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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Having gone from 4 to 5 specifically to extend the low range for a particular singer, I'd say make extra sure you need to do this - if I could have stuck with 4's I probably would have been better to do so, and so might you. How much do you want to spend, and are you looking for something made in a factory, or by a luthier or small-volume manufacturer? The best mass-produced 5er I've ever owned is a Yamaha BBNE2, which kicks sand in the face of all the opposition I've tried or owned due to the huge range of tones available from it, the quality of construction and materials, the feel, the string spacing, body contour - everything is right for me, but it might not suit you. It's not my gigging workhorse though. That's a Bass Collection 465 from the early '90s, modified with Delano pickups and Nordstrand pre-amp. The BBNE2 only comes out for special occasions. If you're specifically looking for passive, you'd do well to check out the BB1025 and 2025, and if you can tell the difference buy the more expensive one, I couldn't!!
  2. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1481277328' post='3191106'] There are lots of listings on eBay selling new sousaphones made in India. ... but the intonation is almost invariably out [/quote] To be fair, this is normal for most Sousaphones or so I've been led to believe! [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1481297979' post='3191352'] BBb Tuba, I used to Play for Yorkshire Imps. [/quote] We are not worthy! They are a great band, you must have played to a very high standard.
  3. Someone please buy this so I don't have to. Bassgurumonster, some pics on photobucket and including the IMG tags would help your sale no end, PM me if you want some help to sort this out.
  4. You need a copy of 'Standing in the Shadows of Motown'.
  5. Paging Ped and Kiwi. There is still some stuff on the wayback machine.
  6. [quote name='paul_c2' timestamp='1481206330' post='3190534'] Acoustic guitar(s) --> Acoustic band. [/quote] That's a shame, the American Old-Time band I play in doesn't have any guitars and is definitely acoustic, we frequently play gigs with no amplification or PA at all, even for vocals. I think the OP's instinct is right and that it's a bad idea from a marketing point of view to have 'Acoustic' in the name of the band.
  7. Korg DT-10, that's a proper tuner, and a TC Electronic Polytune clipon.
  8. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1480884627' post='3187858'] Hello all I went to see Turin Brakes (remember them?) at the Picturedrome in Holmfirth recently. Part of the fun of going to any gig for me is seeing what gear the band are using. [/quote] Depending on the promoter, the band and the venue, it's just possible that the backline was provided either by local hire or by local musicians. Not so long ago I can remember a call going out to musicians local to this area, asking for the use/loan of a Fender Twin Reverb for a gig, I think it might even have been for the same band mentioned above. I'm not saying it's what happened here, but it's a possibility. My experiences with Laney haven't been very positive bass-rig wise. Some of the local studios have them, and it's not very good. The 30W Valve guitar amp on the other hand is a decent piece of kit and punches above it's weight.
  9. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1480420659' post='3184188'] After seeing a few seconds of this video i encounter two problems (IMO). He's stringing from G to E wich will make it harder to wrap the strings around the post of D A and E because there's a string very close to it - more noticeable in other types of headstock, 3+2, et [/quote] In practice this is not an issue. I always usually change mine one at a time and have no problems winding round the post.
  10. Some ancient history: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/207309-kustom-4x15-cabinet/page__p__2665798__hl__burman__fromsearch__1#entry2665798
  11. Or even Pretty Fragrant. On second thoughts, maybe you were right after all!
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1479980511' post='3180705'] Us Northumbrians win at pipes. :-) [/quote] It's a close call - border pipes, Uillean pipes, [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRV-OWXICiAA[/media] I feel so fortunate to be living at a time when there are so many talented young musicians on the folk music scene, producing such marvellous music.
  13. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1480066489' post='3181356'] Yes. That's exactly what it is designed for. Accepts XLR or 6.35mm jack. If there's an issue it's with the plug. [/quote] Good shout - if it's a planet waves jack plug it will be slightly over size.
