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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1500032783' post='3335245'] There is a slap guy in or around Ipswich - plays with JS and the Lockerbililes. I am sorry but I don't know his name. May be worth you getting in touch with him if you want to try slapping. PM if you can't find him and I will put you in touch with the bandleader whose details I do have. [/quote] That would be Murray Collins. Josh himself is not bad either. The other thing to think about is your setup. If you've been taught and set up by a classical player, it might not be helping you play slap.
  2. [quote name='Lazurus' timestamp='1499610949' post='3332482'] There are no slap teachers that I can find in darkest Norfolk, so any suggestions how to get going again, I have not touched the bass for couple of months........ [/quote] I am not a teacher, but if you are passing by sunny Ipswich I am more than happy to show you what I know, which will probably take all of 10 minutes, ha ha. I'm on holiday for a few days, drop me a PM if you're interested and I'll get in touch when I get back. SubsonicSimpleton, that is an outstanding clip. Got any more like it?
  3. Bit of compression maybe, low threshold, 4dB, fast attack, slowest release you can get away with?
  4. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1499344112' post='3330852'] Does anybody know of a decent tuner pedal with a display that can be easily seen under bright outdoor light? It may be simpler to make some kind of shade for the tuner, but if there's something out there that works better... [/quote] Can't fault the old DT10 in this respect.
  5. [quote name='Aero71' timestamp='1498989715' post='3328350'] [color=#333333]Quote from musicmanbass.org: "EB data base refers to this finish as "Special" [/color] [/quote] Well, they got that right for once! Stunning.
  6. Maybe. Mine seems to be OK and I'm not using particularly expensive strings - D'Addarios and DR Sunbeams mostly, with a .125 B . Comparatively rare this one, most of the 5's I've seen have been J - J , with the odd P - J. Looks quite nice.
  7. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1499011643' post='3328560'] Alas another requirement for me would be either a precision/soapbar/humbucker pickup somewhere near the traditional P position. Twin J pickups cannot give me the sound(s) I am looking for. [/quote] You should try a bbne2. That preamp is so good, you can get pretty much any sound you want out of it.
  8. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1498987249' post='3328327'] Sterling 5 would do it. Has a narrow neck but 18mm spacing at the bridge. [/quote] I thought all EBMM 5ers were 17.5 mm. All the ones I've tried have just been that little bit too cramped for me. A BBNE2 would fit the requirements.
  9. Had a gig last night in what I thought was going to be someone's front room - "just come round and play at my birthday party". I rock up with the bass, but no amp or preamps, to find a huge marquee with stage, 4KW, PA, sound engineer, 6 Bose monitors, lighting! I have a Shadow bridge pick up which normally sounds OK through the Phil Jones Bass, but is terribly middly on it's own. Sure enough, it sounded terrible. Sound engineer clipped a little AKG condenser mike onto the bridge, and for a cheap mic it sounded absolutely brilliant. I think it was an AKG C516: http://www.akg.com/pro/p/c516ml . I think I might have to acquire one of these and experiment further. Anyone else tried anything like this or have any other suggestions?
  10. Usher's Island - Andy Irvine, Donal Lunny, Paddy Glackin, Mike McGoldrick and John Doyle. I don't think it gets any better than this.
  11. Hertfordshire, according to the sig - I guess you're on mobile uglybugPete, the details aren't always visible? Damn fine bass this, wish I could justify buying it myself.
  12. Think of the smooth hound as a cable. Having two isn't going to help you with this. LS-2 is the way to go.
  13. Can't see anything recent, even using google as a search engine. Latest is from 2014, not exactly recent. Something is broke.
  14. It looks like a genuine 310 to me. I've seen the made in Japan sticker and the extra screws in the control plate before, on earlier models.. The only thing slightly odd is the serial number. It's not a 100 series. All 3 of my bass collections have Gotoh on the bridges. Too expensive though. 200 quid absolute tops for a 310 fretless.
  15. By the way, thanks to the OP for the heads up. If you hadn't mentioned it, I would never have known about it, so thank you for posting. I've just upgraded the firmware on my one, everything went smoothly with no issues.
  16. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1497295666' post='3317159'] We live and learn ! I didnt know there was a 2nd Egg from the Kent area. Yup, my Egg was Oxford based [/quote] They weren't really anything to do with Canterbury, although Dave Stewart joined Hatfield and the North some years later. Think they were all London boys.
  17. [quote name='stu_g' timestamp='1497222480' post='3316681'] is that the cricket ground?i work out of the hospital just behind it. [/quote] Yes it is the cricket ground. I grew up in Canterbury and cycled past it every day on the way to school. Happy days.
  18. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' timestamp='1496445050' post='3311576'] What seagull do you have? [/quote] See post #12. This one. http://www.seagullguitars.com/en/products/52-s6-grand-sunburst-gt-qit
  19. I recognise some of these 'new' effects from the B1on .
  20. [quote name='MarshallBTB' timestamp='1496572012' post='3312327'] Thanks, I'll see what reply I get from the retailer today and look into contacting the distributer then. [/quote] You shouldn't need to contact the distributor - your contract is with the retailer, they should do this on your behalf.
  21. Major Minors bootcamp articles on this very forum have a lot of great theory information.
  22. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' timestamp='1496247093' post='3309916'] [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/acoustic_guitars_detail.asp?stock=170125306619001"]http://www.guitargui...170125306619001[/url] This has caught my eye... [/quote] That has the same electronics as my Seagull, which is also a Godin brand. The amplified sound will be excellent.
  23. Of those, the MXR was the best choice for me because of the monitoring capability, plus you have conventional controls for attack, release, threshold, compression and make-up gain. If you wanted to spend a bit more the Keeley Pro is probably as close as you can get to a studio rack compressor in a pedal, but is a bit larger in terms of footprint. If you wanted a cheap way to experiment, the compressor models in the Zoom MS-60B and B1On are very good, there are clones of the EBS, DBX166 and a couple of others to play about with.
  24. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1495908407' post='3307518'] Jools/Squeeze were about as punk as Boyzone, but that's what I mean. [/quote] On the other hand, he did play on this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J34zX-JsOrI I'm struggling with the concept that adding a bit of prog would make the show look a bit less cliched :-)
  25. Ha ha. It was this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/272674059246?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
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