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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Honestly, unless the Ibanez has some kind of serious fault, or you're doing several hundred gigs a year, it's not going to make a noticeable difference. I leave my Bass Collection, or my BBNE2 plugged in between sets and after sound checks, and change the battery every couple of years , but the old batteries still have more than enough voltage to power the basses.
  2. It might help his sale. if he is prepared to reveal his location...
  3. Seems like a good opening price for one of these. Any of you experts know what it is and roughly how old?
  4. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1482579161' post='3201528'] In my early days the bass went on the roof because cars were really small back then. I wish I had some pics. [/quote] Me too. In what would now be called a gig bag, then wrapped up in a waterproof tarpaulin and tied into the risk of my old man's car. It also had to carry a 4 piece band, instruments and a small PA system so space was a bit tight. I used to know another bass player who carried his bass on the car roof. He would go to a gig, have a couple of pints (far more socially acceptable then than it is now), drive home. On at least one occasion he forgot the bass was there and drive into the garage.
  5. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1482871385' post='3203264'] Perhaps, but I saw a Futurama up at £600 not so long back. I put mine in the skip, they really were that sh*te. [/quote] They're not all bad - I had a Futurama Coronado IV which I wish I still had.
  6. Diagram looks about right. Make a note of the original wiring - you'll need to put it back if you want to sell it, there's not much of a market for 2Ohm cabs. Think I'd want to hear that cabinet before deciding whether it was perfect or not. There are plenty of other good 2x12s, some of which occasionally come up for sale in the forums here.
  7. TrevorR, I hope 2017 is a good year for you. This year, I've re-affirmed that is more important to work with people that you love, trust and have confidence in. I've learned that the maximum number of guitarists needed in a band is one.
  8. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1482781249' post='3202731'] What would it be? The only condition is that it would be for keeps so not to go for the highest priced, sell it on and buy more Me? it's be the white BBNE2 [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/297411-yamaha-bbne2-white/"]http://basschat.co.u...ha-bbne2-white/[/url] [/quote] As always you have impeccable taste, but I already have a pewter coloured one. So probably that fretless Fender P from 1976.
  9. Some basic cab maths: 2 x 112 /neq 1 x 212. The bigger box allows the drivers to breath properly and the end result is much more depth and presence. If you do decide to go ahead and make a change let me know - I'll have that 2x12 back in a heartbeat. Then i'll have two of them :-) . All the best, Pete.
  10. Your question is essentially meaningless. The cab doesn't have any power to gain or lose. Power comes from the amplifier. The 410TX is rated by Peavey as 350W RMS and this won't change whether it is wired at 8 ohms or 2 ohms. These are very substantial and tough cabs (I had one for a while), but it's not possible to say whether an SVT-VR will damage it or not. If you decide to go ahead, once you've rewired it, start at low volume, listen carefully and turn it down if it sounds distorted. There's a wiring schematic here, second diagram down http://www.colomar.com/Shavano/4x12wiring.html. They're also pretty cheap second hand - the safest route is to buy another one and use them both to give you a 4 ohm load. That'll probably sound a lot better than a 2x12 too, though slightly less portable.
  11. You might find some useful information here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/223363-royal-blood/page__fromsearch__1
  12. I would guess he is doing it because Ampeg don't recommend you use anything other than 4 or 2 ohm load and he doesn't want to buy another cab.
  13. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1482603852' post='3201836'] Any recommendations for a pedal fixer? Thanks [/quote] Martin Owen, www.owenelectronics.co.uk , is brilliant and by the look of it local to you.
  14. If he has a computer, a Zomm B3 can be used as a usb interface. If he doesn't have a computer a Tascam bass trainer, very helpful for learning with. I wouldnt worry about live performance straight away.
  15. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1482509215' post='3201198'] This thing is coming out in January and looks like the perfect solution: [url="http://www.thegigrig.co.uk/three2one-c2x21928200"]http://www.thegigrig...one-c2x21928200[/url] [/quote] £140 quid though, not exactly a bargain!
  16. I recommend you try a SmoothHound instead. I have been using one for some time now for bass guitar, double bass and accordion and it works flawlessly. That's done it, it'll probably go wrong now!
  17. Solo4682 that's basically what I did. If you need to hear yourself, you'll need some bass in a monitor that you can hear.
  18. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1482431260' post='3200577'] I paid and then they phoned to say it was going for a once over (not with their advertised 'in house' luthier) and 4 days later they say "we can't get it working, the replacement pickups are expensive and hard to find - do you want a refund?". [/quote] More porkies. Aaron Armstrong does a drop in replacement for Aria pickups.
  19. I've seen it done. The results were terrible. I can't see any point when mint condition Bass Collection SB315s are being sold on eBay for 155 quid, it would cost you that for a bridge and an extra machine head.
  20. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1482322481' post='3199523'] Interesting there appears to be a bit of a resurgence in Ashdown love. [/quote] People have short memories! But have you seen the new designs for lightweight fire extinguishers ? :-) [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1482337745' post='3199713'] not sure 3kg counts as heavy though :-) [/quote] I'm not sure why people seem to be using class A/B as a synonym for heavy, my Markbass LMII is class A/B and weighs virtually nothing.
  21. [quote name='Tuco' timestamp='1482254863' post='3198964'] What's the pumpernickel ?? [/quote] "The Pumpernickel is a dbx160a isnpired compressor, optimized for bass players."
  22. Anyone ever seen a DB53 before? I haven't! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Collection-DB53-5-String-Bass-Guitar/291976838297?_trksid=p2047675.c100012.m1985&_trkparms=aid%3D777003%26algo%3DDISCL.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D38661%26meid%3D9f8ffed562bc41148d5e7c7ed046acdc%26pid%3D100012%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D262767734236
  23. Why does he need a compression pedal - what problem is he trying to solve? A studio compressor will handle guitar, bass, vocals or anything else, so in that sense the bandmate is right. You can't say whether a guitar pedal will work or not. It might be fine, terrible, or have no noticeable effect. Suck it and see if it, er, sucks. Active vs Passive doesn't make a difference, and its not always true to say that basses have a higher output than a guitar - I have an electric with 18V EMGs which puts out a huge signal.
  24. It's just a piece of shorthand. Instead of writing in a '#' sign before every individual note, it's done once in the key signature.
  25. Somebody needs to snap up this Satin Red SB315. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/262767734236?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT £155 is way too cheap!
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