  14. If your effects loop is a parallel loop, which many of them are, you will get a blend of the effected signal from the loop and the clean signal from your bass plugged into the input of the amp. Some amps have a blend control for this, others fix it at 50:50 . This might not be what you want. The effects loop is normally designed for line-level voltage studio rack equipment, as elephantgrey says. My rule of thumb is that if it's in a 19" rack format put it in the loop, otherwise put it in front of the amp. If you put your pedalboard in the loop and it is a parallel loop, you will get the clean sound in the event of a failure. If it's a serial loop, silence.
  15. Many sellers don't seem to know that payment as a gift is not free to the buyer, if that buyer is not registered with PayPal. As someone who only purchases the odd small item via paypal I am not verified, instead I use a pre-paid debit card which limits my exposure. But, it does mean that if I have a seller who wants PayPal as a gift, not only do I have no buyer protection, but I have to pay a fee for the privilege. That's not normally something I'm prepared to do, unless it is someone who I've known for several years as an active basschat member. There is also a risk to the seller that if the buyer has an unverified account with no funds, backed by a credit card, then there is the possibility of a chargeback due to 'cardholder not present'.
  16. It's been quiet in here for too long! Reasonable looking Maya, respectable price, collection from Sandhurst: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Maya-electric-bass-guitar-uk-only-/272453042984?hash=item3f6f778328:g:vg4AAOSwPCVYBQ3e Satellite, think this is japanese but not certain, looks like a grotfest but might clean up OK. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/satellite-bass-guitar-electric-20-frets-/222320762468?hash=item33c3599e64:g:Tm8AAOSwcLxYMZ0P Nice looking Aria but I think the price is a bit too high: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-guitar-/322334385540?hash=item4b0ca06584:g:MzwAAOSwj85YMW3S Thunder 1A, looks in decent condition, price reasonable http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Westone-Thunder-1A-bass-guitar-/112210500056?hash=item1a204459d8:g:YA4AAOSwux5YMbLc And for Suzi Quattro fans (that's everyone, yes?) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-MIJ-Japanese-Ibanez-Lawsuit-Short-scale-Tele-Bass-/332020716222?hash=item4d4dfa12be:g:1PYAAOSwn7JYEUAM
  17. I have a Duesenberg Star bass strung with half-rounds, and that really does have a lot of dark presence and punch. I like the way it looks too, although I guess its not for everyone!
  18. If you can stand the ghastly colour, the project bass that Karlfer has just posted in the basses for sale column might do you - if the standard pocket is smaller than the 62RI it would be easy enough to find someone to rout out a bigger pocket. Isn't Andrew Guyton just down the road from you? :-)
  19. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1479726769' post='3178710'] This is very helpful indeed! Thank you! [/quote] You're welcome Dood, if there's anything else you'd like me to measure just let me know.
  20. My PB70US neck is 62.9mm at the 20th fret and 60mm between the 15th and 16 frets where it exits the neck pocket. I am not sure about taking the neck off but body thickness minus body depth under the pocket is 15.6mm. hope this helps! Mine has a slim neck measuring 38.5mm at the nut, spacing between the g and e strings is 30mm.
  21. If the sound out front is good and you''re looking at fitted earplugs anyway, maybe it's worth considering in-ear monitors to help you hear yourself more clearly?
  22. Listing ended. Looks very similar to this one in the US. Hmm. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1980s-Yamaha-BB300-electric-bass-GLOSS-RED-FINISH-vintage-rosewood/381757063407?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D38661%26meid%3D02da81d5d7bb4f92973d293905adcf56%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D322319181988
  23. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1479229950' post='3174929'] Were they brand new German ones? or Rockbasses? [/quote] Sorry, no idea. Not really my thing, Warwicks.
  24. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1479228407' post='3174907'] I don't think Warwick's are really stocked anywhere in the UK anymore. It certainly doesn't seem so. And even if there is anywhere that does, I'm sure even then they don't get sold due to the astronomical pricing. [/quote] Wunjos had a few Corvettes and a couple of Streamers the last time I was in there.
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