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Everything posted by SirChewey

  1. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1319999031' post='1421092'] Nice bass, nice playing. My only criticism is that your sound has no bass! Is it on the bridge pickup? Too clangy for my liking. But yeah! Nice playing. W&T make some lovely basses. [/quote] Nice effort on the cover mate. Have you detuned your bass by any chance? - this is possibly what is causing your lack of bass.
  2. I'm not a huge drum and bass fan, but would love to hear what it would all sound like as a band rather than sounding sampled in to a mix. IMO taking this style of music and playing it live in a band would give you a better following and an edge that a lot of drum and bass artists wouldn't be able to achieve. I expect it would give you a lot of new ideas also.
  3. Hi Guys, Up for grabs is my EH Bass Big Muff Pi (the green one) in fully working order, good condition. No box or power supply, just the pedal. £45 posted ono - well packed!
  4. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1313383441' post='1340268'] Drat, you sound better on a block of wood than I do on my £100 fretless Great stuff I now have for a bit of 3x2 pine.... [/quote] HAHA, bollocks do I. Go sort out your in a neighbours skip and post up a link with a little funktitude - I wanna hear a rendition of Captain Planet!!
  5. [quote name='deej' timestamp='1319870850' post='1419470'] Yeah, I have been considering picking up a cheapish jazz and seeing how I get on with it. I had a mexican 5 string years ago that I didnt like, but they were early days and I didnt know much about gear then or how to get the sounds I wanted. Ive played a PJ bass through the Terror and it did sound more what I was hoping for. Less breakup, a fatter tone, not so much honk in the upper mids. I think because most actives have a strong low end, and the OTB is very bass heavy, theres just too much going on there. Its all boom and no thickness. [/quote] I looked around for ages for the 'right' bass for me. I loved the 70's reissue fender necks but after playing several American ones I found them a little too 'polite', I wanted something with a bit more character and 'testicular growl' if you get my drift. I ended up with a Geddy Lee Fender Jazz which I like the look and feel of the neck much better than the other reissues as well as the pickups and spacing. The only thing was that it was MIJ, but to be honest that didn't put me off, if anything I think they have made a great job. Plus I saved £1000! I played them blind and chose the Geddy and have been more than happy with my decision. You can pick them up for between £500 and £650 second hand and new retail about £850. The necks on them are possibly one of Fenders best kept secrets, ultra thin and quick maple neck with some nice blocks. Couldn't recommend them high enough.
  6. [quote name='Bassnut62' timestamp='1319568461' post='1415960'] Thanks for tip Will come back to you all when pedal arrives by ship [/quote] You got it yet?
  7. [quote name='deej' timestamp='1319822567' post='1419069'] I'd agree with this. I only play actives and ive been forcing myself to try and like this amp for ages now. Something just isnt working for me though. [/quote] Try and play a passive Jazz through it, you may find it opens up a whole new world. I find I can play any style through it and can get a huge range of sounds. All I use is my bass and a compressor for my sound, and play everything from funk to jazz to rock and metal and does all of this to a high standard. Personally I have never seen the point with actives, I just find them a little dull through most things, they just seem to have this artificial sound. Sorry for all you active players out there, nothing personal, just my pref.
  8. I think some of that might be that all the eq boosts are subtle, none of this +15db stuff, all the cuts are propper cuts and if all your eq is 0 then you have no sound! I actually find that the eq is perfect completely flat through my rig and sounds natural and stops people trying to boost stuff rather than cutting eq to make a curve and bringing up the volume a little if needed. You just end up with frequencies that the bass can't naturally produce and all sounds horrible to my ear. Maybe that is something that most bass players do and not being able to do this gives it that more 'natural warmth'. I've found that this amp is perfect for passive basses, you can really work the sound with your fingers. Actives in this amp sound dead IMO and not the amp you want if your looking around, I'm sure you'd find something better.
  9. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1319741170' post='1418081'] I too did the Harma Retro mod. It's been my only head for a while now [/quote] I wasn't aware that this is a usual mod - I did mine with swap with valves we had lying around the studio, then swapped in the Retro and it sang something the others didn't. I only bothered with V1. Did you swap both out? if so what differences did adding the extra retro in V2 make as looking at the circuit diagram it looks like it acts as a buffer to the effects loop rather than sculpt any noticable sound. I'm no pro when it comes to circuitry btw as you can possibly tell if you or someone can point me in the right direction, that would be good lol
  10. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1319017691' post='1408858'] Heard nothing but good stuff about these Joyo pedals - I'm hankering for the OCD clone (Ultimate Overdrive) for my guitar board. Seems like they're awesome for £30. Did you have to wait long for delivery? Aren't they usually shipped from way out east? [/quote] Arrived within 7 working days - can't fault them lol
  11. Have a look into re-valving V1. I've put a Harma Retro in my OTB1000 - great sound, great feel. Have a play once you've got used to it. Awesome amps especially with passive basses.
  12. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1318800880' post='1406416'] Seems a bit too good to be true! Anyone here tried one?? [/quote] Believe me mate - for the cash - you won't find a better one! I'm just an average Joe with a heart of bass, just like every other on here. I searched for ages to find anyone who had written a review on these that uses bass but with no luck. Hopefully, this thread will cause a few people with a spare 30 nuggets in their Paypal to go purchase and add to this thread. Would be great to hear other peoples opinion.
  13. I think that a lot of the time companies use cheeper valves to keep the price down to consumers and maintain the competition. They're aware that putting quality valves in also narrows the market somewhat for their amps in terms of both sound and cost. Most people like to customise their rigs to optimise their own sound and feel so popping cheepy stock valves supports cusomisation, which lets face it is the best way. The valves that came in the Terror weren't 'bad', just created an average sound quality and feel which for the money it cost, I recon is way above average compared to it's competition. [quote]Interesting. With the Harma in V1 and (presumably) the original fitment Chinese valve in V2, what settings are you on for Gain and Volume? What rig do you play through? Active or passive bass? [/quote] Yes, on the BT1000 I still have stock in V2. V1 is situated on the right (not the left as you might think - remember gain level is situated on the right). I'm not that sure that it's worth the money spending out for a full swap out as V2 is used post EQ and split over the effects loop as a buffer - I doubt that swapping V2 out would make a huge change but you never know, valves can sometimes work in mysterious ways. I play through a Ashdown Neodymium 8x10 Classic (4Ohm) - 1050W (2050W peak) - I have a Fender Jazz GL which is passive playing on DR Hi-Beam MR45's (nice strings bright and punchy). My sound is mainly overdriven on the bridge pickup on full with about 15% on the neck, mixed to 75% on tone control. Compressor is set Att 7, Sus 5, Lev 7 (overdriving the imput stage on the valve slightly to give a slight swell). Gain (Right) on amp is set to about 3, EQ is flat (all settings in the centre), Level is set to about 5. I have played a MM Stingray 3EQ through the rig and I'll be honest, this amp doesn't dress well with actives in my opinion, you just can't get the control and doesn't do the head justice, even though it has the act/pas switching, passive eats it every time.
  14. I can see if I can make a vid and swap the valves to show a comparisson if you are interested. I can post a link to youtube once I have done it. I'm not 100% if making a video would make the change that evident as I know a lot of the character in peoples preference in valves is all in the feel. The JJ i popped in didn't make a huge change in the sound but the feel of the sound was lovely, the Harma Retros just blew the stock and JJ out the water with regard both feel and sound and have actually found myself pushing my mids back up as I had cut them slightly with the stocks as found them almost too 'nasal' now they seem to cut and balance perfectly in a band, I couldn't ask for any more. Christ - I could do with shutting up about these valves really. Last rehearsal was OOTW though, I have never felt so connected to my rig, playing fusion, this helps enormously and can't fault it - awesome.
  15. Hi Guys, just thought I would ask what valves people are popping there first stage. The stock valves in my terror were just marked 'made in china' so with that in mind I decided to look into buying some new valves. Looking at the circuit diagram I could see that most of the sound of the amp came from V1, so looked at getting something a little different. I ordered a JJ 12AT7, thinking along the lines of getting a little more clean headroom on the gain chanel and some extra clarity from the JJ brand but to be honest didn't get mutch of this, the stock valves actually seemed to sound better. Luckily, Steve (guitarist) was after an 12AT7 so he had it and I popped in his Harma Retro ECC83 (12AX7) - All I can say is WOW! This is a great valve for this amp, stunning in fact. Clear punchy mids and a tidy bottom end. The sound is crystal through my rig and worth the change. I just wanted to let Bass Terror owners know that for a small payout, you can get a great sound. I can't vouch for the 500W model but for the 1000W, I can recommend this valve highly. It has helped shaped my sound that little more how I like it. Would like to hear other people's valve choice and what changes to sound they have noticed. Chu
  16. Hi Guys, I'd just like to let people know about this pedal. It's a new addition to my rig and have tried quite a few compressor pedals over the years for my basses but this one has shocked me at how good it is especially coupled with my Jazz. It claims to be a representation of classic Ross pedal, and I think by representation they mean that it actually is - it certainly sounds amazing. It has personality and retains punch and clarity throughout even at higher compression settings. For under £30 you can't beat this pedal. It's stunning for the money and came with a battery. Anyone buying this certainly won't be sorry. Link to ebay below if you want to buy one. If anyone is interested, I'll try and get a recording up on Youtube sometime next week. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/260774155829?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2648"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/260774155829?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2648[/url] If anyone else has had experience with Joyo, please post, would be good to hear what other people think...
  17. I'll take your muff for £40 posted if still available although why don't send via gift? - everyone's a winner!
  18. Geddy Lee Fender Jazz Swapped with Chris for a Musicman Stingray. Very satisfied, bass in excellent condition. Chris posted and organised both couriers and completed on time and to his word. Highly recommended, will definitely use again and will keep my eyes peeled for his for sale items in future. Very personable and great communication. A+++ Many thanks Chris, Chu
  19. Still available and aching for a Fender Geddy Lee so either cash or geddy swap would be awesome. Not gonna be interested in any adapted Geddy's unless original bits are included as I just love the original. Some one will be getting a good deal for a swap and would make a good couple of hundred quid out of the deal. Nothing wrong with MM she's a good 95% mint.
  20. Hi guys, just wondering if anyone had come across any bassists radio online or any stations that play bassist focussed music? Have tried to find but failing so thought I'd put it out there. Many thanks, Chu
  21. Hi Guys, thought I would share this with you. I was quite bored and have been suffering from GAS lately so made my own bass to tide myself over and have something new to play with. Check out the link below. Would be great to hear what others have made and demo them on the tube of you. Look forward to hearing them [u][color="#800080"][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZWc6SKAE5c"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZWc6SKAE5c[/url][/color][/u]
  22. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe080BJUAh4&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe080BJUAh4...be_gdata_player[/url] i got one you can have lol ^^^^
  23. [quote]Mind you, without the wheels it'd be hell to move around.[/quote] (ABM610) My Neo810 also came with wheels and that is a beast at 4 1/2ft tall and 60KG... thank god for roadies lol
  24. [quote]Cracking amp choice, mate! I still love my HA5500 and keep it at the studios for our weekly rehearsal slot. I pair it up with an Ashdown ABM-410T cab (think it's been replaced by the 410H these days, but very similar) and despite it being an 8ohm cab, it's still one hell of a loud and powerful rig.[/quote] I used to run my HA3500 through an Ashdown MAG 410 Deep. Cheep as chips at £260 new and rated at 450W. Can't go wrong to start out.
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