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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1505431929' post='3371940'] I'd like to get a MIDI pickup (Roland GK-KIT-BG3 - the internally installed one) [/quote] You probably know this, but a GK pickup is not MIDI.
  2. [quote name='Sparky Mark' timestamp='1504806508' post='3367497'] His 15 is 4 ohms already, so adding an 8 ohm cab won't work for the above mentioned reason. [/quote] Ah yes, missed that. Sorry n' all. Thanks for pointing it out.
  3. Dunno what bumf you're reading richardd but these have an internal 8 ohm speaker and an additional 8ohm extension socket to give a 4 ohm total load. I have the 110 version and have used it many times with an 8 ohm extension speaker.
  4. If you're not going to use a crossover, I'd also try using one of the group buses for the sub, rather than from one of the Aux mixes, which would then need to go through a power amp. You'll get a full range signal either way but the subs wont care, and you won't use up one of your Aux mixes.
  5. [quote name='Thunderpaws' timestamp='1504762700' post='3367068'] See if someone will swap your 15 for an 8 ohm cab? [/quote] He needs to keep the 15 and swap the 10 for an 8 ohm cab, to give a combined load of 4 ohms.
  6. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1504718721' post='3366890'] "Ex pro" Maybe there's a reason behind the ex... [/quote] Russ, you are reading my mind.
  7. [quote name='Steve Browning' timestamp='1504531217' post='3365467'] I used to play with Dave Mattacks [/quote] We are not worthy! We used to mike up drums so that the guys with in-ear monitors could hear them, even if we didn't need it FOH.
  8. Jason, I've got one of the Chamsys MagicQ basic USB-DMX , PM me an address and I'll post it to you if I can find it.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-41140441
  10. Thats a great looking bass, well done for finding it and rescuing it. Some of the gold fittings on my 465 have tarnished a bit, mostly the machine heads - bridge is OK and the knobs have been replaced.
  11. Phantom power is frequently 48V DC - is it possible you were over-powering it, and it has some kind of voltage protection circuit?
  12. Duesenberg Star Bass, I love mine.
  13. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1503932290' post='3361637'] "Strange request for a bass day :-) but yes certainly. If it's just fitting it will be around £20-25. Extra to string and set up to play." Shall I let him know you'll be there avec le Banjo? [/quote] Yes please, and in the meantime I'll try and get the old 5th string peg out. No need for strings and setup. Thanks for your help Nik.
  14. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1503747124' post='3360665'] [b]Ian Robinson, luthier[/b] Ian has kindly offered to come along again this year and do set ups and other techy stuff on the day. In order to make it worthwhile for Ian to come up for the day from the south coast for the day, it'd be good if he had an idea of any work that anyone might need. So, if there's anything that you need done on a bass, guitar, mandolin etc, please could you post up a request here so Ian knows what kit to bring up with him. Thanks! [/quote] If Ian would be up for replacing a set of friction tuners on a 1920's 5 string banjo with some geared tuners that would be awesome. I have the banjo and the replacement parts. He'll need a violin reamer and a 9.5mm (3/8") drill.
  15. I have Delanos and a Nordstrand pre-amp in my SB465. It's a monster, particularly the one in the neck slot.
  16. [quote name='TPJ' timestamp='1503672281' post='3360215'] I think Bilbo plays a 5 string, maybe he'll chime in. [/quote] I think Bilbo's bass has a high 'C' rather than a low 'B'.
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1503663790' post='3360097'] No offence meant, but given the general negative reaction to newer genres of music in this place, I feel uncertain whether you are serious or taking the piss. [/quote] I wasn't taking the piss. Offence taken.
  18. I have an old recording interface from Presonus called a 'Firepod' which does thist quite well. You can route mike inputs through the interface and out into the mixer, and take line feeds off everything else. You'll need to find a way of miking the drums and you'll still get some bleed through but it gives you a lot more control than just recording the main outs. Firepod is a bit ancient and works best with Firewire interfaces but you should find something USB by now, second hand , for not a lot of money. You'll have to factor in the cost of some cables too.
  19. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1503576539' post='3359306'] Or is Basschat just too rockist for this stuff? [/quote] I quite enjoyed that - the sort of thing you might listen to whilst going for a run or cycle. Got any more?
  20. WHy is this still here? Top amp, great price and Moonbass is a very nice chap. Have a free bump on me.
  21. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1503475249' post='3358454'] That could have been phrased better ... [/quote] Rather that, than Fleetwood Mac.
  22. It would be a dull world if we all liked the same things. Nathan East is pretty good if you like this kind of thing. Nice mellow sound for a Sunday morning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7YNKP_TBts
  23. [quote name='lownote12' timestamp='1503213734' post='3356407'] For those who think blues bass should be a melodic drum and never allowed above the 5th fret, and certainly never ever given a solo, and anything else is the Devil's work, I'm gonna call old Nick right out of his hole. Is there anyone on here who plays blues and has the hippy/ loony left/ revolutionary audacity to play a little bass lead? I'm not looking to start yet another bored Sunday morning exchange on the role of the bass, just to find out if any blues man or blues band is exploring the possibilities of a lead solo for the bass now and again. If so and you're that person I'd like to open a chat. [/quote] You need to check out the work of the amazing Colin Hodgkinson with Back Door, solo, Alexis Korner, many others. Here's Robert Johnson's 32-20 Blues to get you started http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVfqvIGLLp0
  24. The only way to find out is to try it, but I wouldn't be very optimistic. It's a guitar amp with a load of pre-built EQ circuitry, it's not going to sound great for bass and you'll need to crank up the gain which will increase the distortion. I had the same thing with the Crate Power Block, but that was more usable because you could run a pre-amp into the effects return and bypass the built in guitar distortion and EQ. For not a huge amount more you should find a used Gallien Kruger MB200, there have been a couple for sale in the forum here recently.
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