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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. That is because this thread is old, really old, and the pictures will have been lost on the move to the 'new' site, a couple of years ago.
  2. Agree with this. I have a Nordstrand in my 5-string which is also a big improvement on the standard. I've used the Artecs too and they're OK until the pots start crackling.
  3. 5-string P/Js are relatively rare. I had one and traded it to Skezza, but I haven't seen many others. The other option is to change the JJ pickups - mine now has Delano stacked humbuckers which do a pretty good impression of a P. The 5th string is OK - not as good as my BBNE2, but then that's what you'd expect.
  4. Yamaha Music London have spares for most everything, but at the prices they charge it'll be cheaper to buy an 1024x.
  5. I think it's a feature of the forum software. It stops the unscrupulous for putting up an ad priced at £25, then editing the price to avoid paying the listing fee.
  6. I had the same symptoms (couldn't lift my outstretched arm to be parallel with the ground, at 90 degrees to my body). It wasn't related to bass playing. Physio determined it was due to tension in my neck muscles, and several sessions of neck massage later it was fixed, with no re-currence. The Osteo/Physio route is good, but worth a visit to the GP first - in my case the GP gave me one of the practice 'credits' so it was done on the NHS.
  7. I had one for a while and wasn't impressed with the octaver or the synth.
  8. If weight is an issue too, maybe it would be worth getting Maruszczyk to make you a chambered Jake with Jazz neck. Probably still be cheaper than a US fender.
  9. This looks great. It's a very similar colour to my SB465, both the top and the staining.
  10. DHA VT1 pro has a DI and a headphone out, both with a gain control.
  11. Pretty sure this is a Bb Cornet, not a trumpet. You might do better with this on The Mouthpice, www.themouthpiece.com , they have a classifieds section and thats where the brass band dudes can be found.
  12. Some Japanese not-for-export basses have slimmer necks, somewhere between Jazz and Precision. I have a PB70US which is like this.
  13. Quite challenging this. My Bass Collection SB310 is pretty light, but 7.8lbs according to my scales.
  14. Is it right that with Band Mule you need a different email address for each band you're in? That wouldn't work so well for me.
  15. The allen key will probably be an Imperial size - if your set is metric there won't be one that fits. Don't know the exact size though.
  16. I'd like to withdraw my recommendation for wheresthegig. The charging model has now changed and you need a $5/month minimum subscription . We'll probably go with bandwerkz.
  17. @Elfrasho it's not just you, they are very comfortable basses to play and the balance is perfect, as long as the weight is not an issue - mine is 10.4 lbs and most see to be around that ballpark. String spacing is 18mm at the bridge, just in case anyone was wondering.
  18. I had a solid state Peavey, I think it might have been a Mark 3, and an 18" Bass cabinet. THis would have been around 1978/79. Burman was available at that time, Muir Music in Manchester had several of them, but they were certainly out of my reach as an impoverished student. Even so, some people thought they were too cheap: Dave Lunt remarked at the time that, given the cost of the components, he wouldnt even plug his soldering iron in for the profit margin.
  19. I've been playing my BB800 lately, which is a similar age to this - what great basses they are, have a free bump on me.
  20. Knowing Me, Knowing You was on the radio the other day. What a great piece of work by Rutger Gunnarson. RIP.
  21. I went from Spiro Weichs to Presto Lights to reduce the tension, and it worked well for me. TheRev is right about the E string particularly though, the E on the Presto's isn't great and I'm thinking about putting the Spiro one back on.
  22. Take off the buttons. Add velcro. Waistcoat? What is this, a trad jazz band?
  23. Good to hear that you're having fun with the amp and looking forward to some more reviews when it's proper loud. I didn't realise that they had re-issued the classic design. I have one of the old iAmp 350 heads and, while it doesn't have the fancy input monitor, it does have the same tone stack. Very versatile, and very clean with no colouration. If your bass sounds like shite (I know yours doesnt!) there's no hiding place!
  24. You don't have to go digital to get the number of mixers: I have a Yamaha analog mixer with 3 pre-fade aux buses and a headphone output which can be used to provide enough mixes. Once the levels for mixes are set, you don't usually need to change them much from gig to gig.
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