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Posts posted by jwbassman

  1. [quote name='Dan_Nailed' post='12541' date='Jun 5 2007, 02:09 PM']I used to have a Sansamp PSA-1 and that was both warm and sterile at the same time, very odd! Then I switched to an Ampeg SVP-Pro and was a lot happier with my overall tone. Tube preamps vary quite a lot in range, my Ampeg only cost me £250 off Ebay but you can buy stuff like Demeter or Aguilar that is pretty boutique so shop around. You really do have a lot of options here! I'd look into either of the two BBE preamps, the Sansamp RBI, Ampeg SVP-Pro and SVP-CL and the EBS Classic 1.[/quote]

    Just to throw something else into the mix - I was chatting to Laurence at Overwater yesterday and he suggested I should try the Avalon U5 - any of you guys ever used one?

  2. [quote name='presoulnation' post='12382' date='Jun 5 2007, 09:58 AM']I have always been curious about Overwater stuff. A mate of mine was offered an endorsement with them a while back and I have always liked the look of the Progress. Just never had chance to play one![/quote]

    Where abouts are you?

    If you can get up to Carlisle then the guys are more than willing to let you try some stuff out, really helpful too...

  3. Glad you like it :huh:

    I'm not into flash - just quality;)

    It's a great bass to play and sounds awesome - I'm trying to save up to get an Overwater fretted jazz 5, but I'm along way off right now :)

    Easily the best bass I've owned, not that there have been many but it seemed a logical progression, and to think I initially only went to get a padded strap! Laurence could sell ice to the eskimos :huh:

    This bass is quite possibly the best piece of musical gear I have ever bought - and can't recommend them highly enough - check out the websites [url="http://www.overwater.co.uk/"]here[/url] and [url="http://www.overwater.co.uk/"]here[/url]

    I should be on commission :huh:

  4. Gig Update

    Just got in - what a great gig - Liane Carrol, amazing!

    Played to a full house (approx 250), closing the festival, a good crowd, band played well and everyone went home happy :)


    Next gig is on Wednesday - 'D' Day at Newburgh in aid of Douglas Valley Lion Charity - optional 40s fancy dress :huh:, no seriously...

  5. [quote name='BassBod' post='10590' date='Jun 1 2007, 02:03 PM']Hi jwbassman

    I'm going in the opposite direction - I loved my SWR rack, (90 lbs cab and 30-40 lbs of pre/pwr amp). It always sounded good. But, I really appreciate the newer lighter stuff (EA esp) and don't use the bigger rack gear unless its a tour/big venue and there's plenty of people to load the van or its a really important recording where someone might appreciate (or even notice) a better sound. Whenever I've used the sansamp for recordings I've always been very impressed, in fact surprised, that it performs so well. People think of it as a fuzz box, but it can be more subtle.

    Enjoy looking for your solution - there's a lot of good rack gear out there - I'd recommend the SWR Grand Prix (very clean), any age of Alembic F1X/F2B (warm as toast) or the Trace GP12SMX. All great and sometimes available on evilbay.....or here?

    Hey BB

    If I go through with this I'll be selling my EA iAmp 200 if you're interested - need to raise £500 on it - as you're proabbly aware they're £1300 new...


  6. [quote name='BassBod' post='10235' date='May 31 2007, 09:36 PM']I'd suggest that you try a sansamp bass driver in front of your existing EA. You can (with a bit of adjustment) use this to warm up the sound, and make it sound "older" if that makes sense? I did ths for ages with my SWR (Grand Prix or Studio 220 into 800 pwr amp) for blues and rock gigs. I've also done the same with an iamp500 / cxl112 and get very good results. It may not be a purist approach, but I've always found it works well and you don't have to cart extra heavy rack boxes about. Maybe I'm just getting old and lazy.....


    Hey BB

    Thanks for the advice - the Sansamp has been recommended to be before, so there must be something in it :huh: I'm still not 100% sure about my setup at the moment, not sure whether it's the GAS kicking in or there is genuine need to try something else.

    I've always played it save I guess, so maybe now's the time to try and experiment a little - at the end of the day if things don't work out I can always sell the stuff here or on eBay - think it goes something like this, nothing ventured - nothing gained :)

  7. Hi OG

    Not sure who's in charge of booking the acts - but I can make an enquiry for you if you like... my understanding is it's not the easiest place to get a gig, I think we've been trying for a couple of years now - that said we've more recently become involved with the SMJC (Southport Melodic Jazz Club) and I think this may have helped - have alook at their website... [url="http://www.jazzinsouthport.co.uk/"]here[/url]

    and I've just found you a direct link to the organisers... :) [url="http://www.southportjazz.co.uk/contact.php"]here[/url]

    Good luck...


  8. Hi guys - seriously leaning towards the BBE BMAX F right now but not sure what to power it with or what cab to go for - the EA cabs are still looking (and from experience, sounding) good, but also considering a EBS 110 or 112 - but open to other suggestions... as for a power amp I'm liking the look of this [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=006&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=160119295561&rd=1&rd=1"]1U rack mount[/url], any thoughts or recommendations?



  9. I'm not really into slap playing either, probably because I could never do it plus it is never required for the sort of music I play...

    Not sure of any pure finger players of the top of my head, but I'm sure you'll find that the great players (like Victor), can use all the techniques, if you want groove Victor is a great place to look - check out his clinics on bassplayer.tv :)

  10. Depends on the shop - I went into the local Rimmers Music at lunchtime to try and get a box for shipping a bass in and they said no - in fact the manager has a policy of not giving away the boxes at all as they consider ebay a direct competitor, personally i can't see how me selling 1 guitar is going to have any great impact on them but there you go. Guess I'll have to get some cardboard from elsewhere :huh:

    good luck, if you find a source let me know :)

  11. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='9038' date='May 30 2007, 09:35 AM']YGWYPF[/quote]

    I fully agree - if I'm honest I think I'll just have to shelve the GAS for now and save up some proper money :)

  12. Yeah - I was looking at that bass last night, I've got a squire fretless 4 on eBay at the moment, once that's sold and there's only a couple of days to go, I can think about getting something else :)

  13. Hi

    I had the fretless version of the Yamaha - the TRB5F - it was my main bass for a number of years (certain amount of sentimental value to as it was my 21st birthday present from my Dad) Until I moved up to my Overwater :huh:

    I was well built as with all Yamaha products - it maybe doesn't have the appeal of some of the other bass brands but it was a solid performer and I've still got it as a back up. Yes, It's mass produced but to a very high standard, maybe lacks some of the refinement of other basses in it's price range but very reliable and versatile... :)


  14. Hi guys - I'm thinking about a fretted 5 at the moment and I've seen this on eBay [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Shine-Warrior-Deluxe-5-String-Active-Bass-Guitar-Honey_W0QQitemZ270124733627QQihZ017QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]link[/url] does anybody know anything about these?

    Looks pretty decent and is nice and cheap, but does that mean it's going to be crap :)

    Thanks in advance...


  15. Guys, i saw this and thought of you :) ...



  16. Hi Andy and welcome...

    more about me [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=167&view=findpost&p=1108"]here[/url] and [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=314&view=findpost&p=2143"]here[/url]

    Currently at work - still, finishing early today, so not all bad news :)



  17. BigRedX - if you want info on your Overwater get in touch with Chris up in Carlisle - contact details on their [url="http://www.overwater.co.uk"]website[/url]

    He should be able to tell you a bit about it as he probably built it...



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