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Everything posted by jwbassman

  1. Maple gets my vote too... Something like this [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=8471"]My recently purchased US Fender Precision[/url]
  2. I'm undecided, but my wife seems to like it - i'll stick with it for a few weeks and see if it grows on me...
  3. For your viewing pleasure tonight - my very first Fender - it's only taken me 18 years of playing to get round to getting one ! A 2003 US Precision, I wanted a black, black, maple... but ended up with this instead ... [attachment=3519:fp_01.jpg] [attachment=3518:fp_02.jpg] [attachment=3517:fp_03.jpg] [attachment=3516:fp_04.jpg] Jury is still out on the scratchplate - so I may still get my black, black, maple...
  4. [quote name='Weird War' post='87837' date='Nov 13 2007, 02:00 PM']I'm off to play my Marlin Sidewinder... [/quote] My first babysteps on bass were on a borrowed Marlin - from what I remember it wasn't very good, but it got me started Not adding much to the debate with that useless bit of trivia but there you go... However it might introduce something along the lines of the effect of Time on Perception though
  5. You see Dave we're not that bad
  6. +1 I'd have to agree with Rayman with regards the acts... I like my jazz stuff probably more than the next guy but agree a bit more variation was required - I also felt that excellent as the supporting musicians were, to have the same guys back most of the artists didn't help with the variation. Bond was interesting just because he brought something different and his drummer Michael was superb. Stevie's short set was a real highlight for me too. Personally I'd like the performances to feature a bit more groove and a few less notes, but that's just me
  7. welcome - good to have you along...
  8. Jon Shuker offers a weeks course where you build you own bass - guess that's as good a place to start as any - [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/course.htm"]more details on his website[/url]...
  9. It was excellent - here's my post from last night: [quote]Just got back from Manchester - what a great day... Stevie Williams not only did a great job organising and MC the event but I thought his spot to open proceedings was fantastic - really melodic smile.gif Watched all the performances and attended all but one of the lectures so a very full but rewarding day. Great to meet a couple of the guys on here (bleedproof and ead), but would be good to meet more next time. Had a chat with Jon Shuker and Dave Hall, both good guys and very complimentary about the forum. Feel I must also mention Pat Illingworth who performed with most of the acts - what a great drummer... Right, work in the morning so it's time for bed... later[/quote]
  10. Just got back from Manchester - what a great day... Stevie Williams not only did a great job organising and MC the event but I thought his spot to open proceedings was fantastic - really melodic Watched all the performances and attended all but one of the lectures so a very full but rewarding day. Great to meet a couple of the guys on here (bleedproof and ead), but would be good to meet more next time. Had a chat with Jon Shuker and Dave Hall, both good guys and very complimentary about the forum. Feel I must also mention Pat Illingworth who performed with most of the acts - what a great drummer... Right, work in the morning so it's time for bed... later
  11. If I hadn't just got myself a Demeter VTP201S I'd have been having this off you! Bargain price too, somebody snap his up...
  12. cool - a real action shot
  13. This bass made an appearance in my 'precision advice' thread - it wasn't for sale at the time so sorted something else out (just waiting for a delivery, will be early next week all being well) - it too is a black, maple combo but currently has a mirror scratchplate on it - this may well change, I'll see how it looks when it turns up...
  14. [quote name='ead' post='84903' date='Nov 7 2007, 02:40 PM']I'm driving from Chorley so if you would like a lift let me know. There's car parking around the area so not a problem. Alain[/quote] Hi Alain You have a PM...
  15. Hi Gary Thanks for the car park info - looking forward to Sunday... Cheers John
  16. Nice one mate - that board is looking superb Looking forward to seeing this one develop...
  17. Hi guys I'm planning on going to Manchester on Sunday, just wondered if any of you guys from round my way (Preston, Southport, Ormskirk) were going and if you fancied sharing a lift... PM if you're interested Also any details about parking for the event would be greatly appreciated, I'm afraid I don't know Manchester too well... Cheers John
  18. Hi there - anyone going from the Ormskirk/Southport/Preston area - interested in sharing a lift then drop me a PM Also does anyone know what the parking situation is like - I don't know Manchester very well... cheers
  19. No gig this weekend but a good rehersal this morning for our next gig on the 18th November...
  20. Stunning, what a great job - I love the headstock shape on Jon's basses... Hope she gives you many years of playing happiness
  21. Micro 300? I've been waiting to try one for ages, there is one with my name on it in the first shipment but I believe there have been some 'teething problems' with them. I believe there will be one at Bass Day so looking forward to seeing and hearing it then - they are supposed to be amazing, very small and light...
  22. registered yesterday
  23. EA iAMP200 - until recently was all I used, small, light and big sound for the size - only reason for changing was I wanted valves I've still got the combo though a mate of mine has first refusal on it, but if that doesn't happen it may well be up for sale, PM if your interested....
  24. I spotted this too and quite fancied having a go, would be interested if you get an more info...
  25. Thanks guys and good advice - I actually went round Liverpool yesterday on my day off to have a look and try some out, very dissapointed by what was on offer, nobody had what I wanted but I did look at a couple of stock US Precisions similar to the one I'm thinking of buying It's not easy for me to try out the actual instrument in question (due to geogaphical differences) but I do believe that it has been 'preloved' by a couple of guys on here so I am still considering it at the moment... if possible I would like to try it out, might see if I can organise it somehow...
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