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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. What are the dimensions of the failed pickup? I might have something that would serve.
  2. Try a local search for car paint match. There are two places in Ipswich which do it, Movac and Cars-Paints. First one claims trade only but the second one has a web site and might be able to supply you.
  3. You can do 1 and 2 with all three pedals. B3 allows you up to 3 effects in a patch, MS60B allows 4, B1ON allows 5.
  4. It's all relative. Bass is by no means the heaviest instrument. For example, my tenor banjo is 12 Kg.
  5. Another happy Smoothhound user here.
  6. Ady, I reckon these might fit my Bass Collection 465, would they work with a 19mm string spacing?
  7. The best advice on compression I've seen is 51m0n's wiki posting, which is currently not available due to the continued inability or unwillingness of the site owners to fix the wiki. Compression is very hit and miss without monitoring. It might work for you, and then again it might not, there doesn't seem to be a lot of science behind it. I've tried Demeter, EBS and Tech 21 and have settled for now on the MXR bass compressor, which does at least have some rudimentary monitoring. You're probably looking for short attack, 4-8Db compression, soft knee, as long a release as your playing can stand. It always varies though, dependent on the bass you're using, room dynamics, so needs to be set up for every location. I agree with ProfFrink that it's not a fix for gain issues, but there are some pedals which seem a lot happier with a more consistent and tightly defined signal, the Markbass Synth being one example. That plus your playing needs to be super clean or weird sh*t happens.
  8. Something like a zoom MS60B or B1ON would allow you to try out a lot of different effects and decide which ones you like, for not very much outlay.
  9. How about a Tandy/Realistic PZM clone? Can't get them new any more but they pop up on eBay from time to time.
  10. Some time ago now there was a Shuker 8-string for sale on this forum. Can't remember if it was a custom build or whether Shuker converted it, but it had 4 banjo-type tuners through the headstock to take the octave strings and I can't remember what kind of bridge it had.
  11. You might find a Korg X5 within your budget or an X5D for a little more. Another alternative would be a midi keyboard plus a sound module like the Korg X5DR. Our keyboard player uses one of these as a second top keyboard, it certainly does all the basic piano and strings sounds very well, and provides a lot of other stuff too.
  12. I have an MTD Kingston which supposedly uses the Buzz Feiten system; but it doesn't have a shelf nut (it has a zero fret) and since the bridge has now been adjusted as part of a string change and setup, it seems to me that its remaining benefits are spurious at best!
  13. http://www.eadt.co.uk/news/rock_legend_s_favourite_guitar_among_charity_auction_items_1_4244424 [i]"The sale’s showpiece item, however, is a Warwick Thumb bass guitar thought to be worth at least £80,000 – and possibly even as much as £100,000.[/i] [i]Described as Bruce’s favourite bass, it was played at the band’s induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1993, on the recording of his last album, Silver Rails, on tour with Ringo Starr and his All-Starr Band, and at the Cream reunion concerts in 2005."[/i]
  14. [quote name='30507090' timestamp='1442358516' post='2866404'] I love the fact this looks so small. But does Line 6 wireless blow it out the water? [/quote] Having used both, I'd say it is the other way round. Besides the size, the range of the smoothhound is better, the battery life is several times longer and the construction is better.
  15. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1442328627' post='2866072'] I's love to but I'm damned of I can get that to work on this site anymore [/quote]Stick 'em on photobucket and include the <IMG> tags.
  16. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1442263707' post='2865666'] But it is working and changing it would not alter the fact that some people just can't be bothered to reply. [/quote]It's a fair point. I think it's easier to reply to a post than send a pm, but that option isn't available in wanted.
  17. pete.young


    [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1442223246' post='2865194'] Why has the OP deleted all his posts in this thread? [/quote]As the poet of punk once said, "they can't find a good word for him, but I can!"
  18. This all seems like a good reason to rescind the rule preventing people replying to Wanted threads, it seems like the alternatives are not working. When this rule was introduced a review was promised by the site owners but I don't believe it has happened - happy to be corrected if it has.
  19. When I got my 465 it had similar symptoms to yours. The pickups impedance readings checked out OK so I put in a cheap Artec 3 band preamp which sorted the problem out. That lasted a couple of years until I got a second hand nordstrand from here, which is even better.
  20. pete.young


    [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1442043432' post='2863954'] A true (or as close as can be) flat response cab will have a dedicated bass driver, mid driver and possibly a tweeter. A 2x10 is never going to offer that. [/quote] Euphonic Audio VL 210 does. But you would never describe it as light weight!
  21. Dave Lunt in Stockport (depends on how you define area ;-) Might be someone in here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/198-recommended-amp-techs/ ?
  22. Yes, I was wondering about feedback destroyers too. We run a mono one on the vocal monitor and we don't have too many problems. Our singer uses a wireless mike and if we do have problems, its usually caused by her pointing the mike right at the monitor!
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