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Everything posted by jwbassman

  1. Just put a couple more videos from the gig if anybody is interested... check out our [url="https://www.facebook.com/thejazzrascals"]facebook page[/url] [s]you will need to filter the timeline to show the 'posts by others', for some reason I can't put the videos directly[/s]... just made them 'highlights' so they now show on the timeline when it initially loads - no filter required
  2. Hi Phil Thanks for the review, makes for interesting reading. I'm currently running a Mesa Walkabout Scout and my understanding was that the Basscube was a similar size if not a bit smaller - weight-wise I think they are about same. I guess it's all relative, the Mesa is reasonably heavy I suppose but it sounds great so it's worth it - the lure of the Basscube is the dual channel for doubling gigs and the transparency and accurate representation of the DB. I'd like to try one but don't know where or when that might happen. Thanks again for review Cheers John
  3. Hi Phil Great - not that you're amp is broken but that you're getting the chance to try the 2 How do you find the One - are AER 'all that'? Look forward to hearing how you get on with it later in the week... Cheers John
  4. Excellent, good for you Always good to be out playing - I had a good weekend too, did a quintet gig on Saturday night, big band rehearsal/gig on Sunday afternoon with Alan Barnes followed by a show rehearsal for The Producers!
  5. Here, here - I've recently bought a Martin too (just over 3 months ago) and would happily support all you've said about them - mine is their 3/4 Concert model (it's strung with Evah Pirazzi Weichs). I dealt with George and he was fantastic, really helpful and accommodating even to a novice like me. Adjusted the bridge and fitted a Bass Balsereit too, after letting me take it on approval for a week and have my first lesson on it. I too sold literally everything I owned to fund my purchase, do I regret it... absolutely not, my wife tells me the bass is the new love of my life, she's probably got a point. I've had three lessons so far and gigged it a couple of times now and whilst I'm in no way technically proficient (fumbling around in the 1/2, 1st and 2nd positions) the joy it brings is hard to put into words - it has transformed the quintet I play with so much so that the guys will not let me play bass guitar any more... I would highly recommend taking a trip to Oxford if you're considering a new bass For those that are interested here's a shot of me with the Martin from the gig on Saturday... There are a couple of videos from the gig on [url="https://www.facebook.com/thejazzrascals?filter=2"]facebook[/url] too! All the best John
  6. Does anybody have any first-hand experience of these - I've heard and read good things but was just wondering if anybody round here had actually used one?
  7. Great, glad you liked it, not bad for only second outing Nice one, thanks for the like... My wife says it's the new love of my life!
  8. No worries - It's well worth it - start saving
  9. [quote name='MandShef' timestamp='1340616922' post='1706897'] JWBassman - just out of interest what type of stool do you use? I think one thing that would help is swapping my bar stool for a foldable one that's easier to carry. Finding one the right height can be tricky though .... [/quote] I've got a K&M Stehhilfe 14046 - fully adjustable, foldable, reasonably light weight - got if from http://www.thomman.co.uk/ There are cheaper alternatives but as with all things you get what you pay for. It must be good because my tutor went and bought one after trying mine With regards the cost my perception of expensive changed dramatically when I started looking to buy a DB. The stool is great, it makes a big difference being comfortable when you play and takes the pressure off balancing the instrument so you can focus on the notes you are trying to play...
  10. I use a stool (as recommend by my tutor) - and an end pin stop. I find it helps from a consistency point of view, when you sit down to play everything is in the right/same place which I'm guessing can only be a good thing as it's one less thing to worry about
  11. Following the success of my first outing on DB the guys asked me to play it again for our gig on Saturday night Gig was at Sefton Church - the acoustics were great for the front line but a bit of a struggle for the bass, finally got a decent sound with much EQ tweaking to the mids... Video here if you're interested - [url="http://www.facebook.com/thejazzrascals?filter=2"]http://www.facebook.com/thejazzrascals?filter=2[/url] The small camera mic doesn't really do the bass justice - it did sound great eventually - but the overall sound is not bad...
  12. Thanks guys - the Martin is great, had to sell virtually everything I owned to get it but with no regrets, it sounds great and I've had such unbelievably positive comments that I wish I'd taken the plunge years ago
  13. Cheers - must be doing something right then Indeed, didn't feel very nervous too busy trying to play in tune! A lot of people have said it 'suits me' whatever that means?
