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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. bitsbox.co.uk or banzai. Try asking in the DIY Effects Thread in Effects, you might get some more recommendations there.
  2. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1492938495' post='3284184'] Bolt it to the floor ? :-) [/quote] Good shout. I have some surplus 4lb lead diving weights, screw a few of them to the bottom!
  3. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1485779805' post='3226566'] I find it almost impossible to refind posts on TB. Its so huge and the search engine seems to throw up inconsistent results. A guy set up a signal generator into a LMII and an oscilloscope on the output. The Tube thing was based on my assessment with the Tube 500 on no tube sounding the same as the LMII. [/quote] This one by any chance? https://www.talkbass.com/threads/epifani-ul502-vs-markbass-little-mark-ii-lmii-my-comparisons.363655/page-12 Found using google with site:talkbass.com as one of the search terms, works on Basschat too.
  4. I have an Japanese pb70us not-for-export model which has a 38mm nut and slim neck, try and find one similar. Could also be a technique adjustment. I also have tiny hands but no issues playing Yamaha trb5p neck or upright. Where is your left hand thumb, on the back of the neck or wrapped round the E string side?
  5. For 40 quid, how picky are you going to be? The plywood to build the cab would cost more than that.
  6. If you can get it to Ipswich, i will be in Birmingham on Monday 24th, any good?
  7. It's a million-to-one chance, so it's bound to happen.
  8. I think he gets that, Chrismanbass, he will need a special cable to wire 2 cabs in series. 2 cabs will sound louder than one because they are moving twice as much air. It doesn't matter whether the load is 4 ohm or 8 ohm.
  9. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1492352896' post='3279599'] I find his annoying smugness just too much for me, [/quote] Well it is what it is, you might as well criticise a terrier for trying to shag your leg: it's just what he does and there you go. Did this get shown on Tuesday night? If not, that's seriously weird.
  10. Fender P out of a Japanese not-for-export and SGC Nanyo 5-string Jazz set any good to you?
  11. Hopefully you'll have a happier experience with this Chinese knock-off than people have been getting with the fake Elixirs!
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1491896861' post='3276149'] It it an originals venue, or a covers gig? [/quote] Both, and also puts on the odd singer songwriter or folk band on Sunday lunchtime.
  13. [quote name='Tonteee' timestamp='1491828775' post='3275659'] A Bandcamp or Soundcloud page is still a useful tool, but I agree that physical copy is a bit 2005. Cards (IME) with a Web address for tracks / videos work just as well for physical presence and are 10 times cheaper. [/quote] There is at least one venue in these parts where the landlord won't consider booking a band he hasn't heard before without a CD. He reckons he is working 15 hour days and doesn't have time to watch web based promos.
  14. [quote name='Dropzone' timestamp='1491830355' post='3275686'] I did wonder about the truss rod, but thought the tension wouldn't be too much more. Ta [/quote] In my case it was slightly less, depends on your choice of string.
  15. I've done this with a Bass Collection. You're unlikely to have any issues other than a slight setup tweak - I found that the truss rod had to be loosened slightly due to the 'G' being slightly higher tension than the 'B' .
  16. I have an old Presonus Firepod which does this, you need FireWire though.
  17. [quote name='GregBass' timestamp='1491464924' post='3273170'] On the other hand, in 1974 I sold a 1960s Hofner Violin Bass for £15 - including its original case. It played like a dog and sounded like someone kicking a dustbin. Why do people value these so highly??? [/quote] Some famous bloke had one, name escapes me. Same thing with my Vox Wyman​, around about the same time. I can't believe people are asking 1500 quid for them now, i wouldn't give you 15p for one.
  18. The battery in a P retro isn't removable, it's wired into the circuit. My guess would be that it will go to passive mode when the battery is flat. The passive tone and volume controls are in the signal path for the active side. As Grangur days, leave it plugged in and see what happens? It's probably a dry joint on the pot.
  19. I guess you missed the part that says "Please do not use this forum to promote your own auctions. If you have something to sell put it in the For Sale forums."
  20. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1490815153' post='3268318'] So if you are one of these guys that don't want to go digital but want to explore IEMs further, I remembered that if you have a desk with direct outputs as above, then there is the nifty P16-i from Behringer for just short of 200 notes. [/quote] Ah, so could you also use this with a desk with no direct outputs, using one Aux mix instead?
  21. Put the strap on the button, then put the straplock onto the button. You don't need to fix the straplocks onto the strap.
  22. [quote name='Greg.Bassman' timestamp='1490895886' post='3268932'] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]Hi ikay. Cheers for your reply, good to know. My focus is primarily on 4-strings though. Many thanks.[/color][/font][/size] [/quote] There is a TRB4P, but they are rarer than a very rare thing.
  23. Since I figured out the 'across rather than up and down the neck' strategy with my 5's I find I hardly ever ever do anything below the 4th or 5th fret, unless it's on the 'B' string.
  24. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1490611307' post='3266337'] I'm still thinking my point is not being grasped. Do other people, on finding out from one's other half that you are a practicing muso, seem to think, for whatever reason, that she should attend every gig? Is that not completely weird? [/quote] Ah I see. Not often. When we do encounter someone like this, they are usually satisfied by the explanation that 'er indoors doesn't really like weird folk music, prefers to go out with her own friends, and doesn't mind it if i am missing because she has one fewer child to look after.
  25. I think what Marc S is too polite to say is, "Local pick up from where?" We are good, but we are not mind readers.
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