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Everything posted by krysh

  1. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1378204903' post='2196917'] Is that the best software to use? I'd had a poke around in it a year or so ago and I thought it was a bit restricted. Probably my lack of skill. [/quote] you only asked for a software than can do what you want. there is no best software, only some that some people prefer more than other and some so called industry standard. it only depends on what you want to spend and which way you prefer to work. the best investment in recording is a decent audio interface though. but there are too many variables in your questions to give a precise answer to this. take what you already have, learn it and when you come to a point where you need more then go on...
  2. garageband which already is on your macbook?
  3. so many options jake. from simple (tc ditto) to super complex (boss rc-300, boomerang III, EH 45000) I am more than happy with my digitech stereo jamman with a fabe that gives the opportunity to store on the fly.... but just for playback even a smartphone would work perfectly.
  4. I'd choose my seibass jazz 5, would be half of it if new.
  5. get the genz shuttle and 1x12 cab from the marketplace.
  6. nice, one of the rare p-basses that I like.
  7. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1377453651' post='2187735'] Had a great gig today. Just got in & on the way to work. Anyway, here's some pictures [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1554_4573207508607_2067503605_n.jpg"][/url] [/quote] nice, looks like a lot of fun.
  8. had a nice gig at an italian wine & food distributor in hannover tonight with [url="http://www.ballaro.de/?page_id=41&title=don-quattrone"]"don quattrone"[/url] playing italian schlager. great food and wine for free and the punters loved it. just got back and enjoy a nice 2010 "rosso di montalcino"
  9. i have absolutely no idea, since I don't know these basses good enough, but this (1st) "[url="http://basschat.co.uk/uploads/monthly_08_2013/post-12765-0-59658700-1377873556.ipb"]monthly_08_2013/post-12765-0-59658700-1377873556.ipb[/url] [b]([/b]4.45MB)" has more growl and the 2nd "[url="http://basschat.co.uk/uploads/monthly_08_2013/post-12765-0-50139500-1377873597.ipb"]monthly_08_2013/post-12765-0-50139500-1377873597.ipb[/url] [b]([/b]4.45MB)" has mor "body" and low end. I'd prefer a mixture of both though.
  10. [quote name='SimonQwerty' timestamp='1377696924' post='2190491'] Hmm... Thanks for this great idea! I've never had a bass with 18v power and should definitely give it a try. I've already tried Bartolini CBJD set with this bass and found EMG to deliver richer and fatter tone which I liked a bit more for that particular one. What were the pickups you've installed? I'm thinking to try MEC gold or EMG JA set to bring up the high end a bit. But it's still a doubtful decision. I used to make tone adjustments right on the amp rather using an onboard electronics. Just a few times on scene I needed to boost a low end right during a song. So I guess there's no need to install a preamp, at least with an active pickups onboard. Furthermore I'm not a fan of an aircraft control pane on the bass [/quote] well. I like neither of the pickups of your choice. I have chosen nordstrands for the p/j since I love the nj4se in my franken jazz so much and these are what I'd chose again, also for your bass. they sound great passive, but you should at least have 2 vol controls and 1 passive toneblend to get the best results for the perfect sound. but take time and listen carefully to all videos with pickups that match your pickup position, research a lot about the comments on the different sounds and then decide (which ist the most difficult part of the process).
  11. [quote name='SimonQwerty' timestamp='1377686201' post='2190271'] Yes it's an EMG J set with no preamp/EQ or tone shaping. [/quote] simon, to my ears the potential of the bass is great, but I belive I hear what might be missing to some ears. in my fretles 4-string I had a factory installed emg p/j set. it was ok but somehow always seemed to cut and compress the sound a littlebit too much for my taste, so I decided to swap them for passive pickups. my choice was great and the regular passive pickups really opened up the sound of my bass, resulting in more lows and more high end and much better dynamics. but you should try to feed the emgs with 18v first to receive more headroom, maybe it works. if this was my bass though I would add an 18V preamp with 3-band tone control (parametric mids) passive/active switch, 2x volume and an always working passive toneblend to max out its potential.
  12. hi simon, nice playing and a beautiful and nice sounding bass. I also prefered it over the others, though I'm a bit biased to JBs. I watched the video and is it correct that there are emg's in the sc?
