fret, the truss rod adjuster doesn't look right and the bridge and knobs don't look right for a Yamaha either, though they could be changed.
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