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Everything posted by krysh

  1. shame I can't watch a lot of the vids over here.
  2. nice, me likes.
  3. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1326446864' post='1497229'] [b]Very[/b] much obliged, thanks [/quote] +1, great stuff!
  4. in my band we mostly play originals. we also play two covers, but arranged, harmonized and performed with "our" sound and style. I never liked to play "copies" in any way. for me playing music has always been more an entertaining art than craftmanship or provided service
  5. oh my, you guys have so gorgeous sei basses. so let me please add the humble jazz 5 that I bought here from lowregisterhead 2 months ago. I love it every day a bit more.
  6. [quote name='Jam' timestamp='1326663871' post='1500267'] Very nice playing Krysh/Michael, sounds like you're having fun! I wish I could play guitar like that [/quote] thanks jam, very kind. I took the vid with my small mistakes because the overall energy felt best. I really enjoyed your flute vid, too. @ dom: very cool, thanks.
  7. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1326642472' post='1499834'] Well gang, At the moment, it feels like I'm the luckiest bloke alive. It's my birthday today (60) and last night we had a party. My guitarist turned up with our friend who built his (and my) guitar heads. He knew that I'd been hankering after a head like mine but in combo format ( which he does not make) for some time and had always said that if I hit the lottery, I'd commission one. It seems that there is now a "Keith" (yeah I know) combo in the range as my wife had done just that and had one built for me. 40 watts, reverb that is progressive with the gain control. Celestion G12 Rock driver and an impedance control to match the amp with pickup output. Got to bed at 6 am so gonna plug in and give it a blast later tonight. I seriously don't deserve my wife. [/quote] happy birthday then! this is one the coolest presents a wife could hand to a musician. double congrats on this.
  8. krysh

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='Michaelg' timestamp='1326565797' post='1498992'] flipping heck! is that hollow body Guild bass a starfire model? How did you get hold of that?! [/quote] yep, and I got it with patience through talkbass and letstalkguild.com had to wait 3 years to find one I could afford. 1965 SF-1, modded 1970 to SF-2, 2 original bisonics, stripped, repaired peghead break, but flawless neck and my main player in my band. outstanding bass, I love it, you'd have to steal it from my cold dead hands.
  9. krysh

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1326565084' post='1498978'] My Gordon Smith. [/quote] cute. any proper soundfiles?
  10. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUrGjVkAqfc&feature=related[/media]
  11. nice. if you offer me a day job in an architectural office in london, I might take the guitar part.
  12. I like it. good luck!
  13. I have a Fodera 2000 Pedal and prefer it over the Tonehammer which I sold after I got the Fodera. But I use my GP Lightstone Tube Bass Twister as my main pre because of the DI and nice 2 tube channels:
  14. basic rule: keep one sort of bit resolution in a project. if you want to modify or stretch files then the higher bit rate allows more manupulation before you get digital artefacts. if you want better quality also use 24 bit.
  15. Guild Pilot Basses and Guild Starfire Basses.
  16. not too sure, but just don't wanna choose wrong (ey it's once a year... )...
  17. sad this is so true.
  18. personally I don't like markbass and never played an euphonic. since this decision should make you happy for a long time, try as many solutions you can find and then choose. the gallery got two older AI's for sale, so you might check the AI sound there.
  19. [quote name='geoffbassist' timestamp='1326018131' post='1490959'] Great job Alex. Some really nice phrases. [/quote] +1
  20. krysh

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='alanbass1' timestamp='1326035897' post='1491326'] I ordered the amp when I was working in the 'states. When I ordereed mine in 2005 Simon Jarret made each one personally and I had to wait about 10 months, although not sure if this has changed (he got some blindingly great reviews in the US guitar mags that year). It is the finest guitar amp I have ever played through - I also have a Badcat Cub II, Atomic Spacetone and Victoria LPT. Finest reverb and tremolo I have heard and mine has a voltage selector (as I knew I would be coming back to blighty) and it has a useful footswicheable boost for solo's. I also ordered the amp with a Tonetubby 50 watt alnico speaker and this is perfect for the amp - highly recommended but these amps are like hens teeth. You can read about them on his site and Simon is a very accomplished guitarist which you can hear/see watching some of the footage of him playing these amps: [url="http://www.kingsleyamplifiers.com/amps/deluxe30/"]http://www.kingsleya.../amps/deluxe30/[/url] [/quote] great amp sounds on their website. congrats.
  21. krysh

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1326022832' post='1491060'] My Fylde electric. Not many of these about: Roger Bucknell reckons fewer than 30 were made. This one has very early EMG pickups (before they were officially called EMG), the bridge one has two sets of coils, one humbucking and one single coil set. ... [/quote] nice!
  22. I recommend an Acoustic image Clarus head: http://www.acousticimg.com/#/clarus_s4/lp
  23. silly me . I found it. also all my notification had been switched off by whatever.
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