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Everything posted by jwbassman

  1. Hi and welcome We're currently looking for a name for my trio, I'll ignore whatever the drummer puts forward
  2. Hi Mark - welcome aboard
  3. jwbassman

    EHX Pog

    I'm guessing this is not a popular pedal round here then...
  4. jwbassman

    EHX Pog

    Hi guys - has anybody got a EHX Pog? I'd like to know a bit more about the possibilities - considering getting one...
  5. [quote]Sounds like a good idea Count me in too guys.[/quote] It'd be great to have you along... see you there
  6. [quote name='skelf' post='133782' date='Feb 4 2008, 07:33 PM']Where would this be taking place. Alan[/quote] [quote name='GreeneKing' post='133793' date='Feb 4 2008, 07:56 PM']St Anne's Alan, on the West coast. I'm assuming that's Lytham St Annes. I've never been there but it's close will be a new experience. Not really been to Blackpool come to that, or Morercambe [/quote] Hi guys - all the details are in [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12567"]this thread[/url] including some directions etc
  7. Great - nice one Ped
  8. [quote name='spree' post='133659' date='Feb 4 2008, 05:03 PM']should be able to show my mush[/quote] Cool [quote]do we have a gear thread yet? cabs and heads etc?[/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12830&hl="]Gear thread[/url] [quote]whats the parking like at this place?[/quote] Good question - I think Ped mentioned is was quite good but I'll find out...
  9. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='133615' date='Feb 4 2008, 03:58 PM']I was also tempted to offer up my practice room since it would be free and is just off the motorway in stockport.[/quote] Shame the venue now is all booked and sorted, we'll do it at your place next time
  10. Here goes... I'll be there after my rehersal and I'll have with me the following: Overwater Progress III Fretless 5 2003 US Precision Epifani UL112 BBE Bmax T preamp DHA VT1 Also got a Cort Action 5 - looking to maybe sell this, if anyone wants me to bring it let me know... I could bring my EA iAmp200 too
  11. Hi Guys - Just been chatting to Chris at Bluebird Studios... Good news is we're all set for the Sunday 16th March. The studio will be available from luchtime onwards, so lets say an 'offical' start time of 1pm I'll get down as soon as i can after my bigband rehersal but I understand Ped will probably be there a little before 1pm anyway... Address is Bluebird Studios, Snowdon Road, St annes - [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Snowdon+Road,+St+annes&sll=54.162434,-3.647461&sspn=9.799374,26.696777&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=0"]google maps link[/url], it looks pretty straight forward to get there... Cost for hiring the studio is £70 - I'm sure we can cover this with donations if we all throw a few quid in, I'm thinking a £5 each maximum should cover it... Looking forward to seeing you down there I guess some sort of list of who's coming and what you're planning on bringing would be good - I'll set up another thread for that. Cheers John
  12. Cool - nice one
  13. Anybody else fancy coming along to this?
  14. ^^ GAS is the thrill of the chase, the expectation, the experimentation... Spend the money on some lessons instead *note to self practice what you preach*
  15. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='132694' date='Feb 2 2008, 07:02 PM']John, Is it going to be an all day do? Any idea of the times at this stage? I'm gigging in the evening that's all. Cheers, Pete.[/quote] Hi Pete - provisionally I was thinking early afternoon 2pm - through to 6/7pm or whatever - I'm rehearsing with the bigband in the morning so I can't get over until about 2pm, but if suits people to start a bit earlier then I guess that wouldn't be a big problem. I need to talk to Chris (the guy at the studio) regarding times, Ped said he'd try and get up earlier too. What time is your gig? [quote name='presoulnation' post='132696' date='Feb 2 2008, 07:15 PM']I might well be up for this, I used to live in St Annes so I know one or two places and if I find a place to crash I would probably be up for a few ales after [/quote] Great, the more the merrier
  16. [quote name='ste_m3' post='132639' date='Feb 2 2008, 05:19 PM']Snowdon Road, St annes will get you there on google maps [/quote] Cheers Ste - looking forward to meeting you on the day Just checked it out, looks straight forward enough I'm sure I'll find it
  17. Cool - let's make it official... North West Mini Bass Bash - Sunday 16th March @ Bluebird Studios St Annes
  18. No worries, there will be others... and I'll pester you until you come to one
  19. Cool, nice one Mike... that makes 2... Guess you didn't make it this morning, was a good gig if a little mentally tiring
  20. Should I go ahead and ask Ped to firm up the booking with the studio for the revised date of Sunday 16th March?
  21. It's 3pm and just got it... no not from last nights gig, this mornings! Playing as part of the Jazz on A Winters Weekend at the Southport Arts Centre. Not a bad line up included our standard big band guys and gals plus... Alan Barnes (Alto), Mark Nightingale (Trombone) and Bruce Adams and Steve Waterman (Trumpets). Most of the stuff was sight read after a very chaotic 9am call to top and tail a few things... bass sounded great and I even managed to played pretty well, some of Steve's charts really give the fretless chance to speak, which is great - however it all seemed to be over so quick - even though we did two hour long sets, which I guess means it all went well If you're gigging tonight have a good one, I'm off to the pub to watch the footy :)
  22. I'm sure it'll be fine - hopefully get to have a proper look over it on Sunday... One of my favourite tracks we play is another Rory Gallagher - For The Last Time, so simple but just brilliant, do you know it?
  23. [quote name='hairyhatman' post='131684' date='Feb 1 2008, 02:18 AM']I guess I have to work on the idea that tempo setting is the drummer's role ... not mine.[/quote] Not sure I agree with this - to my mind this surely a joint responsibility, you are the rhythm section and your are a team. There are times where it will solely be your responsibility to maintain the tempo and others where the drummer needs to take this on... I've even been told that it IS the bass players job to set and maintain the tempo. I've played with many drummers, some good, some bad, some indifferent. The main thing I've noticed is that the better the drummer the easier my job is, I think this ultimately comes down to trust (hence the importance of building a relationship with your drummer). If you can rely on the drummer to be solid it gives you the freedom to create the groove (playing at the front, middle or back of the beat etc) and create a dynamic, if you have to spend all your time maintaining the tempo to provide a solid foundation for the rest of the band there is less scope to add the drive, dynamics, feel etc into your playing. But as mentioned previously, you need to work together and listening is the key
  24. Glad it went well... if you're anything like me you'll never be 100% happy with it no matter how well it goes Main thing is you've been there and done it, bring on the next gig BTW - Guitarist ask me learn Tattooed Lady this week for my trio so looking forward to giving that a try
  25. [quote name='dood' post='132104' date='Feb 1 2008, 07:03 PM']Also a request for an Aguilar GS112, an Epifani UL-112 and a Dr Bass 1260, if any one happens to be bringing them, I am interested in a little A/B session with a certain baby amp ;o)[/quote] Hey Dood If I can make it (yet to be confirmed), I might be able to bring my UL112 and some "UK Luthier product" (Overwater Progress Fretless 5) - space and travel arrangements permitting...
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