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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Tanglewood Elf EB-18 - they are discontinued but come up on ebay from time to time. 19.75 inch scale length, perfect for small hands. Takes me back, I bought one for my son when he was 7, where did that 14 years go?
  2. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1478767613' post='3171425'] The Unfortunate thing for me, is that back in the summer they sold a guitar on my behalf and after they took their cut they offered me the choice of taking the cash or leaving the money as credit for strings, setups etc. I wont see that again. [/quote] Well the website hasn't gone entirely. I think that makes you an unsecured creditor, it's still worth dropping them a note to find out where you stand .
  3. Have you thought about a Darkglass M900? That would allow you to get rid of the Sansamp and the Orange, and will probably take care of any distortion requirements.
  4. I think Ross Saunders was a member on here and used to be the owner of Valenti No. 42, a.k.a richardds red one . Superb playing all round.
  5. There is Bass Collection project guitar in the forum for round about the same money, which will need a lot less work and will be a much better instrument when the work is done.
  6. I'm tempted to find out what a vertical array of 4 of these sounds like, but I don't really have the space. These are proper transmission line cabs which I think goes a long way to explain the sound they make.
  7. I have a pair of these and they are excellent cabs, full sounding, very clear and capable of surprisingly deep bass sounds from a relatively small woofer. Great for double bass and bass guitar. Lightweight is pushing it a bit though, they are around 20kg each. Reckon folks in Wigan are tougher than us soft southerners :-)
  8. Sold a Zoom pedal to Paul. Super fast payment, great communications, top bloke all round, a pleasure to deal with.
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1477910104' post='3165127'] I was just trying to point out that I doubt most insurance companies would attract too much value to a photograph like that because it is so trivial to fake. [/quote] This was advice given to me by New Moon Insurance. I don't share your opinion that minimal Photoshop skills are required. A convincing fake of something with the texture of a newspaper requires a high degree of skill. If you think it's so easy, post a demonstration.
  10. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1477909549' post='3165121'] The short answer is yes - but for these speakers I would be using a HPF on the keys if you aren't using subs just to maintain some headroom - and anyway, you don't want the keys player in your domain anyway so it'll probably improve your mix anyway! [/quote] Thanks. Looks good. I normally run an 80Hz HPF on everything except bass and kick drum, it's built into the desk, and a Thumpinator on the bass rig.
  11. Do you think these DB cabs would handle guitar and keys too? My 5-piece currently have an aging but serviceable peavey rig with subs which belongs to the singer. We put everything through it and use stage monitors and a small bass combo on stage. Singer has decided to sell the peavey and replace it with a Bose L1 which isn't going to cut it for a full band. I can go back to backline for bass but I want to avoid guitar and keyboard amps and maintain some control over the overall balance.
  12. Regarding photos, take a picture of you holding the instrument in one hand and a copy of today's newspaper in the other. That proves you owned it on a certain date.
  13. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1477651818' post='3163565'] were you local then Pete? [/quote] Yes, I grew up in Canterbury and attended that hotbed of teenage angst and prog rock the Simon Langton school, a couple of years after the Caravan/Hatfield/Soft Machine crowd. Besides Martins shop I remember Reggie Forwoods a few doors down, Kennards in Northgate and Socodi Music in the Friars. Happy days.
  14. Put the 'dirty' bass into the main input, put the effects in loop A and the clean bass into the return of loop B, and set it to A -> B -> Bypass, then you'll be able to cycle between the first bass clean, first bass plus effects, second bass clean. I think - haven't tested this but that's how I'd expect things to work based on the manual.
  15. Amazing. I remember Martin Judd from the shop in Palace St and bought several things from him, including a Futurama Coronado bass and the first Back Door album. RIP.
  16. [quote name='AndrewJordan' timestamp='1477577914' post='3163128'] I prefer Hank's at the far end. Some cool gear in there. At highly inflated London prices though! [/quote] Isn't Hanks owned by the same people who own Music Ground and several of the other businesses on that Street? I wouldn't miss the Pillars of Hercules but woe betide any one who lays a finger on the Princess Louise.
  17. Jay bravely ventured into the wilds of Suffolk to pick up a drum kit from me, destined for the school where he works. Not many people would go that extra mile (lterally!) for their employers, so that tells you what a fine fellow he is. A very pleasant transaction all round, thanks Jay!
  18. This one raised a chuckle too: http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/drummer-wanted-for-jamming-t918179.html
  19. [quote name='AinsleyWalker' timestamp='1477445476' post='3162318'] Wunjo's is split into 3 shops? Guitar, bass and keyboard, all upstairs in different shops. [/quote] Not any more. Acoustic guitars and keyboards are now in what used to be Chris Bryant's old shop on the corner, Electric guitars are in the shop which used to have the keyboards and basses are in the basement of the same shop. This is IMHO a victory for Acoustic guitarists, who can now try instruments out without being blown away by loud electrics in the next bay.
  20. I've just sold a bass to Chris. Excellent communication and immediate payment. I would be happy to deal with him again, recommended. Thanks Chris.
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