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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1490376344' post='3264762'] Andy doesn't just sell basses, he sells smiles.... I haven't stop grinning since I left his house 48.hours ago, after buying a bass from him. [/quote] He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!
  2. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1490315707' post='3264318'] We've never told people "there and then", because we want to have a chat among ourselves first. But we always contact them within a day or so. If it's the right person, then why wait. If it's not the right person, why delay? Once you find someone who fits, that's it. [/quote] I wish that everyone took that approach, but it's unusual in my experience.
  3. Have you tried Presto Lights or Ultralights? I'm very happy with them, they're low tension, OK for slap and will also take a bow at a pinch if that's a consideration.
  4. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1490125817' post='3262450'] This isn't really the right thread to post that, but my 2p: [/quote] Plus another one - I'd prefer to see discussion of commercial product development in another thread. This thread is for DIYers buidling their own kit.
  5. I use a Tecamp Puma combo for just this.
  6. We use www.wheresthegig.com . It allows you to manage gigs etc, band members can flag days when they are not available and the whole lot can be exported into a Google calendar. Not an app though, just a web page, so it will work on any phone tablet or device with a browser.
  7. [quote name='Rexel Matador' timestamp='1490127989' post='3262486'] I’ve been thinking about trying to join a covers/function band. It would be nice to make a few extra quid playing music. Most ads I see state that your own transport is a must. I can’t drive and don’t really see me learning any time soon. So I’m just curious as to basschatters’ experience and/or opinions on this. Can it be done without a car? Well actually, I know it can, because my bass teacher does it, but I’m still curious as to what other people think. [/quote] In London or Manchester or maybe other cities with decent public transport this might work. In the rest of the civilised world, you will get the gig if there is no-one else, or if you are so much better than everyone else that the rest of the band agree that they will transport you. In the real world this might happen for singers or keyboard players, but rarely for non-scarce resources such as bass players. So ask yourself, what do i bring to this band over and above other bass players, that is worth the added hassle for someone else in the band to make a potentially significant for to pick me up and drop me off? Usually if the difference is between someone with transport and someone without, you can see who is going to be offered the gig. Offering to pay fuel costs for someone giving you a lift is the minimum.
  8. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1489935232' post='3260914'] Yup, that's it, as far as I remember. I got as far as plugging the instrument in, checking that the three pots all did something and then started taking it apart. [/quote] I never understood why they did that. Unless you have both volumes on the same setting, it used to hiss like a bastard.
  9. If it's the same as the OLP 5-string MM3 that I used to have, it will have two volume controls, one apparently for each side of the humbucker, and one tone control.
  10. [quote name='JenniferAnne' timestamp='1489583499' post='3258134'] Hahaha and also the fact that that word , the one I hideously mispelt will make or could create a new genre of its own )))) [/quote] Who put the cack in the Rocakabilly Who put the the ram in the ram-a-llama ding dong? I am with Marty, a little can be very effective but goes a long way, especially if there is a drummer. Jack you are never too old you just need lighter strings and it will keep the arthritis at bay!
  11. [quote name='alaskaleftybass' timestamp='1489463327' post='3257135'] Thank you! Ummm, how do I do full editor on the title??? [/quote] Use the 'Edit' button on the first post in the thread, then select Full Editor and the title comes up in a box above the message.
  12. Very nice bit of woodworking . You might want to think about adding a balanced XLR output for people who do things like DI off their Sansamp, or offer it as an option.
  13. A Woollies special, starting at a whopping £485! Think I'll pass http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Arbiter-SG-bass-guitar-sixties-made-in-Japan-/302222042160?hash=item465dd66430:g:MDUAAOSw2gxYn4vj This is more like it - never seen one like this before, anyone know what it is? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1973-Japanese-Made-Bass-Guitar-/192126398553?hash=item2cbba03059:g:u5UAAOSwTA9X3WL9
  14. Anyone have any recommendations for Android, or should I start another thread?
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1489403365' post='3256556'] Exactly. You run the effects that need to go before the pre-amp drive in front of the amp and those that need to after in the effects loop. [/quote] Ah, I get it - looks like I failed reading comprehension 101 yet again :-)
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1489329238' post='3256052'] Effects loops are most useful on amps with valves in the pre-amp, so that you can run the effects that sound best post-distortion in the appropriate place. [/quote] All the built-in effects loops I've ever seen have the 'send' downstream of the pre-amp in the signal path, so any pre-amp distortion is going to go into the loop.
  17. It's going to be a challenge to find another one in the same colour!
  18. Effects loops normally run at line level voltage and are intended for studio rack effects. This is a lot higher than the instrument level voltage that most pedals are designed for. Some pedals cope with this, others don't. Unless you know the pedal can handle line level voltage, the best place for it is in the signal chain. The other thing you need to know is whether the loop is parallel or serial. Parallel gives you a blend, usually 50/50 , of clean and effected signal. This may not be what you want, for example if you are trying to compress the whole signal. Some amps can be switched from parallel to serial (Markbass LMII and III can), some can't.
  19. I'd forgotten about Max. The SFX sound custom page does list a double bass interface which seems to do exactly what we both want - one piezo, one switchable piezo/mag, individual level controls and a phase selection switch. Max's stuff is of the very highest quality (I also have a microthumpinator) but I'd guess that we'd be back somewhere round the 300 quid mark! Be quite a challenge to shoehorn it into a 1590 enclosure. I have an LS-2 and a Shadow piezo pickup, so I'll give it a go and see if it's useable.
  20. Good timing, I was thinking about building something similar (to balance wing and clicky piezo pickups) and had asked in DIY Effects for designs. £300 is more than I'd want to spend on this (my bass and pickup combined are probaby worth less than £300 !) and I'd want it to fit onto the bass so I can use a single-channel wireless rather than 2 cables. Schatten Mini Pre 2 https://www.thomann.de/gb/schatten_design_mini_pre_2_acoustic_preamp.htm is designed to do this, and can cope with Piezo or Magnetic pickups. I think you could do this with an LS-2 in A+B mode, you'd need a jack plug in the input to switch it on. The input impedance of the LS-2 is listed as 1 Mhz which is OK for piezo pickups. But once again too unwieldy to fix to the bass.
  21. I have a briefcase, which is basically a bass buddy with a 100W power amp and 2 5" speakers. It's barely loud enough for a rehearsal with a quiet drummer.
  22. Sell a bass? Sorry, not clear on the concept you're going to have to take me through this one slowly.
  23. Thanks Charlie, I will check those out.
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