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Everything posted by jwbassman

  1. [quote name='ste_m3' post='131927' date='Feb 1 2008, 02:51 PM']Bluebird studios is by the tip if that means anything to you! Do you know queensway? Where the planes often fly about 30 foot above your car! Just off there[/quote] Hi Ste Sorry but the tip and queensway mean nothing to me, but i'm guessing it's near the airport - can you PM the address, a postcode, or a google map or something... Cheers John
  2. Ok - Ped's informed me that the studio is booked up until March. Chris (the guy at the studio), reckons the 16th (same date, different month) of March is looking good, how is everyone fixed for Sunday 16th March? I appreciate this is getting closer to the national bash but venue availability dictates... Cost would be £15 per hour but if enough of us go I reckon a maximum of a £5 each would cover it for a good few hours - how long do guys want to be there?
  3. Make it a good one - relax and enjoy
  4. I borrowed a 310 this week, but it's totally incompatible with my current rig - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12507"]see post[/url] So right now, no matter how good a cab it is, it would neccessitate further outlay on a new power amp which I can't do right now It would probably mean a bigger car too as it wouldn't fit in with all the other PA gear I usually have to take
  5. I think the original price was £800 - the top post has been edited - but is quoted by P-T-P with the original price in it...
  6. Just had a look at the Bluebird website, looks like an ideal location - where exactly is it, I don't know St Annes at all? Curry sounds like a plan, but driving will mean no beers for me... well go on then, maybe half a shandy
  7. hi majo57 and welcome... that's a very interesting looking bass you've got there, not a manufacturer I'm familiar with but looks great - is it a custom build and how does it sound?
  8. Cheer Ped, I've got another option I'm going to explore but not to hopeful, but you never know - nothing ventured nothing gained... As a guide what sort of 'facilities' will people be expecting?
  9. Cheers Dave and thanks for the idiot's guide, it's a lot clearer to me now I've decided that the UL310 is going back to Mikeh and I'm sticking to 112 for the time being, so if anyone else fancies it drop him a PM, he's a good guy...
  10. jwbassman


    Hello and welcome A jazz, I'll probably get round to getting one sooner or later...
  11. It's not so grim up north after all - nice one guys, I'll see what we can do... How are people fixed 16th, 17th or 23rd of Feb? Personally the 17th is best for me, but clearly all these dates depend upon venue - whichever one it is being available... *goes off to find venue
  12. Hi Dave - it makes sense to have a more powerful rig should the need arise, so know where you're coming from. The beauty of the deal was it was going to be a trade so no cash involved which suited me great, however if I have to shell out for a new power amp it somewhat defeats the object... Does that mean I'd be able to link the cabs together and use my current amp? Yeah, I'm hoping to get to the Bash, if Alan has a spare seat then there's a good chance I'll be there.
  13. Hello and welcome
  14. I have nightmares about losing fingers
  15. Hi guys and gals Been chatting to a couple of you who are local to me and would appear there maybe sufficient local interest for our very own North West Mini Bass Bash... This post is to see if the rest you North West bass players - all the ones I don't know... would fancy getting together at some stage soon. Initial ideas are for somewhere near Preston unless you've got any better ideas - Ped has suggested the Bluebird Studios in St. Annes and is looking into availability. Dates to be confirmed but hopefully sometime back end of Feb. If there us sufficient interest we'll try and get something formalised... Cheers John
  16. To be honest Dave I'm starting to wonder if I really need the 310 at all - I know it's a great cab but I seem to be doing fine with my 112 set up, maybe just got a bit carried away I'll have to look into the alternative power amp options and see what the financial implications are... Cheers John
  17. Hi Dave, thanks for the warning, I'm glad I asked the question - yes, I run the RA300 bridged so that it matches the UL112 - which was my initial carefully considered solution... Looks like I may need to reconsider my options with regards the 310, or look at a different power amp. The reason I went for the RA300 in the first place was that it was very quiet, I didn't want a amp with a fan because some of the more intimate gigs I do can be pretty quiet affairs (3 or 4 piece jazz gigs for weddings and meals etc), however on the other end of the scale playing with my rock trio is a different matter... My intention was to run either the 310 on it's own or with the 112 but from what you're saying this is neither a desirable or workable solution as things currently stand. I'm clearly going to need to think about this some more, thanks again for you help...
  18. Hey guys... Here we go with an Ohms question for all you clever mathematical folk... I'm currently running a UL112 - 300watts @ 8Ohms from my Alesis RA300 - 300watts RMS @ 8Ohms, which seems to make perfect sense to me, however I'm contemplating a deal to bring a UL310 into the mix, like this... [attachment=5303:rig.jpg] (new rig?) I understand that these cabs are a 5.3 Ohms, so the first question is, if I run the UL310 and the UL112 as a stack, connecting the amp to the 112 and the the 112 to the 310, what's the likely outcome in terms of power output and amp efficiency? Second question is, can I run just the UL310 from my power amp without any issues, if so what will the power output be if I do? Thanks in advance, I'm aware I've still got a lot to learn re the separate amp/cab route John
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='129471' date='Jan 28 2008, 07:20 PM']Jeez Matt, your house must look like a right sh1t tip. Are you sure you aren't a Womble?[/quote]
  20. +1 on the Nickels Just find they feel and sound better to me - particularly on my fretless for jazz and big band stuff and just ordered some more DR Lo Riders Nickels, these are cool
  21. One of the longest gigs I've done - arrived and set up at 5.30pm, sound check, 2 sets with the big band , then an additional set with the 7 piece (doing Kind of Blue, which was pretty cool apart from me totally fu*king up So What ) then pack up all the PA etc and home just before 2am... Gig was in a garage! - thankfully they'd moved all the cars out of it (except one) and everyone seemed to have a good night - drummer got cramp, no stamina wouldn't mind but I'd already done a 4 hour rehearsal with my rock trio in the afternoon! Time for a quick Guinness before bed
  22. If it's not giving you the sound you want then why hang onto it? Seems to make perfect sense to me - move it on - buy the squire, and have some cash in your pocket, but then it's not my bass
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