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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Having listened to the original, I think the video that @missis sumner linked is what Bill Wyman is playing, with the verse starting on the B (5th) note of the scale, and the one that Douglas provided starts on the 'E' and is dodgy. Personally, I prefer Vanessa Carlton's version, but then I'm weird.
  2. I think you're right, it doesn't matter how much money you throw at production if it's not being promoted properly. You'd be far better off to spend a much smaller sum on targeted Facebook advertising IMHO.
  3. THanks guys, it fooled me anyway! Nice looking bass.
  4. Hard to make out from the pictures and I could be wrong but it looks more like a top-end SGC Nanyo Bass Collection to me. What does it say on the truss rod cover, and what is written on the cover plate on the control cavity?
  5. Would that be Michael Williams? I don't know him personally. Mark Stuart taught my son electric guitar from beginner level and he passed RGT Grade 8 when we realised it was worth UCAS points. It sounds as though @Stippy is already making good progress and enjoying himself.
  6. @GisserD is the basschat guru of 3D printing.
  7. Nice video. I think I could have safely skipped the first 8 minutes of chat. There's a lot of guidance here that is applicable to being a better musician whatever style you're playing in. I'd tend to agree with Duckyincarnate . It would be a shame if lack of fluency on upright got you fired from the gig before you got started. Bilbo has played some Brazilian music and would be a good person to talk to.
  8. That's cool, I'm going to start now and I should have just about cracked it by the time I'm 90 🙂
  9. They said don't talk, dont move your jaw and sit still, but didn't give me a bite block. Even if they're not a perfect fit, they're going to be a lot better and more comfortable than the reusable foam ones.
  10. Me three - I bought a set of the small ones for my ZS10s and they are really good, much better than the stock ones. I'm awaiting some motorbiking ear plugs from Mercury Audio - they were doing a deal at the bike show and took an impression while I waited. They also make in-ears with varying numbers of drivers. I'll let you know what the motorbiking plugs are like.
  11. So it is. Thank you BRX! I should have known that, I have one in a cupboard somewhere!
  12. Smoothhound is centre positive, you'll need an adaptor for that as well.
  13. It might work with a Hondo Alien - no truss rod, just an aluminium neck.
  14. OK, need the space that this is taking up . Any interest at £60 before I stick it on Gumtree?
  15. A '70s JMP is what, an an all-valve head? I'd think that would be fine for bass, it's what we used to do in the '70s. The cab isn't worth risking at anything louder than bedroom volumes though and it's pretty unlikely that it will ever sound ampeg-like. Youd probably do better to find a small bass combo.
  16. I have been using an EBS Neo 2x12 cab for several years. Hadn't realised how much I liked it until I sold it, and had to go and buy another one. Slight mid-scoop which suits me but can be EQ'd back in if you like. 4 Ohms only though, that's quite common I think.
  17. That looks great, and not beyond the bounds of possibility for anyone who can hold a jigsaw. What did he use for the three cross pieces?
  18. Great shout out @chris_b I'm another long-time admirer of his playing. Love this groove.
  19. Welcome Stippy. I'm not quite sure what prompted Geek99's outburst, but it doesn't necessarily hold true for all guitar and bass teachers. Will Hessey from Ipswich and Mark Stuart from Felixstowe are both professional musicians and teachers who teach guitar and bass and would be good choices to get you started. There's a weekly jam night on Thursdays in the Salutation, run by Martin Webb who also runs the drum shop, which tends to attract a range of capabilities. There have also been occasional beginners sessions or slow jams in places like the Kingfisher but they tend to be one-offs.
  20. I built a box with 4 footswitches in, 1 latching and 3 non-latching, for the switching options on my Roland AC-60. Think the cost of all the bits was about 25 quid.
  21. Beware the induction loop lest it interfere with thy single coil jazz pickups!
  22. It'll stop if it's a series loop. If it's a parallel loop, there's a blend of loop and pre-amp signal gets sent to the power section, so the dry signal will still be heard. If it is a parallel loop, you probably don't want to put a HPF in the loop, which is where I was going with this. You want certain effects to affect the whole of your signal, not 50% of it.
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