Has anyone built any Bill Fitzmaurice (BFM) cab’s and used the CPC-supplied ‘pulse 306’ tweeter as below? The BFM cab build literature offers uk-based CPC as a retailer of the equivalent of the USA branded ‘Goldwood 1016 piezo’, against which the pulse version looks exactly the same shape and has the same external size. The CPC website confirms they are far-east manufacture and even BFM praises the Goldwood’s for being less than $2 each, so I would assume even the U.S. ones are far-east origin. Am just looking for ‘UK’ confirmation that this is not a bad idea; to buy 30-odd of these from CPC and start sawing and gluing them into pretty, but pants, melded arrays. (Sensible precaution: Would I need to buy more and test everyone one, somehow?)
Thanks & regards (from a newbie 5-stringer, looking for cheap good bass sound)
Charles Jenkinson
Manchester, UK