  13. I'd prefer pickups wound by milfs then.
  14. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1377463686' post='2187902'] Seriously, you genuinely think NAMM and MusikMesse are flooded with private individuals buying high end basses as an investment? NAMM is technically not even open to the public and, as far I know suppliers cannot take money at the event (although they could obviously agree a deal and take the money later). Most of our suppliers, who are amongst the highest end luthiers out there sell virtually nothing at either of these events. In fact some of them refuse point blank to deal with the public. I know this because private buyers regularly contact them direct and they simply refer them back to us. Our deals with them mean that buying through a retailer is the same price as if they buy direct. The makers are happy to do this precisely because they don't want to deal with private individuals. I'll have to ask them how many instruments they sell at these events. It'll be interesting to hear first hand what they say. [/quote] you really like to turn around my words, don't you? I don't give a sh*t what you believe, but I definatively know at least one collecter in person who is doing exactly this. eom.
  15. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1377462614' post='2187883'] I have to say that I am genuinely amazed. I've worked off and on in a high end bass guitar retailer for close to 3 years and not a single customer has bought a new bass from us an investment. In fact one of the most common comments we get is that they know sir instruments will drop in value the moment they walk out the door. The investors must all be buying from The Gallery. . . [/quote] ofcourse they don't walk into shops. they go to namm and musikmesse and deal directly with the manufacturer. it is an investment, what do you think???
  16. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1377460467' post='2187848'] ... Are you saying that, in your experience, you know for an absolute fact that high end instruments are being bought as investments by people?... [/quote] yes, this is what I tried to say before. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1377440929' post='2187529'] I agree, too. but nevertheless there are people who buy these highend instruments as an investment. [/quote]
  17. @ molan: you have your experiences and I have mine... if this is so important for you to show some middle aged amateur musos playing expensive instruments at pub gigs, I'm fine with it. they enjoy themselves and that is fine. I know that most professionals just can't afford them. so what. this is life... I'm only sad that so many good expensive instruments dont get treated like they should be., becaus it almost always is about the money... I 'm happy with what I have.
  18. a lot of them you will find in here: [url="http://www.zwick4u.com/"]http://www.zwick4u.com/[/url] all of the instruments are real. i. e. look at the 3 alembics above the bar in zwick st. pauli. the owner uli salm is probably the biggest bass collector in germany, and yes he still is gigging, but not the ones on the walls in his clubs....
  19. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1377440422' post='2187514'] Guitars are not good investments. Even if you have a 1969 Precision, which would be worth about $4000, you have to realize that when it was purchased it cost $400, which in todays market is about $2000. So it would take over 40 years to make about 500 pounds. Hardly a fiscal coup. [/quote] I agree, too. but nevertheless there are people who buy these highend instruments as an investment.
  20. I tend do believe that most small boutique builders live from these "investors". most of them can't play well enough to tell if an instrument is great or just gorgeous. on my way back from the musikmesse this year a met such a collector in the train. he buys buy the looks and doesn't play very well, but owns around 35 high end guitars, (nick huber, etc.) and even a ritter bass that he can't play but bought it because of the looks and the estimated value. so there should be more people with the money to afford these expensive toys....
  21. well, after I have tried the gr-55 extensively with bass and have decided that if you only use it, then you might use it, but then I'd miss my original basssound so much because mixing the sounds doesn't work properly most of the time because of latency - I decided to use it with my guitars. so for bass, usually I only use compressor, octaver, some kind of overdrive (tube and only sometimes) and an envelope filter. all the rest will stick on my guitar board....
  22. usually I'm very picky with other people playing my gear. but if I know them well or like their attitude I like to listen how they sound with my stuff.
  23. my humble opinion is that both compressors would be a great choice, alltough I'd prefer the diamond. though I ended up with the xotic sp which really does for me what you expect. front or end depends on the other pedals, so you should simply try what suits you best.
  24. just came back from a small (semi-) acoustic gig (2x 1,25hours) at a small wine festival and enjoy a nice bottle of german "grauer burgunder" where I subbed for 27 italian/american songs from the 50s nd 60s. crowd was small, mostly drunk, but loved it, so did the promoter and we enjoyed it, too. my old eko fretless acoustic served me splendidly for this style. here I took a shot of the stage at soundcheck:
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