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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Kiwi and I both had great results using Burman Pro4000 heads with EBS Neo 2x12 . Added bonus is that the weight of the amp stopped the cab blowing away in the breeze :-)
  2. [quote name='Manu Berdin' timestamp='1462300961' post='3041970'] Sold ! [/quote] Phew, thank heavens for that!
  3. Banjo player wanted by Waxies Dargle, a well established band playing the music of the Pogues. We have an immediate vacancy for a 5 string or tenor banjo, or a guitarist willing to convert. We have a mix of paid gigs and festivals and could take on more bookings with a reliable and committed banjo player. The band is based in Ipswich and gigs in Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk, with the occasional trip to Ireland. Vocals would be a bonus as would a bit of mandolin. We are not a tribute band so no dental work will be required.
  4. pete.young


    I have a Rally mandolin, a superb instrument made from quality woods including an ebony fingerboard and binding, less than £300 new. Not seen the basses before, this looks very nice. Purple Turtle in Stockport used to be the importer, they went bust a few years ago.
  5. Vintage V300. Superb quality and sound for under £150. One day I hope to get mine back from my son, who walked off with it at Xmas!
  6. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1461327024' post='3033706'] A pub I gig at now and again has reworked their menu as a tribute: The lamb koftas in a wrap are now Prince Of Persia The Southern fried chicken brioche is When Doves Fry The shared platter is Party Like It's ...£19.99 The 12oz rump steak is The Most Beautiful Grill In The World and the vegetarian special is Little Red Courgette [/quote] Washed down with a pint of Purple Reign, launched yesterday by Greene King to celebrate Brenda's 90th. Great timing, couldn't happen to a nicer brewery!
  7. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1461081523' post='3031286'] Incredibly touching story Kevin, thank you for sharing that..and here's to Jimmy [/quote] Yes, I will second that, very moving. Thanks Kev. I don't still have my first bass guitar, which was a Hofner Senator. I wish I did, but only because I wouldn't have been able to buy my second bass guitar, the most horrible piece of crap to disgrace the planet. A Vox Wyman, since you ask.
  8. Is there no end in sight to the bad news? Prince now. RIP dude to a true genius.
  9. All the early Nic Jones recordings, now lost forever in the morass of Celtic music.
  10. Some great advice here. The only thing I can add is that an audition is a 2-way street: you are auditioning them too. Are they what you want, are they good enough to be in your band? Good luck, hope it works out.
  11. I used to have a Tech Soundsystems NDS 4x12 which is perfect for this job. 27kg and wider than a Burman head, which is slightly wider than a BF Vintage. I sold it on the forum and it pops up from time to time.
  12. John, if you are seriously attempting to sell a £1700 bass on an internet forum don't you think it would be reasonable to take some photos that are actually in focus?
  13. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1459942947' post='3021064'] Orchestras don't play to small rooms of noisy drunks [/quote] Last night of the proms is a large room full of noisy drunks! Not tried the joyo but I'm very pleased with my TC electronic clip, better than the Snark it replaced.
  14. I have a Delano jmvc5fe set in my Bass Collection 465, along with a Nordstrand Preamp. To my ears, they are not particularly hi-fi sounding. Id say they are rich and warm , particularly the neck. They are also much higher output than the originals. Using just the blend control, I can go from a deep bassy sound at the neck to clean and sparkling at the bridge. They have totally transformed the bass and it now gives my BBNE2 a good run for its money in terms of tonal variation.
  15. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1459777053' post='3019473'] Sounds great though strings are a bit zingy at the moment. Plenty of tonal range with the active electronics. Any recommendationso on a good nickel would set up to .130 on the B? [/quote] I have DR Sunbeams on mine and they seem to really suit it. They are 45 - 125. The neck is very solid and with the 35" scale I don't think it needs a 130.
  16. Super twins are very loud. You'd be wasting your money on the rumble 410.
  17. This. I have an EBS 212 neo , it weighs 23kg and I can get a great sound out of it with my markbass head. If I were looking for one now, I would be looking at TKS and there's one at a very good price for sale on the site here at the moment.
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1459428891' post='3016469'] Cool.. when are you on? We're last on the main stage on the Saturday. [/quote] Nice one. I'm not playing, I'm there as a punter and helping out one of the Morris teams.
  19. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1459360545' post='3015838'] Apart form that, I'm playing at a few of the rootsier festivals - Beverley Festival, Music on the Marr, Clennell Hall... always good fun. [/quote] I will be at Beverley, let me know when you are on and I will stock up on ripe tomatoes☺
  20. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1459111090' post='3013656'] I unstuck it - we only really want to stick announcements and so forth. No point in sticking a forum thread, really? [/quote] I think there is a lot of point, particularly for a long running but slow moving thread packed with useful info, the kind of information that helps to give Basschat it's credibility. I also don't understand why you have picked on this thread but left the pedalboard thread in this forum, and virtually every other stickied thread in many of the other forums. There are many other threads far less worthy than this one. Another alternative would be to fix the Wiki. Please reconsider.
  21. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1459114933' post='3013690'] It only cheeses me off because I hate seeing all this hard work and energy that my fellow musicians put in being screwed over. - Yes there are great venues out there and they deserve to thrive, but the whole live music culture is a mess and plenty of venues take advantage of that. [/quote] Nailed as usual by dood. Maybe we need to go back to promoting events on our own terms and avoiding the trade.
  22. It seems that this thread has been unstickied. I think this is a mistake. if you agree please report it.
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