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Everything posted by krysh

  1. [quote name='davedave' timestamp='1401353794' post='2462646'] I'm liking the combination of the Guild and the WEM. Fine work sir! [/quote] +1
  2. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1401189723' post='2460904'] I've already posted this somewere around here but here ti goes again. I recently turned to a pre+power config for the bigger gigs and got myself a Alembic F1-X and a KMT DC-5 power amp. The amp is feeding the S12 with 1kW, bridged at 4 ohms. In total my rack weights a bit less than 15kg. The amp is class-H so i have all the bottom end but without the size and weight of a class-AB amp. Sounds lovely to my ears, it's a shame that i can't use it more often but this is completely overkill for the majority of pub gigs i'm doing at the moment. Here's a pic (again): [/quote] really nice!
  3. my opinion is my opinion, no matter how much it changes. well, it does if I'm proved being wrong, but I trust my own experiences best.
  4. I use this as my ultra light and portable rig: -handmade in germany GP Lightstone Twister (2-Channel TubeBassPreAmp) -acoustic image focus sa 300w@8Ohm/600W@4Ohm class D poweramp usually with my custom SAD 1/12H cab. sounds fantastic, I never needed more volume and it is very reliable.
  5. I had forgotten, you wanted pics. here's most of my 6-string heaven: but of course the board has changed a bit after this pic was taken. not on the pic is my main live amp, a carr "the vincent". +1 actionshot:
  6. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1400794756' post='2457166'] I haven't got any pics but I like what you're saying! Never understood the term guitard too. I play guitar and bass so have no issues with fellow musicians! [/quote] +1
  7. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1400490597' post='2454239'] ... Thank you! Is the switch on the High setting? [/quote] nope, on low. it is the wide camera lens.
  8. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1400355799' post='2453212'] Just wondering what setting you are using on the internal switches. I'm getting a bit confused since the controls are labelled differently than other compressors, