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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1487278550' post='3238657'] So, anyone recognise ANY of these at all? I love 'em! [/quote] I was a big fan of Horslips and still have the first LP on vinyl, the one with the concertina-shaped cover. Never liked Iona though. Much more into Alba. I'd like to nominate Any Trouble - perfectly crafted and performed pop for now people, disappeared without trace possibly due to Clive Gregson looking like your least favourite geography teacher. What a pity.
  2. pete.young

    Gibson ES175.

    [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1486493472' post='3232284'] As an aside, Pete, I think Ovations came into their own in a live situation in the 70s as they nailed the feedback issue once and for all. It certainly opened up acoustic guitar for Rock bands in a way that other mic/pick up set ups couldn't. [/quote] Yes, there's no doubt about that at all. They were the thing to have at the time for that situation. You'd even find someone like Gordon Giltrap using Ovations live but always recording with his Fylde acoustics. I think that is an area where modern advances have made an impact - I have a £450 Seagull with built-in electronics which can be amplified to 'f loud' without causing feedback, and it even sounds like a quality instrument. Anyway, when you get one you're welcome to come round so we can compare it with my '70s Fylde and re-live all those arguments again :-)
  3. Don't know about the Classic Line, but I love the EBS 2x12 Neo cab so much that when I stupidy sold it I had to go and buy another one.
  4. There are some helpful videos by Kid Rocker on YouTube. Here's one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bAba-JrjQY Basic slap should be doable, if you can nail the first 12 or 13 minutes or so of that video you'll be fine.
  5. pete.young

    Gibson ES175.

    Real acoustic guitars sounded better in the '70's too, it's not about 'advances'.
  6. Mark Packham from GAK is a member on basschat, maybe drop him a PM.
  7. pete.young

    Gibson ES175.

    [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1486108338' post='3229228'] Have sold it. Ovation Custom Legend here I come!! [/quote] Thought you were looking for a quality acoustic, not something made out of a fibre glass toilet bowl!
  8. I have Status Half Rounds on my Duesenberg, these are available in medium scale (although the D is a short scale bass it has a tailpiece and needs the extra length. Or at least they were - I think Status may be having problems with supply so probably best to give them a ring.
  9. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1486042675' post='3228721'] That's not the case Pete. Have a gander over on Talkbass (and Finnbass). Many recommendations for 1st in the chain. Removing the sub frequencies FROM the pedals in the 1st place is considered good practice. I had an email from Max at sfx confirming the validity of placing it 1st too. I can't find it as I delete fairly frequently. [/quote] Well we live and learn. Normally I wouldn't go within a million miles of Talkbass, but it seems that Max posted the same advice in a thread there: He said: "Strictly from a technical viewpoint, I think the micro-Thumpinator works at its best just after the bass. The main reason is that as soon as the subsonic content is removed the better it is for everything that follows. Having said that, some bassists use it very successfully between pre and power amp. This is why I recommend trying it in different positions." I think he means different positions in the effects chain :-) Since it also works at line level, I guess you could also put it in the effects loop, although that would only make sense with a serial loop. On the subject of not being able to re-find things, I'm almost certain that someone put a Zoom B3 on a spectrum analyser and that produces virtually nothing below 30Hz, but I'm damned if I can find the reference.
  10. [quote name='fiatcoupe432' timestamp='1485291405' post='3222893'] . this is interesting as im looking into something like that too ..... i think this does not resolve the issue as all i could find is that the ABY has one input and 2 output . i think that what is needed is something with more input and one output which can be send into the looper input and then on the amp. [/quote] The AB/Y pedal can also be used with two inputs and one input. Where it's likely to fall down is the need to balance the signal strength of the inputs, particularly if you want to use it with a microphone and an instrument.
  11. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1486024491' post='3228537'] This is much debated I'm thinking that with a compressor/tuner/octaver/overdrive/fuzz/chorus/flanger setup I put the MT 1st to keep the sub 30Hz stuff out of the pedals as well as the amp. It seems to work. [/quote] Only by you it seems Peter, everyone else I know puts them as the last element in the chain to ensure that the pedals don't introduce any sub-frequencies. The only thing I might want downstream of it is a DI box.
  12. That's good - I'd heard he wasn't well and had stopped working. I'm pleased that he's OK. Martin fixed my '80s Ibanez Chorus, very nice chap.
  13. Oh yeah. Got to say the title of the other thread didn't help.
  14. Slightly cheaper option from Mooer: https://www.thomann.de/gb/mooer_pedal_controller_loop_6.htm?glp=1&gclid=Cj0KEQiAiMHEBRC034nx2ImB1J0BEiQA-r7cttWM-qiZzVH_MCwRC5DJENstY_bJBfUy25HsLSQWt8MaAv3N8P8HAQ
  15. A Fresher jazz bass. I don't think we've seen one of these for a while: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Fresher-Bass-Guitar-1975-made-In-Japan-/232216063265?hash=item361127ed21:g:pWgAAOSwopRYh4ZD
  16. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1485866520' post='3227276'] Thanks Pete, but I was using a historic request to make a point. ChrisB came to the rescue at the time. Yes, lovely part, and very straightforward but at the time I just couldn't hear the intervals! [/quote] No worries. I know what you mean too - normally I don't have any problems, but there are one or two exceptions, that run in the intro of Black Velvet springs to mind, took ages to figure out.
  17. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1485847965' post='3227081'] Mine was Bonnie Raitt's I Can't Make Yo Love Me - just couldn't hear the intervals properly. I got the same response, which frankly was as much use as a one legged man in an ar5e kicking contest! [/quote] I must have missed the original request. Do you still need this Mykesbass? I can hear it clearly and can have a go at tabbing it or rendering it in fly sh*t if you still want it. Beautiful tasteful bit of fretless playing by the great Hutch I believe.
  18. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1485627074' post='3225460'] I found the SmoothHound to be way more reliable...not as much range, but no drop outs and a really solid performance. [/quote] And, there are no worries over the battery cover on the transmitter threatening to self-destruct.
  19. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1485608542' post='3225268'] Have you heard about Marc Bolan? [/quote] There's some good news - his car wasn't written off!
  20. Excellent work there Ian, hope the run keeps going a while longer. It's all coming back to me now - I watched the clip from Graham Norton when it was broadcast, after turning over from 'Later' on BB2 which featured possibly the worst performance on TV I have ever seen, by Madeleine Peyroux. I remember thinking at the time what a fantastic voice Amber Riley has, I think she's great.
  21. As far as I know, yes. I've just powered it up and all the right lights come on, but I've got no way of testing it further since I sold my VB99. It worked properly the last time I tried the two together, and it's been sitting in a cupboard ever since.
  22. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1485347285' post='3223268'] Ooh that is a looker. Although it looks like it may have the same preamp as the TRB1005 I tried the other day... [/quote] It's different - the BB2004 has a 2-band EQ plus mid cut switch and frequency selector, the 1005 has a 3-band EQ. The 1005 is also a 35" scale bolt-on . The BB2004/2005 is a later design and a newer generation of pre-amp which has much more in common with the BBNE1. There is a BB2005 for sale in the forum here, but I thought you didn't want active. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/296915-yamaha-bb2005-nathan-east/page__p__3208381__hl__yamaha__fromsearch__1#entry3208381
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