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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='Hokeypokey' timestamp='1441635151' post='2860435'] Thanks, just been having a wee look, can find Tanglewood Elf guitars, but there doesn't seem to be a bass out there Wondering if they're rarer than hens teeth?! Would ideally like a bass guitar, but a ukulele is a second option. [/quote]The model number is EB-18.
  2. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1441047912' post='2855688'] They are idiots? [/quote] I think that is a bit harsh.
  3. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1440266300' post='2849485'] (Which I suppose proves only that [u]one[/u] Alien has an aluminium neck... - if I find time I'll dig it out and see if the neck is marked in some way, it's possible that the Alien neck has been replaced with a Duke neck ) [/quote] There are at least two - I have one as well , it's an aluminium section with filling.
  4. Curse you Jon, you were supposed to say that it's clearly a fake and not worth £50. Now what am I going to do ?? :-)
  5. This Antoria Gibson copy looks nice. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Antoria-Bass-Guitar-1980s-vintageish-/151774891105?hash=item23567d0c61
  6. I would recommend you leave the pedals in front of the amp and put the thumper at the end of the chain. Effects loops are intended for things like rack effects which operate at line level voltages. Some pedals may be OK, others may not. Also, if you have a parallel effects loop half the signal will bypass the loop, which isn't what you want with a high pass filter. I don't know enough about the amps you are using to know if they are serial or parallel so this may not be a consideration for you.
  7. If we could expand this out of the realm of bass makers, I'd like to suggest Linda Manzer or Andy Manson.
  8. My NYS236 came from AudioSpares, £2.65 including postage. The trick of putting it through the strap loop didn't work for me - the strap needs to touch the top of the buckle or it just releases the strap to it's longest length. Instead, I put the transmitter on one side of the strap, the socket on the other, and put a small cable tie around them both to grip the strap.
  9. Often, knowing who to ask would have got you the answer more quickly than a forum posting. In this case, a PM to Kiogon would have got you the answer.
  10. [quote name='Edenburgh' timestamp='1433541505' post='2792093'] Bass==> Board #1 (Tuner, Comp, Muff, EQ/DI) ==> Amp ==> FX Loop Send ==> Board #2 (POG, Chorus, Env Filter) ==>FX Return Have we cracked it? [/quote] I think you'd be better off with a true bypass loop on your first board after the compressor and plugging the second board into that. Besides Sibob's comment about effects loops expecting a line level signal (such as a rack-mounted compressor or effects unit), many effects loops are parallel, in which case you will get a blend of the signal from the pre-amp and the effects loop. And, your second board is going to be downstream of the DI so you won't be sending the same signal to the PA.
  11. [quote name='gingerfish' timestamp='1438898561' post='2838613'] Play 5 string with low Bb in a metal band so need some decent volume to get over the loud as hell drummer. [/quote] Buy a cheaper cab and get some good quality earplugs or in-ears.
  12. I'd expect the tuner out to be a line-level signal upstream of the eq, and upstream of the mute button if there is one. The other drawback is it won't mute the speaker.
  13. There is quite a lot out there for guitars, but this is evidently the sort of vanity project that doesn't appeal to bass players☺ www.paintedbypamelina.com has some great examples, or do a search for airbrush guitar art on Google images. I was thinking that biffy clyro had a guitar and bass with the same illustration but I couldn't find any pictures.
  14. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1438717610' post='2836693'] looks good! but it doesn't seem to have a channel selector... what do you do if you have two (or 4) people in the band using these? [/quote] Adaptive channel selection allows you to use up to 4 of these at a time without having to configure or select anything.
  15. If you haven't, take a look at the Smoothhound. It's about the same price as a Line 6 G30, half the size, has a metal transmitter and the battery life is much much better.
  16. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1438512480' post='2835023'] The BG250 doesn't have an effects loop [/quote] Thats a good reason then :-) Oops!
  17. I have a Puma 110 which I use as a stage monitor and di to the main PA. It is on its 3rd woofer and last night stopped working altogether so I will probably go back to markbass. Shame, it has been a good bit of kit to use but I need something more reliable. [b]Edit[/b]: just plugged it in to see if I could find the problem and it is working flawlessly again. That's almost worse than it breaking down in the first place!
  18. Why use an ABY pedal? Wouldn't it be simpler to connect the effects send of one to the effects return of the other?
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1438282475' post='2833269'] While playing and you realize your standing in an inch of piss, your playing a dive. Blue [/quote] Priceless, thank you for that genuine laugh out loud moment. Never had a gig like that, though I can remember being in Maine Rd Manchester and watching rivers of piss cascade down the terracing. Great thread. For some reason 'that' scene from the Blues Brothers springs to mind.
  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1438279262' post='2833229'] What's a hollies forum ? [/quote] I guess with the real holly, the pricks are on the outside!
  21. You'll get best results with line-level inputs (ie, a keyboard, or a guitar/bass/whatever through a DI box. I'd be inclined to go with the A/B box, the other advantage of this is that the instrument you're not using will be turned off, so won't contribute to the sound if it resonates.
  22. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1437715071' post='2828399'] All above is correct, but the Ibanez ones are still 34" so not exactly much of a difference to the extended range, [/quote] The 5 string is 34" on the G , 35.5" on the B .
  23. Phil Jones Bass Briefcase. 100W, in theory.
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