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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. It's officially called 'Pewter'. They made 50 for the NAMM show in 2011. Wunjo Bass has a brand new black one which is down to £1995, they've had it for a while.
  2. Anything sold in the EU is covered by directive 1999/44/EC, which says that retailers are liable for 'Non-conformities' for a period of 2 years. In the UK, the Sale of Goods act extends this to up to 6 years provided that certain conditions are met. So that's probably why people are asking for proof of purchase.
  3. Gigskinz medium mixer bag would be a good shout. I've got one with an EA iAmp in it, they're very sturdy. Think it might be just too big for the small size.
  4. Especially the Sting bit.
  5. It's in page 16 of the big Smoothhound Innovations thread in Accessories and Misc. I tried to post a link, but the stupid forum software replaces it with a picture of the first post in the thread.
  6. Whereabouts are you? There might be someone local who could help. I've had reasonable results using a bench mounted hand drill, and some decent-quality bits. Not quite the same as T-Bay's milling machine though.
  7. Still would have been wrong. This is a Banjo Mandolin, not a banjolele. A uniquely awful sound, even for a banjo.
  8. Wikipedia says 1972, with their first album coming out in 1973. Fascinating history coming out of this thread, I'm really enjoying it.
  9. Well done, an absolute bargain and should sound great with the TE.
  10. According to the report in the Guardian, he did wear ear plugs and suffered hearing damage despite that. Also according to the Guardian, there were a number of breaches of legislation relating to noise. An orchestra pit is a workplace just like any other, and the employer is responsible for carrying out the necessary risk assessments and if necessary providing safety equipment.
  11. Enjoyed that immensely. When's your book coming out?
  12. So will Mayonnaise, much less agrressive and marginally better-tasting!
  13. So this Fender Japan body/neck, with truss rod repair required, in what I think is a pleasing colour comes up as a possible project. I'm thinking £150 would be a fair price, would allow 250 fix or replace the neck and the missing hardware, and you have a bass which might fetch 400 on a good day - a good condition original example might make 600 = 650. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PROJECT-FENDER-JAZZ-BASS-1975-RI-OCEAN-TURQUOISE-GREEN-MATCHING-HEADSTOCK-/292479277315?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=Y6sTXxcDAF%2BRuh%2FYcI%2BskTFZFdE%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc But instead, there's a bidding frenzy, it goes for more than 400 quid! And then the winner parts out the body, for just over 150 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-Bass-Body-Crafrted-in-Japan-75-Reissue-/323166002360?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=Y6sTXxcDAF%2BRuh%2FYcI%2BskTFZFdE%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc Still no sign of the neck, the buyer is now sitting on a £250 loss, and I'm baffled. What's going on here, what have I missed?
  14. I think that was an ad-hominem attack aimed directly at me. Once I'd looked it up, having not heard the term, I was offended. But I am resolved not to engage in a battle of wits with the unarmed.
  15. There's at least one more like you, I was watching him last night and his enthusiasm and powers are undiminished. Bloke called Nile Rogers.
  16. At one point with the Pogues covers band, I was swapping between banjo, bouzouki, fiddle and mandolin for different songs, all 4 instruments routed through the same acoustic guitar amp which I used as a monitor and then DI back to the desk. Something like this would have been very handy - I cobbled something together using an LS2 and both inputs of the amp if I remember rightly.
  17. Come on, cut the guy some slack. How do you know he isn't dsylexic?
  18. I think this must be a US thing. I've never heard of anyone drinking green beer in Ireland or England.
  19. Some of those early Aria basses had fairly tight string spacing, but can't bring a specific model number to mind.
  20. The on-line training course provider Udemy is having a St Patricks day sale. I found out about this through the IsT courses, but they also have a large number of courses for music theory, music production, vocal techniques, instruments etc. Some of the price reductions are significant, if you sign up by 17th March. Disclaimer - I've no connection with Udemy, and haven't done any of their courses yet, so I have no dog in this fight. Make your own minds up, but it might be useful information for someone. www.udemy.com/courses/music/all-courses
  21. I guess I'm missing something blindingly obvious here, but it appears to be left-handed? Difficult to say really - can't really tell much about build quality from the clip. I'd think it easier to find a buyer for a known quality instrument like a Fernandes or a Japanese fender when you come to sell.
  22. Diego have an adaptor which allows you to power this off a standard 9v power supply like a Diego Powerstation - does that help?
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