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Everything posted by jwbassman

  1. My music room could do with a bit of brightening up - I'm sure a quality calendar would fit the bill
  2. [quote name='Doddy' post='852209' date='May 30 2010, 11:11 PM']I've just come away from seeing Kyle Eastwood play at the Southport Jazz Festival. What a great player. There seemed to be a bunch of people there who were only there because of his last name,but they had there preconceptions changed. The band was tight and killing. If you get the chance to see him,you should chech him out. I think I'll have to go see him again in Newcastle Under Lyme tomorrow.[/quote] I was at that gig too - what fantastic playing... I've seen him twice now (last time was also at the Southport Jazz Festival, a couple of year ago). As you rightly say the whole band was great and there was a great connection between all the guys on stage. It was just a shame that the acoustics in that room are so poor (I did a gig with the Swingshift Bigband in there earlier in the day - the on stage sound was terrible but we struggled through). I met him after the gig and he signed a CD for me too - he seemed like a really down to earth kinda guy
  3. Rob is a pleasure to deal with - great comms and fast shipping. A man of his word, he said the CDs would be with me by the weekend, and they arrived yesterday
  4. It's not a Shuker but my custom OW EVO 5 is a trans red with a maple board and black hardware so these may give you a good idea of how they look together... For me it's a winning combination... [attachment=48817:JW_EVO_01.jpg] [attachment=48818:JW_EVO_02.jpg] [attachment=48819:JW_EVO_03.jpg] [attachment=48820:JW_EVO_04.jpg] Getting a bass built to your specs is brilliant - hope it turns out to be awesome
  5. Are these still available? NHOP - Uncharted Land John McLaughlin – The Promise Johnny Griffin – The Cat Dave Valentin – Mind Time If so I'll take them Cheers John
  6. Been following this thread with interest - keep up the good work
  7. I did a few months around the Med about 10 years ago - I'm glad I did it and my playing seriously improved, playing every day and reading for different acts each week really helps. Ultimately I found it quite a lonely experience - I didn't know anyone on the ship and the rest of band and dance troop already knew each other which made it difficult to 'fit in'. It would be cool to do it as a band with a group of guys you really get on with
  8. Bugger too slow... as usual
  9. Go on - I'll take one of these off you - will you accept paypal? Drop me a PM with the details and I'll arrange a payment
  10. As with all these things it comes down to personal preference and the type of sound you want or need for a particular situation. Clearly there will be variations in terms of different amp/cab combinations, eq settings, basses, room acoustics etc etc. I'm sure there are many more knowledgeable than I who would be able to provide a more scientific explanation of such variations. To a large extent I've found it's trail and error until you find what works for you in any given situation - for me the experimentation is part of the fun with any new gear. Personally the Epi is currently working for my situation - it may not suit yours, but thats for you to decide. I don't know about you guys but I've found getting people to give you honest appraisal of your sound is one of the most difficult things...
  11. [quote name='gerryk' post='785163' date='Mar 24 2010, 10:08 PM']Hi, Loz I know this is old post, but probably useful for that: I'm wondering how you rate the UL 112 now, having had it a while, any misgivings? I'm thinking of one, or else bergantino 112 or possibly barefeced compact. I play 4 & 5 string elec as well as elec and acoustic upright. I already have EBS neo112 (with replaced normal driver, much fuller sound), EBS 210 and Demeter 3x10 cabs, Peavey and Eden WT800 tops. Cheers, GerryK.[/quote] Hi Gerry. I've got both an Epi UL112 and a Barefaced Compact (1x15) - they are very different cabs... Strange as it may seem, as it's 'only' a 12 inch speaker, I find the Epi has a fuller, warmer sound to it (that said I use very little in the way of tweeter that's available) - I would say that the Barefaced is louder, delivers more mids and is more aggresive to my ear (even though there is no tweeter in this bad boy). It really all depends upon the sound you want/need. My main gig is with a big band and both cabs work well but in different ways - just to add some perspective I'm currently using both with my EA iAmp800 and play both 4 and 5 string fretted and fretless basses. I sometimes play with a blues/rock trio and had imagined that the Barefaced would have been ideal for this situation but alas since getting it we haven't been together so cannot prove the theory. Right now I'm slightly favouring the Epi but I've gigged both and have had excellent feedback on each of them. Both cabs are lightweight and easy to handle and both have performed very well for me. That said I'm currently contemplating a Mesa Walkabout Scout combo or a Berg 1x12 cab to see how they compare. On a purely practical note: I sometimes get a lift to rehearsal with one of the trumpet players - the Epi will not fit in the boot of his car but the Barefaced Compact wil!! stupid Volvo saloon... Cheers John
  12. Had a gig with the big band ([url="http://swingshiftbigband.co.uk"]swingshift[/url]) last night... in a car showroom!! It's a charity fund raiser that we've done for the past few years (the guy who owns the garage is part of the committe, so offers it as the venue). Band sounded great, a good night was had by all and I was reasonably pleased with the way I'd played (which is unusual) - even had a couple of bass players come and positively comment on my playing and technique which was a very welcome surprise
  13. I've got a few gigs with the big band already in the book ([url="http://www.swingshiftbigband.co.uk/the-full-gig-list.htm"]http://www.swingshiftbigband.co.uk/the-full-gig-list.htm[/url]) and hopefully a couple of shows this year too, including the Hot Mikado (which I believe is great to play). There will no doubt be a few other gigs here and there and if all goes to plan a recording session too - bring it on...
  14. Indeed he does - the transcription is great, I'll have to find some time on Friday to get to grips with it... Thanks again
  15. Hi guys - many thanks for all you help, especially Jay I googled this last night before I posted but didn't find the Bassment website - great stuff, thanks again... John
  16. Hi guys I've been asked to play the Joss Stone version of L.O.V.E. at a wedding at the weekend - don't suppose anybody has a transcription of the bass part, I'm a bit short on time this week so any help greatly appreciated... Cheers John
  17. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='663160' date='Nov 23 2009, 09:55 PM']He actually played for 15 minutes in total. I know because I recorded it all on my Zoom H2 [/quote] I think it was supposed to be a half hour slot but I think he started late so may well have only actually played 15mins... I didn't keep tabs on how long each performer played, just going off the schedule - think I was getting tired at that point too from all the noise. Agree with the earlier post that having a band outside the main auditorium was probably not a great idea...
  18. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='663066' date='Nov 23 2009, 08:30 PM']What was the problem with Randy Hope-Taylor?[/quote] Basically he just didn't have anything prepared and ended up playing 3 tracks with the drums without any top line (vocal or tune) or harmony... His bass sound wasn't great either (very loud and very muddy). He looked mightily relieved once his half hour was up. I think he just didn't know what was expected of him - he did say he hadn't done anything like this before...
  19. I've got an iAmp 800, had it well over a year now and no reliability issues with it at all - touches wood It's certainly well loud enough for my requirements - never used it above 5 on the input or output levels, running through either Epi and Barefaced cabs. It does have a very 'clean' sound but that means you get the sound of the bass you put into it - I don't tend to use the eq very much and find that the cleaner sounds sits well in the mix and helps cut through rest of the band. If I want a warmer thicker sound I'll use my valve pedal or valve pre-amp then just use the power section of the amp - this works really well. Amp is pretty light and if you can one up second hand for decent money then it might be worth trying one out...
  20. Tend to set my bass volume to full - set gig level at the amp - let the fingers deal with dynamics...
  21. Cool - I like it
  22. Sounds pretty accomplished, some good solid playing and working well with the drums, good job... I like the first track, bass sound really suits this track - I used to play trombone in a Ska band in a previous life
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