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Posts posted by jwbassman

  1. Hey MB1

    Don't worry - I get on very well with Tom (the keyboardist), to be fair the band doesn't suffer too much from the politics, when there's 18 guys/gals involved there plenty of room for all the personalities :)

    I'll only make myself unpopular if I can't manage to get the fingers round the bassline :huh:

    It's so easy to be misunderstood on here - I'm not in the habit of offending people :huh:

  2. There I was, thinking I had got somewhere close until at the rehersal this morning the keyboard player points out that the second part of the phrase is different to how I had interpreted it - back to the drawing board, more practice required... :)

  3. I used to have a similar trace set up but the other way around - I had the 1x15 combo and 2x10 extentsion - as for the shipping, I had to courier them to seperate locations when I sold and from what I remeber it didn't cost a silly amount, think it was about £30... you might be able to get a better deal if you ship the two togeher...

    great gear too :) but I was downsizing to my current EA iAmp200 partly for change in sound but more to do with moving house - I just didn't have room for the big rig...

  4. [quote name='paul, the' post='35074' date='Jul 21 2007, 01:39 AM']Ahem
    Practice, practice, practice.[/quote]

    Thanks for the link - time to start practicing :)

  5. Hi guys...

    Any of you performed Liberty City?

    The keyboard player in the big band though it would be a good idea to do an arrangement for the band - and he picked this chart :) - no pressure on the bass player then!

    Have any of you guys performed it and if so do you have any hints or tips on learning it and making a decent fist of it?



  6. Absolutley essential in my opinion - that said I've always approached music from a reading perspective - started on trombone in the school band so had to be able to read the parts - subsequently did GCSE and A Level music so being able to read was a must.

    As for the bass playing it depends on the situation - my main gig is with a big band so being able to read is essential for that, but agree with an earlier comment by Steve following and interpreting a chord chart is also an important skill for this type of playing - probably 50% of the bass parts in our pad have no complete written line.

    I've also palyed with ska and blues/rock bands where written music was out of the question, so listening and learning was the order of the day.

    I also do pit and theatre work where you must be able to read, we usually only have 1 band call prior to the show so there's no time to learn parts...

    Reading is very important but I must admit while it enables me to take pretty much any work on offer I think I actually prefer playing without the dots - I find I can focus more on my actual playing rather than the reading, I guess the goal is to achieve the same fluency when reading as I experience when I'm not, now that is a skill... :) time for some more practice, not right now though it's a bit too late for that :huh:

  7. Hi Mike

    Liking the groove stuff about a minute in and the solo section for the next minute or so, once again making it look so easy - I think you could try playing some longer notes some times, give the bass a chance for the fretless sound to grow - I love playing long notes as it really gets the lovely fretless tone going...

    Keep up the good work mate :)


  8. Try sitting on plane for 4 hours praying your bass will be in one piece when you get to the gig!

    I should elaborate...

    A few years ago I got a gig (job) playing on cruise ship in the Med. Was told by the guy would sorted it all out that if I took my bass (Yamaha TRB5F at the time - 21st Birthday present from my Dad) in a soft gig bag I could take it on the plane as hand luggage and everything would be ok - fat chance!

    Got to the airport and checked in my suitcase and went to the departure lounge with nothing but the clothes I was standing in and my bass, come to boarding time and I'm confronted by a complete job's worth ""there's no way you can bring that on as hand luggage mate" as I went to get on the plane - what do you do at that point. The air was blue.

    Thinking quick I removed all none essential items of clothing (luckily it was mid summer and the weather was pretty good, plus we were flying to Cyprus, where it's always hot) and proceeded to pack out the soft case as best I could - slackened of the tension in the neck (I'd read somewhere this was a good idea as the extremes of temperature can do do funny things) and was assured that my bass would be hung in the cargo hold with the kiddies buggies etc and not thrown around in a cage with the rest of the luggage...

    Then spent the entire 4 hour flight hoping and praying that my bass would be ok and in a playable state once we reached the ship... can honestly say it was the longest 4 hours of my life.

    To my great relief both me and my bass made it in one piece and were happily reunited at the other end - always use a hard case these days no matter where the gig is :)

    I'm somewhat older and hopefully wiser these days - You live and learn...

  9. I've got a set of DR nickel roundwounds on my fretless at the moment (bit of an experiment, just settled in so sounding good), usually use Overwater nickel roundwounds - I found the flats made the whole sound really dull, but I guess it's once again down to personal preference...

  10. My bass, EA combo, and tuner...

    Extras similar to Gary - spare strings (snapped a couple so always carry a spare set), multi-tool (to change said snapped string), spare battery and cables...

    Have often thought about taking a spare bass but when I've got the PA in the car too there simply isn't room...

    In my experience (and I've done a whole load of different gigs over many years), I've always found that if you look after your gear it will look after you, also I'd always be inclined to buy the best you can afford, therefore minimising the risk of something going wrong... that said if something is going to go wrong it will, I guess you'd be really unlucky for something disastrous to go wrong.

    A towel if I remember - a must in these warmer times :)

  11. [quote name='pete.young' post='28511' date='Jul 8 2007, 09:50 AM']The Euphonic Audio iAmp Micro 300 is under 3lbs, has two channels and can be picked up for $600 in the US.

    Someone on Basschat ordered one from the UK, but I can't remember who it was.[/quote]

    Hi Pete

    I've ordered a Micro 300, through Overwater - just waiting for Laurence to give me a call to say it's here, should be in the next couple of weeks... there's more info about it on their website [url="http://www.overwater.co.uk"]www.overwater.co.uk[/url] (although it seems to be down at the moment)...

  12. For what it's worth I only use a 1x12" in my iAmp200 combo and it handles the low b on my 5 with no problems - and the whole thing is very small so if your after a small footprint check it out... [url="http://www.overwater.co.uk/euphonic_audio_iamp_200_wz.htm"]link[/url]

  13. Keep the fretless - I've played fretless for about 10 years now, can't beat it for the sort of stuff I do... I recently bought a cheap fretted 5 but only as a back up, can't see ever replacing the fretless as my main bass, but good to have the alternative :) just in case...

  14. Keep my basses in the music room (not really a music room, more the back bedroom with some musical stuff in it :huh: - currently just got the two basses, but always on the look out :)...

    My main bass is usually cased up ready for gig action or on the stand for practice (if there are no gigs for any length of time), my other bass doesn't really get gigged but is always on hand for a bit of practice or just for a bit of a noodle - guitarist mate of mine from work has a multi-guitar stand, think it can take about 6 guitars, guess you could get something like this although I'm not sure where from...

  15. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='24527' date='Jun 28 2007, 04:43 PM']i know what you mean, when i used to have the ray i played back over the pickup, but now with my ibanez i play over the neck pickup but do move around more on this bass because of the range of tones i can get, with the ray it was really used just as the ray sound.[/quote]

    I've been told a few times that the bass sounds like 'me'... in other words I'm pretty convinced that no matter which bass I'm using it will sound like me playing, so in agreement that the music come from you not the instrument (tool) that you're using...

    Also agree with lowhand_mike that depending upon where you play you can get a wide range of sounds - I love playing over the fingerboard on my fretless and it growls... beautifully - but when I need to drive drop back over the pickups and really dig in, must admit I tend to use the back pick most of the time, just find it gives that sound I've grown used to, I think there's something in that to... when you use a sound for a while you do get use to it and subsequently try and make any new gear, be it bass, amp or effect sound like the sound you're use to... it late :) and I'm rambling, apologies....

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