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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Likewise the 2-band Nordstrand that I retrofitted to my Bass Collection. I can't imagine ever using passive mode though, the difference is night and day.
  2. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1482237145' post='3198676'] I thought they had "tamed" it on the later ones, must have been extremely "hot" if the pad on the mixer could not tame it though. [/quote] I wondered if it was because people were plugging them into the mic preamp input rather than the line-in.
  3. Not having this thread as a sticky is a right pain! Allt his talk of soldering surface mount components for the B3K/Vintage clones has me wondering if it's possible to socket the ICs for these designs. Anyone tried this?
  4. The Radial Bigshot I/O is another option - I've never used one of these but it's designed to do the same thing. These, and LS2s come up for sale on the Effects For Sale forum occasionally, so you might find a second-hand one.
  5. You might do better with a small mixer with line and audio inputs and a headphone output, such as the Behringer Xenyx 502.
  6. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1482120115' post='3197785'] Pinched my copy from Woolies. [/quote] Now that's proper punk rock!
  7. One good way to start is to do a search of this site, there have been a number of discussions on this subject. The basschat search function is worse than useless but something like "site:basschat.co.uk stage lighting" typed into google will give you some useful results. LED is definitely the way to go, but a DMX controller isn't needed to get you up and running, plenty of people are getting good results with just linking units together and using the default auto programs or light-to-sound that come with most units. I'd say it's more important to get units which are compatible with one another. Buying them all from the same vendor will achieve this. In particular, I've struggled to get KAM and Equinox units to talk to one another because they interpret DMX in different ways and really need a controller. Thomann has good prices, so does whybuynew.co.uk and probably also bax shop, though I haven't looked there for lighting.
  8. [quote name='radiophonic' timestamp='1482140274' post='3197861'] Have you used one of these? Provided there is enough adjustment and there are no buffer issues, it would be a cheap solution and lose me one stomp box. 20 dB gain ought to be more than adequate - i probably need a little over 10 (the passive channel on the amp has 1/3 of the headroom of the active but the Jazz is still a bit quieter if I put one bass in each input) [/quote] Yes, it's the swiss army knife of bass pedals and can be used to do all sorts of useful things. The gain controls allow you to boost each channel by 20dB and also to cut to virtually nothing, so you should be able to achieve a balance and then adjust the input gain on your amp and run through passive or active input as necessary. You would put one bass into the return of one loop, one into the return of the other and take the output to your amp. You'll also need a spare plug or patch lead to plug into the pedal input jack in order to turn it on. You could also put one bass into the the input, but you would then lose the ability to adjust the gain for that bass and would have to use that as a reference. You could also add a clean boost to one side of the A/B box as suggested above, that would probably be even cheaper but would increase your footprint rather than reduce it.
  9. Boss LS2 will allow you to put one bass in each loop, switch between the two and independently adjust the gain on both loops.
  10. I said earlier that I use a Thumpinator, but I've just remembered that the Ac Bs Pre preamp in the Zoom range (B3, MS-60B and B1on) can be used as a HPF.
  11. Nordstrand have a range of Stingray 5 replacements, including one with a 16.5mm spacing for OLP MM3 (just in case your Stingray 5 clone is one of these). Bassdirect stock them, and Delano too.
  12. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1481983940' post='3196760'] Ooh, a B stock fire engine. Yes! [/quote] I can get you a decent price on some 'B' stock water cannons :-)
  13. A very nice Yamaha BB800 from 1978. I'd really like to see it go for £750 - no connection with the seller, but I have an identical bass from 77/78, serial number a couple of hundred lower, and I think it would fetch about half that much on a good day! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/322360476739?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  14. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1481972452' post='3196649'] Stonking, 35" inch Stingray with wide spacing, just what so many people say they want so I don't understand why these are not more popular? [/quote] That describes the MTD Artist to a T, but it didn't sound like a Stingray. What I wanted was a 34" Stingray with a wide spacing. How do you get the pickup into the right place if you change the scale length? Ok, multiply the distance from the nut by 35/34 maybe, is it going to work the same way?
  15. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1481959412' post='3196522'] Damn you all foul temptresses.!! You got me gassing for an SR5 HS now. !!Did I hear somewhere that Ernie brought out a Stingray 5 with 18/19 mm spacing.? For me that would be a deal breaker and would so go for one. [/quote] As far as I know, they are all 17.5mm and that's been the deal breaker for me. That and the hideous pick guard ☺ I had an MTD Kingston Artist 5 for a while, 19mm spacing and SR5 type pickup. That was a nice sounding bass and easy to play, but 35" scale and I didn't really get on.
  16. Put your pictures on photobucket or similar and include the <IMG> tags .
  17. [quote name='DangerDan' timestamp='1481822554' post='3195482'] I've been looking for a decent HPF, what are people using? At the moment im using the depth setting on the fishman emulation on the b3, but id love a dedicated 'always on' solution. [/quote] Micro thumpinator for me.
  18. Yes, I'd be sending this back under distance selling regulations, assuming that they still apply. I'm surprised at this, normally their customer service is pretty good.
  19. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1481663963' post='3194192'] 418 anyone ? [/quote] The thread I linked to in #6 contains this story, about the Burman 4x18: [i]"Anyway, a local band called 'This Years Girl' wanted to try [the 4x18 cab] so they took it to the Lacarno Ballroom in Sunderland for a gig. I gave strict instructions DO NOT SWITCH IT ON UNTIL I GET THERE! As I arrived the bass player had switched on the amp, plugged in his bass and was about to pluck the bottom E string. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Everything went slow motion as i moved towards him. He hit the string and all the glasses of the previous nights drinking just disappeared from the top of a grand piano. I don't mean vibrated off the top, they actually disappeared and smashed to the floor!! Light fittings in the ceiling fell out and crashed to the floor! Worse still, people standing by the bar at the back of the room looked like they were vomiting beer!! I turned from the stage area and ran towards these people. As i ran from the stage to the bar, an distance of about 20 yards, i could feel the air waves of low frequency going up and down my body which made me feel nauseous. At the bar, the bass was punching and hitting everyone including me in the throat! I discovered that the people at the bar weren't being sick as such, they were physically incapable of swallowing their beer! I managed to reach the main switch behind the bar and everthing came to an abrupt end. Of course the bass player turned round oblivious to the mayhem and destruction that had happened. To him the sound on stage had sounded normal but the cab was producing ultra low frequency that is unaudible to the human ear but can destroy your internal organs at high volumes! I can't remember [color=#ff0000]Bumper[/color] [color=#ff0000]Brown[/color] taking delivery of the cab! In fact I can't remember much at all after that episode - it's a blank."[/i]
  20. If you can stretch to 169 you could have a Vintage V300.
  21. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1481578124' post='3193477'] Just chop the s off the https [/quote] Ah, so that's what happened. Thanks for sorting it. I think that counts as another bug in the forum software!
  22. I have the MXR and it's very good, very transparent. So is the Demeter Compulator, very subtle. The compressor sims in the Zoom B1ON/MS60B etc are very good too if you don't want to spend a lot of money. If price is no object the Keeley Pro looks like a proper studio compressor in a pedal box.
  23. If you like the CS2 keep it and get a bypass loop pedal, or an LS2.
  24. Beautiful and moving. Any excuse to post this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5nYX-iuUFk
  25. Yamaha tend to be wider, usually between 18 and 19mm. MTD are 19mm but 35" scale length. Used Bass Collection Nanyo will be 19mm . Sterling by Musicman are 17.5, which is borderline, thin to some, wide to others. Ibanez BTB are wide, the SR range probably too narrow.
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