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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Good spot - I think my brain translated it into millimetres rather than centimetres!
  2. It's the volume of air displaced by the speaker - the area of the cone multiplied by the distance that it moves. Assuming that the dimensions you've given are speaker diameters, it's not possible to say - you need to know what Xmax is for the speaker (that's the maximum distance that the cone can move before mechanical damage starts to occur to the voice coil).
  3. Didn't it already get used for Diana' s autobiography?
  4. Parcelforce specifically excludes musical instruments from enhanced compensation. This means that you can only expect to recieve between £100 - £200 depending on the service. Although they are quite happy to let you pay for enhanced compensation if you wish. Just don't bother claiming!
  5. I had one of these too, and wouldn't buy another. Pots will almost certainly be fixed straight onto the circuit board, difficult to repair. Usually when these go wrong the best solution is to throw them away and buy another. I'd walk away, there are plenty of options for cheap practice amps.
  6. I know I have, and still have it :-) Thanks for posting this, it's an interesting journey and some of us who fell into music by accident or circumstance would do well to remember how hard some people work at it. I was hoping that Bigfoot would inspire you to take up double bass though. It is possible to play a ukelele clawhammer-style like a 5-string banjo, but my party invitations seem to have dried up since I started doing it . Good luck for the future and never say never.
  7. £30 quid is a good price for this driver and gets you out of a hole. How long have you had the combo, is it out of warranty?
  8. GAK have a good deal on Laney VC30-212 - I worked with a guitarist who had one of these and it was unbelievably loud for its size. https://www.gak.co.uk/en/laney-vc30-212/3821?gclid=Cj0KCQiAw9nUBRCTARIsAG11eidc2F1-BUa2V89bTSSybU6dT1KqnY9m3r621aWXk1zpnyoYvjmPHI4aAqTrEALw_wcB
  9. Dunno how to break this to you Dad but the Bass Centre is no longer a shop - Brune St closed, what, 6 or 7 years ago? Bass Direct is also do-able from here, but is a moderate PITA since there are no trains and it takes about 2.5 hours to drive to Coventry. Peach Guitars in Colchester might be worth a look - the stock of basses is pretty lamentable but it's an amazing place worth seeing once in a lifetime.
  10. The Register is reporting that the Bluetooth interface on the Fender Mustang GT 100 combo has no pairing controls, meaning that anyone within range can connect a Bluetooth device to it and stream music to the device. Ha ha. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/02/27/fender_smart_guitar_amp_dumb_security/
  11. Apologies for the double post, no acknowledgement first time round. Can't find the 'delete' key either, not my day :-(
  12. Well that looks nice. If you don't get on with it, you probably won't lose a lot if you decide to move it on. Having tried both, I'm firmly in the unlined camp - you need to use your ears anyway, and I think it looks better. Side dots on the fre positions help if you get disoriented.
  13. Sorry, that's 3 Bass Collections - the SB465, a fretless SB320 and an SB310 that I should really move on. Plus the BB800 I've had since 1979 and a CIJ precision. Now you come to mention it, I guess I am a big fan of MIJ basses!
  14. I've downsized my collection and am down to 3. 100-150 is about the going rate for the SB310 (the basic active model), unless prices have jumped up recently. The one at 100 seems OK, the ones at 250 I reckon are overpriced. The one at 170 is an SB100, I'm not sure about these but they may have been made after the original SCG Nanyo company went bust and production got moved to other locations. To be fair, all the SB100s I've seen have been good quality. Mick the Greek has had a few of these, and Happy Jack is the font of most of the knowledge - there's a thread called Obscure Musical Backwaters in the Bass Guitars forum which contains most of Jacks research (plus a load of photobucketed empty spaces!)
  15. I still have it, but I don't take it out to many gigs - it's too nice, and I'm not doing a lot at the moment anyway. My go-to is an old Bass Collection 465 with Delanos and a Nordstrand pre-amp, that has a vast range of tones too and weights a little less than the BBNE2. Bolt-on neck though, so it wouldn't meet your requirements.
  16. Having owned both, I'd say it makes an even better P sound than the TRB5P . The combination of the stacked humbuckers and the pre-amp gives you any tone you want. Just because it looks like a Jazz, doesn't mean it is one.
  17. As I said in my post on 2nd January in this very thread ... More like 20 years, I'm sure the one I had was early '90 s Yamaha haven't entirely stopped making neck throughs. You want to check out the BBNE2.
  18. Excellent stuff, thanks for sharing the story. Isn't it fantastic to get a glimpse into another life. You did a great job, I think you might get the call again.
  19. It's a great octaver, even if the synth bits don't do anything for you.
  20. Probably best to avoid those people in future.
  21. Please could you post some more pictures of the strap button? The reason I ask is that in order to fit a KK Sound mandolin twin pickup, it needs to be possible to drill out the strap pin without interfering with the bridge.
  22. Barefaced are not the only game in town. I have an EBS 2x12. I can't imagine ever needing two.
  23. An unexpected birthday present from my son - tickets to see Chic in the RAH for the Teenage Cancer Trust. What an awesome present!
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