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Everything posted by Mark_ii

  1. Hi, I'm interested, can you mail me some pics please? Regards, Mark
  2. Would you trade for a musicman electric bass guitar. It's a Stingray HH SLO Special (in mint condition)/ Regards, Mark
  3. That's unfortunate regarding your previous deal, they're a great bass, super fast neck and a huge variety of tones. Yeah I'll edit the description to include my area, thanks for the suggestion.
  4. Bump with price drop [s]£1150 [/s] now £990. Willo also trade for Sadowsky or Fender USA Precision
  5. Me again ........ trade for a musicman stingray HH, musicman SLO special, matching headstock, cherryburst, low action. With MM case, bass in mint condition ? Just can't take my eyes off this Ivory bass, it's like my name is on it or something, but I just don't have the free cash. The Musicman Stingray HH SLO special is the last piece of artillary that I have to tempt you. It's like new and it will sell no problem if you decide not to hold it. I had every intention of keeping it myself but your bass just drags me in ...... this musicman is the best I've got so I guess this is it for me ............. can I interest you at all ? You won't be disappointed, it's certainly worth the value of your bass. I can sent pictures if you wish. Anyway, let me know, kind regards, Mark.
  6. Super looking bass, one of the nicest I seen here in a while.
  7. Pm'd ....... again. Second time lucky.
  8. These are fantastic instruments and will give bases that are triple the price a good run for their money, I own one already. A great buy for someone who likes the sound of a Musicman Stingray. This is a bargain for sure
  9. Here I have a MarkBass 151HF (front ported) 8 ohm cab in brand new condition, it comes with the purpose made markbass protective cover, In built adjustable tweeter, terrific cab and very light weight for it's size and output. Downsized my car so will trade for smaller barefaced cab ot sell outright for £450. Massive sound, real markbass quality, you won't be disappointed. [url="http://www.adverts.ie/bass-amps/markbass-cab-151hf-15-8-ohm/1541184"]http://www.adverts.ie/bass-amps/markbass-cab-151hf-15-8-ohm/1541184[/url]
  10. Is the VT version 1 or version 2 ???. If it has the additional switch then it's version 2
  11. Sorry, not brand new .... meant to say brand new condition (however I think you know what I mean)
  12. Would you trade the VT Deluxe for a MarkBass Distorsore (brand new in original box with power supply) [url="http://www.thomann.de/ie/mark_bass_distorsore.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/ie/mark_bass_distorsore.htm[/url] Regards,
  13. Mark_ii


    Would you sell for cash OR Trade for my upgraded Fender Marcus Miller Jazz + Cash [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179869-95-fender-marcus-miller-with-l500-of-upgrades-tradesale/page__p__1706214#entry1706214"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179869-95-fender-marcus-miller-with-l500-of-upgrades-tradesale/page__p__1706214#entry1706214[/url] Kind Regards, /M
  14. I have one of these and I can honestly say it's the best thing I've ever bought. They normally only last minutes in this forum before they're sold.
  15. [size=4][sub]Would you take a trade + cash. ??[/sub][/size]
  16. It is and you're right, but I'm now playing with a small jazz outfit and I just need something to compete with a sax, two bones and a trumpet. The MarkBass cab is more than I need really. Someone will get a good bargain. /M
  17. I'm looking to down size, I play much smaller gigs now so my rig can come down in size. I'm looking to trade my MarkBass 151HF for a barefaced midget.
  18. I have a Stingray John, really looking for cash on this one to buy a Sadowsky. Thanks for the offer all the same. /M
  19. [u][color=#800080][b]*** Price Drop ***[/b][/color][/u] Marcus Miller Fender Jazz with over £500 worth of upgrades. This is an incredible bass, beautifully set up, super low action, huge tonal variations and is in excellent condition. A word on the upgrades: [color=#ff0000][u][b]Pickups [/b][/u][/color]- Seymour Duncan Antiquity II's - £200 [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/17320-seymour-duncan-antiquity-ii-for-jazz-bass-jive-bridge.html#sterling_uk"]http://www.dolphinmu...tml#sterling_uk[/url] [u][b][color=#ff0000]Preamp[/color][/b][/u] - [b]John Easts Marcus Miller J retro 01 preamp [/b]- boutique handmade preamp designed specially for this guitar along with its new control handplate and high quality pots,jack input and toggle switches - active/passive toggle, Cost over £230 [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/East_Preamps_Marcus.html"]http://www.bassdirec...mps_Marcus.html[/url] [color=#ff0000][u][b]Bone Nut [/b][/u][/color]-Hand crafted bone nut made by Derek Nelson - all work re fitting new upgraded electronics was also done by Derek (one of Irelands finest luthiers.) Derek has hand crafted guitars for the likes of Bono and BB King, Clapton etc. [color=#ff0000][u][b]Case[/b][/u][/color] - Fender style tweed case also in immaculate condition. I'm looking for a trade on a Sadowsky or a USA Precision [b]OR [/b]£990 cash. I think the cash price is fair considering the upgrades that went into this instrument. This really is a fabulous bass, can give a huge variety of tones and can thump too. These East preamps are incredible and this Retro 01 was as I said purpose built for the Marcus Miller model. I can take more photos if required. Regards, Mark,
  20. Don't suppose you be interested in a trade for a MarkBass 151HF 8 ohm cab (with protective cover). Brand spanking new condition, massive full sound with adjustable tweeter. Hardly used at all.
  21. [u]PM'd[/u]
  22. Ah man ........... I'm waiting and waiting for a Sadowsky to show up but it beats my budget I'm afraid. Lovely bass all the same.
  23. Think I replied to this via Gumtree but just in case it's a different pedal I'll make an offer here. I have a Boss Chromatic TU-2 tuner for trade, looks very clean and comes in original box. No issues at all with it. I could offer a moderate cash adjustment with it if you're interested in it.
  24. I have an Ibanez ATK 300 for trade. It sounds identical to a MusicMan StingRay. Would you accept this + cash your way. ? Here's a link: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/177472-ibanez-atk-300-sounds-just-like-mm-stingray/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/177472-ibanez-atk-300-sounds-just-like-mm-stingray/page__fromsearch__1[/url]
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