  14. Thanks Tom - it was great and happy to say I had no feedback from the bass at all
  15. Yeah, it was great - I've still got some much work to do, but after the rehearsal the guys just said, don't bother bringing your bass guitar at the weekend! We had to drop a couple of charts from the set - tricky keys/changes and some quite high written parts - we'll save these for when I've learnt a few more positions! It was pretty physically demanding which wasn't helped by the heat, the gig was in the Palm House in Sefton Park, Liverpool - basically a huge greenhouse, not exactly the best place to be gigging on the hottest day of the year... That said it was brilliant and I really enjoyed it - felt so much like a beginner again but then the sound more than made up for that - we've got another gig in a few weeks in a small church which I think is going to really test my intonation - wish me luck Hope your gig goes well Sarah - enjoy and lets see some pictures
  16. Hi guys Just thought I share this with you - I did my first gig on DB on Sunday! Really enjoyed it and had lots of great feedback from the guys in the band and the audience - not bad since we only had chance for one rehearsal before the gig and I've been playing upright for just over 2 months
  17. Excellent post - wish this had been around when I was looking a couple of months ago... I visited Paul Bryant and George Martin and would have been very happy with either - in the end I went for the Martin, just felt better to me and as previously mentioned George's custom service is excellent. Had my first rehearsal on it with the quintet last night and it was very well received - so much so they want me to use it on the gig on Sunday
  18. Nice one Steve - I've just started having lessons myself. Lisa was one of the names that came up when I was looking for a tutor but it wasn't logistically possible. I've got my second lesson with Pete Willmott tomorrow - really looking forward to it Pete is based in Altrincham (still a fair way but closer than Hull), he plays with the BBC Orchestra and does the Jazz stuff too. First lesson was really good but I think he'll definitely be expecting to see some improvement tomorrow, just hope I don't disappoint...
  19. I'm going down to see George again next week for some final tweaks to the set-up, to get a pick-up installed and to pay for it (gulp!). Unfortunately I'm not using it with the big band just yet, not quite ready to inflict my DB playing on the unsuspecting public I'll be using my Overwater Evolution 5 for the 'tour'. Dates and info are on our website - [url="http://swingshiftbigband.co.uk"]www.swingshiftbigband.co.uk[/url] more info about the band is also available on our [url="https://www.facebook.com/swingshiftbigband.co.uk"]facebook page[/url] All I know is that so far I'm loving play DB, wish I'd taken the plunge years ago
  20. Hi Marvin I'd certainly recommend a visit - George is a great guy and more than happy to show you around their set-up and answer any questions you may have. Whilst I was there he changed the strings twice on the bass and adjusted the bridge for me. In terms of trying other basses I only had a go on the 4/4 Concert Model (which I found was too big for me) - the rest were way to expensive for me, so there was little point it trying them - he did point out one old bass in the bass room that was for sale at £250K! Once I've spent a bit more time with the bass and had a few more lessons I'll be in a better position to review it. My tutor Pete Willmott thought it was a good bass and he made it sound great. I'll be over in Northern Ireland at the beginning of June - got a couple of gigs with the big band - How near Larne or Bangor ar you?
  21. Hi Floyd - I did walk away with a bass that day (only on approval, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to go for it) - but it's not a Bryant... The other stop the day I saw Paul was at Thomas Martins in Banbury to see George. I ended up taking a 2011 Concert 3/4 model on approval! Here's a snap of their bass room, literally overflowing [attachment=103617:Martins_Bass_Room.jpg] and here's a picture of me back home (it was a long day and lots of driving, explains why I look so knackered) with the Martin bass [attachment=103618:Martin_Concert.jpg]
  22. Congratulations on your new bass - I nearly bought that very one myself! I went down to see Paul a couple of weeks ago, really nice guy who obviously loves what he does and produces excellent hand-made English Double Basses for a very reasonable price... I don't think he had the Lott when I was there but I tried the Panormo and the Solo. The Solo was lovely, well finished and with the Bel Canto strings on it sounded sweet. It's a very compact bass and felt comfortable, but just a little too small for me... He's a snap of Paul, myself and said bass... [attachment=103593:paul_bryant.jpg] Hope it gives you many years of satisfaction - enjoy
  23. And with the awesome Jeff Hamilton on drums you'll not go far wrong
  24. Shaun's just bought my RS112 - prompt payment, good comms, a pleasure
  25. Cheers Shaun - enjoy! ps. I'm pretty sure I sent you an RS112
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