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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1473281572' post='3128741'] I've no doubt about it working but I don't think it's a great image, especially being pure white and looking a bit like an Apple gadget (although that might appeal to some ). [/quote] You could try putting it on the back of the headstock - you can still read it, but the punters can't see it.
  2. Sorry to hear of your troubles thebrig. I know there are internet jam sites that can provide some interaction with fellow musicians without having to leave the house. I guess that there are also virtual bands, playing virtual gigs, though I'm not sure how the audience participation works out.
  3. I think I have tried pretty well everything that is available except for a midi bass, and the only thing that has been remotely successful for me at replicating actual recorded synth sounds was the Roland VB99 .
  4. I think that performance of Hard Times by Madeleine Peyroux was probably the worst live performance I've ever heard on British TV, and when I started watching there were only 2 channels.
  5. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1475520404' post='3146621'] 1970s/80s Yamaha. 100%. No questions. You'll never look back. And with what you've saved compared to Fender or other contemporaries you can buy two more Yamaha Precisions as back up in case the first lets you down. Which it won't [/quote] This. If it HAS to say Fender on the headstock, a MIJ or CIJ Not For Export model will give you Japanese build quality and reasonably decent hardware and electrics.
  6. It would have been helpful if you could have included the auction title or summarised the item - as it turns out I'm not very interested in any of these, but had to follow the links to find out what they were.
  7. Playing accordion or double bass (actually, a re-strung 3/4 size Cello) in my old man's folk dance band. The bass guitar didn't come along until a couple of years later, and then like Dood I used to sit in my room for hours, playing along to the radio and the top 40 show. Nowhere near this standard though. Forcing young kids to listen to that kind of thing is bordering on child abuse!
  8. Thank you so much for posting those clips. Wish I could have been there to see it for myself.
  9. Musikding looks interesting. Anyone tried the U Boat for bass, or know of a decent Octave kit that doesn't fuzz?
  10. I had an L2500 tribute for a while and it was a great sounding and versatile bass. I moved it on because i didn't like the string spacing which is quite narrow. Don't know if the US ones are different.
  11. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1474458515' post='3138149'] Very true, but in this case i believe that he's not doing Bass > Pedal > FX Return, i think that the bass in still in the amp's input and the pedal on the FX loop FX Send > Pedal > FX Return. Without more info from the OP we're just guessing now. [/quote] That was my point - putting a stompbox in the effects loop isn't normally something I'd recommend, although it works for some pedals it isn't guaranteed to work for everything, and will have a different outcome depending on whether the effects loop is serial or parallel or has a blend control. What the OP should have done is bought an Envelope filter with a blend control!
  12. A BDI21 through the PA saved my bacon on one occasion. You might also want to ask yourself why you need an effects loop. These are intended for line level devices and most stomp boxes are instrument level devices. If you do need a loop it needs to match your main amp for serial or parallel, otherwise it may not do what you expect. Knowing that you run EBS cabs I would suggest a Reidmar.
  13. Effects loops are intended for line level voltage effects, usually 19" rack. An instrument level effect may not work at all in the loop. Some do, some don't.
  14. Happy to report that my replacement stand arrived by post this morning. Fantastic customer service by Strings and Things.
  15. Mayonnaise works well too. Put it on, leave it overnight (somewhere the cat won't lick it off!)
  16. If you are in France, you'll need to contact whoever the distributor is. www.herculesstands.com has a 'find your local dealer' link.
  17. I've just had an email from a very nice chap at Strings And Things who has offered to send me a replacement. Excellent customer service as TheGreek says.
  18. Good luck. Let us know if you get a response.
  19. Mine too. A quick search indicates that this is not uncommon and occasionally leads to the stand failing! Time to find an alternative brand i think.
  20. I'm confused, is this 2.4ghz WiFi or Bluetooth, or both?
  21. Our set is mostly 80s and 90s. Everything goes through front of house, I use a small combo for on stage monitoring. Bass is an SGC Nanyo Bass Collection SB465 with mods, backup a BBNE2. Why do you ask?
  22. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1472810256' post='3124407'] I think that must be one of the most lethal loads I've ever seen in a car! [/quote] It's OK, it's not plugged in!
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