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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. That sounds like a replacement preamp has been fitted. Push pull is probably an active/passive. One will be blend and one volume, the others will be some combination of treble,bass, mids, tone etc. Originally you would have had blend, vol, treble and bass.
  2. I have the mxr which has a row of LEDs . definitely worth considering
  3. There was a conversion by I think John Shuker for sale a couple of years ago here which used banjo tuners for the octave strings. That's quite a neat idea and would work well with most 2x2 headstocks.
  4. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1458070122' post='3004436'] You'd be surprised how collectable some of these things have become. I'm not a fan (JapCrap got a [i]lot[/i] better) but looking at this guitar, it's a Kawai/Teisco build - the "gold foil" pickups fitted to this are particularly sought after and alone can sell for rather more than you'd expect: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-60s-TEISCO-GOLD-FOIL-RY-COODER-NECK-PICKUP-JAPAN-SOUNDS-AMAZING-/151939046632"]http://www.ebay.co.u...G-/151939046632[/url] [/quote] Cleaned up nicely, good job. The gold foils on this guitar are not the ones that Ry Cooder uses. These have strange rubberised magnets. Ry used the ones with Alnico magnets, which have the pole piece adjusters along one edge, not in the middle like these ones.
  5. In front of the amp is the best place for it. Loops are intended for line level voltage. Rule of thumb is if it's a 19" form factor it can safely go in the loop, otherwise it might work OK but it's not guaranteed. The other thing to think about is whether it is a parallel or serial effects loop. Serial modulates the whole of the signal. Parallel blends the effected sound with the clean signal. This means it doesn't go silent if the effects unit fails, but might not achieve the desired result for something like compression where you want to modulate the whole signal all of the time.
  6. Any desire I might have had to go and see Limehouse Lizzy has completely evaporated. Who the hell do they think they are?
  7. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1457472834' post='2998968'] Do these have the same electrics as the Nanyos?? [/quote]No. There is nothing in common other than the name, and the Barry Moorhouse connection.
  8. I have a PJB briefcase and it is surprising loud, but not quite enough to keep up with a not-very-loud drummer, keys, guitar and vocals at a rehearsal. It's also damn heavy, with a battery in it weighs more than my Tecamp Puma 110 and isn't anywhere near as loud. But it does sound lovely with double bass, or anything else at sensible volumes - bass guitar, acoustic, accordion, mandolin, bouzouki, even banjo.
  9. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1456742380' post='2991799'] What bugs me too, is that I want it on the back of the headstock, but I don't want the display upsidedown! [/quote] The display automatically inverts when you turn it upside down. I had a Snark which was OK but not very sensitive. I think the TC is better.
  10. You can't refuse PayPal even if it is collection only. What happened to the traditional method of getting the collector to sign a piece of paper saying he has collected it, or taking a photo of him?
  11. I would really love to hear what this unit can do, but all I can hear on most of these clips is terrible synth drums. Do you have any audio that showcases the possibilities for actual bass synth?
  12. 8lbs according to bass direct. An SGC Nanyo SB 310 would be even lighter and a lot cheaper, if you were just looking for something lightweight to try out the concept.
  13. This is awful. My thoughts are with the families and friends of the band. RIP.
  14. I have a second-hand golf trolley which has been slightly adapted so that a bass will fit on it. Ideal for those festival gigs where the marquee is at the other end of 2 ploughed fields and up a steep hill!
  15. I have a Stairville stand that came from Thomann, think that's an in-house brand. It's actually primarily for lights but would be OK as a speaker stand too. Can't fault the quality, it's a lot better than the garbage aluminium jobs that were supplied with the lights. If one of your choices at Thomann is Stairville then I can vouch for the general build quality.
  16. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1454889040' post='2973991'] If you have the problem soldering to the thick metal outer earth on those neutriks, rub then down with a little sandpaper or wet n dry. They will solder much easier.. [/quote] This. I also find that putting a dab of flux on and tinning the area first helps.
  17. I had a set on my Precision for a while, partly because people on Basschat said you must have a precision with flats on. When I put some new rounds on, the bass was transformed . so I guess they're not for everyone.
  18. Never liked his music in the 70s and it hasn't improved with age. There again, neither have I .
  19. New cab, same as the old cab, day for me! Some time ago I moved on the best cab I've ever owned in search of something better. Now let that be a lesson to you! The cab in question was an EBS neo 2x12, for me the perfect compromise between tone, volume, portability and weight. I've been looking for a while and one popped up on eBay. One auction later and its mine, brand new condition, same great sound, it's all good. A big vote of thanks to a nice chap called Mike from Merseyside, don't think he's on here. Rehearsal with new Mr. Drums on Thursday, can't wait!
  20. The way this reads is that the OP is being warned for putting up his cab for trade and stating his trade preferences. Did some other posting get deleted here? If so you need to say so otherwise it just looks weird.
  21. These definitely work, but pricy for a one-off gig: https://www.drumshack.co.uk/1/lp-cajon-pedal-lp1500-8238?gclid=CPSu1vrb2coCFdZAGwodF1EKvg
  22. I don't know about the SPD sx, but in 40 hooh hah years of doing this I have never ever come across a Roland product which didn't exceed my expectations, so I think it's not going to be a huge risk.
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