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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. You could try sending him a personal message. Find a posting (there's one in this thread), mouse over the user name and you should get an option to send a message to him. And we could try this: @Low End Bee
  2. Yup, been there, done that, I was right and he wasn't. Didn't get the gig. This particular muppet was also the band leader and thought it would be a good idea to audition two bass players at the same time, taking it in turns. I should have realised at that point it was doomed to be a waste of time.
  3. There are no stupid questions. But there are a heck of a lot of inquisitive idiots :-) Just kidding. First question, yes, if you use the DI output from the Sansamp anything after it in the chain will not go to the mixer. If there is no amp downstream, you wont get those effects anywhere. And yes, you can use a regular jack cable from the last pedal in the chain and provided the cable is reasonably short (less than 5 metres or so) you probably wont notice a lot of difference. Since you seem to have 2 Sansamps, you could also put the second one at the end of the chain and just use it as a DI Box. You might also find that the sound engineer in the venue will expect you to use one of his DI boxes, so you could put that at the end of your chain.
  4. It's not a necessity. The transmitter jack will still sit in the socket even if the pad loses it's grip on the bass. You don't have the option with the Line 6 G30 transmitter because it is much bigger and more unwieldy than the SmoothHound, and you have to either clip it onto the strap or stick it into a pouch. It is 2.4 GHz only and there are no facilities to manually adjust the transmitting power or set the channels. It uses some internal smoke-and-mirrors to allow you to use up to 4 Smoothhound devices together, with a proprietary protocol which evidently does similar tricks to the Line 6 gear, but isnt' necessarily compatible with it. We could ask Chris. Which is really what funkyjimbob should have done in the first place - customer support from @SmoothHoundChris is normally top drawer.
  5. Yup. If you hold down the button nearest the middle for a few seconds, the display will flash a green cross and 'B' at you. Do it again and you get back to 'G' mode.
  6. Nope - couldn't get on with it. The Octaver was the best bit. Chris Graham summed up my experience pretty well : http://www.cgraham.com/chris/music/bass/super_synth/ Much as it pains me to agree with BigRedX, he's right about one thing: if you want synth bass, play a synth.
  7. I've tried most of them, except for the Deep Impact, and the only one I miss is the Korg G5, which is less versatile and less compact than pretty well anything else on the market, but was the only one with really useable sounds. How I wish I hadn't got rid of mine!
  8. All solutions have pros and cons. I'd rather have something that doesn't have to be held together with gaffer tape.
  9. Very happy with my SmoothHound too.
  10. Douglas is in France so he's on CET and therefore one hour ahead. I think this might be a browser issue in that case, I'm still seeing dates bass-ackwards in Firefox, but if I look at the same thread with Chrome or Vivaldi it's the right way round. Apologies in that case, please mark this one as solved. Weird indeed, but then we're posting to a bass playing forum, so goes with the territory.
  11. I've just noticed that when someone quotes a post, the date in the header is presented using US format mm/dd/yy rather than the expected UK format dd/mm/yy . This may be intended behaviour, but for me it seems wrong for a UK - oriented site. Comments, questions, thoughts?
  12. It would be nice also to see Lindsay Buckingham join the reformed Split Enz, although the hair might need some work.
  13. It doesn't - it has white pearl ears on gold machine heads. This picture doesn't really show them properly.
  14. Urban explorers web sites will give you some possible locations, but whether you can get permission to go and film at these locations is another thing entirely. www.28dayslater.co.uk for example. You'll probably have to travel: Hertfordshire is not exactly renowned for dark satanic mills.
  15. How about something like this - bonus is it comes in handy for putting up banners, lighting rigs, ... https://www.screwfix.com/p/work-platform-aluminium-600mm/5892p
  16. Very hard to find a decent Durham, especially for a band in Essex.
  17. I bought a DHA VT1 Pro from Walshy. It arrived promptly and was very well packaged indeed. Paul is pleasure to deal with and I'd certainly trade with him again.
  18. I've bought two basses from bassmanady, and somehow never got around to leaving any feedback. Time to put that right. The term 'basschat legend' seems entirely appropriate for Ady, an absolute gent and a pleasure to know and deal with.
  19. Sorry Al Krow, I don't know what to say.
  20. I think he means this is a 2003 bass. Can't understand why someone would vandalise such a lovely instrument. I'm interested in acquiring one of these, but not in this condition. £250-300 tops.
  21. In a pub party band doing soft rock/pop, soul, funk? I'd be running away at this point. If he was truly accomplished he'd realise that double-kick is totally inappropriate for any of these styles.
  22. Here's a clip of the late, great Roy Buchanan doing just that, with what appears to be a Fender Twin Reverb. What fantastic tone! Skip the first minute.
  23. Yes, I've got one of the pewter ones, just like the man himself.
  24. Aha, so this is now my fault? I was just trying to be helpful, honest :-) I'm glad it's gone to a good home - it's been there for a little while, lurking at the end of the 'weird stinky poo' rack full of old Vox phantoms. It does look lovely in black - one thing Yamaha learnt from making all those concert grands is how to do a gloss black finish. It took me a little while to get the hang of the pre-amp. It's capable of seemingly huge amounts of boost and cut on all 3 bands, and it seems to respond to dialling in small amounts gradually and seeing what effect it has. you can achieve huge tonal variation just by adjusting the pickup balance from one extreme to the other.
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