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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1472825629' post='3124571'] By golly I think you might be right! [/quote] I'm pretty sure he isn't, I have just read the manual for mine and there is no A into B mode.
  2. You can get some way toward this by using the pedal footswitch to scroll through the patches and putting the pedal in a bypass loop to turn it on and off. Maybe won't give you everything, but is simple relatively cheap and means you don't have to bend down.
  3. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1472421088' post='3121057'] To switch to an active pickup would need something like this: [url="http://www.emgpickups.com/bass/mm-models.html"]http://www.emgpickup.../mm-models.html[/url] [/quote] These won't work for OLP, the string spacing is narrower than a MusicMan and I think the case is also smaller. Nordstrand make a great olp replacement but it is passive.
  4. Cheap alternative is a Behringer BDI21 , saves you messing about with the bass and gives you a DI solution too. It is possible to fit an Artec preamp, these are cheap, around 10 quid second hand. This will need a rout for the battery box. Search for a thread in the forum called "pimp mah olp" it will tell you what to do.
  5. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1471730843' post='3115479'] 28K? That's amazing! My T Reg dissolved. I was changing the brakes one day when I discovered I could push a screwdriver through the rear subframe *gulp*. Needless to say the car didn't go back on the road! [/quote] Yup, always the rear subframe, the engines always pissed out enough oil to lubricate the front subframe and stop it from rotting ! I had a Mini Van in the late '70s, ex GPO. Great fun and surprising how much gear you could get in one.
  6. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1472057443' post='3118105'] The Jamie Cullum Prom the following day was good too. That guy certainly knows how to bridge the jazz , pop and rock genres. And did you see our own TheG on double bass with the Remi Harris Trio. Great playing, Mike. [/quote] My son sings with the Roundhouse Choir and the gig was a fantastic experience for him. So proud.
  7. Bass Collection SGC Nanyo should fit the bill nicely.
  8. EBS Proline 210 in the forum now for £325.
  9. Yes you are correct, and you can do the same thing with a brass band Eb bass part.
  10. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1470679042' post='3107610'] However MrMcgoo1964 has, on this very forum, a Yamahs BB425 5 stringer for sale within your friends budget. You'll see from the photo that this model has an extended length B string at the bridge. I'm not sure if it takes it to 35". [/quote] It doesn't, though it might help with intonation. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1470677945' post='3107597'] Not sure about 35" but a SGC Nanyo Bass Collection would be on my list? [/quote] 34", nice one for sale in the forum at the moment. A used Yamaha TRB 1005 would fit the bill if you can find one. Likewise a MTD Kingston, though I'm not ready to let mine go for £300.
  11. I went into the local electrical superstore to buy a kettle lead for my beer boiler and the staff there tried to sell me an iec13 connector. They didn't know the difference and I had to unbox an actual kettle and show them the difference before they would believe me.
  12. Yes, I think the MTD Kingston Artist 5 is going to be very close, but again not through neck. How do you define the position of the sweet spot with a longer scale length? PM me if you have a measurement and I will check mine to see where it is. Have to say it does sound very stingray 5 like.
  13. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1470150401' post='3103625'] The question is, will you be able to get any decent sounds out of it... and what's the cost? [/quote] Point of order m'lud, that's two questions!
  14. Have you thought about using a pickup with a blade magnet that runs the whole length of the pickup, instead on individual pole pieces? I think Bartolini make some and there may be others.
  15. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1469517379' post='3098860'] I'll add one other thing, Neutrik make a silent jack (NP2RX-AU-SILENT) . [/quote] They're great when they work, but I've had a couple of these fall to bits mid gig. I know you can in theory get them replaced under life time warranty but still not ideal.
  16. Second hand golf trolley, 15 quid or less! Don't get one that's too wide to go through a doorway, like I did!
  17. Neutrik from Audiospares seem to be a good price and customer service from them is excellent.
  18. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1469192114' post='3096490'] Sousaphones and Tubas are brilliant! Yes, they can sound a bit like the soundtrack of a very fat man walking down the street to buy the newspaper... but they can do a lot more than that. [/quote] I love Tubas. Tubas are brilliant. I played Eb bass with concert bands and brass bands for 12 years or so, until I became too busy with work and couldn't make rehearsals or find time to practice. Only very serious players can afford to own an instrument, in most cases the instruments are owned by the band. I dearly loved the besson sovereign that i was allowed to play and still miss it. In the right hands (not mine I hasten to add, but someone with ability and technique) they are amongst the most musical and lyrical of all instruments. Like many Tuba players, I'm a lot less enthusiastic about Sousaphones. In comparison they have poor or no compensation, the tone isn't great and it takes an exceptionally talented player to get a decent sound out of them. if you ask me the only thing they are suitable for is trad jazz, and for marching bands in areas where the risk of stepping in dogshit is high ☺ Huge Hands, if your band is offering you the chance to learn Tuba, I'd say go for it. I did, and didn't regret it for one second.
  19. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1469131172' post='3096069'] Learn to play tuba? [/quote] That's a Sousaphone. Horrible things.
  20. I have a PJ Briefcase and it would just about cope with this volume wise, but you'd need a bigger battery than the one that fits inside, that'll only give you about 1 hour. I'd be amazed if you needed 4 hours power though, most concert bands only manage 90 minutes in 2 or 3 sets, most brass players don't have the lip for much more than that.
  21. Although in theory they are in A usually they seem to end up closer to Bb. I have a reasonably decent Bagpipe sound on the V-Accordion and can shift the pitch. I could record something and send it to you if that would be any use? Sounds to me like the original was done with a keyboard of some kind, maybe a clavinet?
  22. I'm glad he is OK, he did an outstanding job for me resurrecting an old much loved chorus and was a pleasure to deal with.
  23. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1468885987' post='3094117'] I'll start, after more thought you realized the rehearsals and gigs are too far from where you live. Blue [/quote] If it was the right band, that wouldn't be an issue, only an excuse for some other reason more fundamental and awkward. Although I realise that we think 100 miles is a long way, whereas you think 100 years is a long time :-)
  24. I don't know why more people don't use ups on PA. It protects your kit from unexpected fluctuations in per supply voltage and You can essentially ignore volume limiters.
  25. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1468696000' post='3092757'] What about the Bass Collection ones ? Definitely lightweight and narrow necks too. There's one in the classifieds, seller could give you the spacings. [/quote] Probably not, they have string spacing of 19mm at the bridge and relatively wide flat necks. I would be looking at Ibanez.
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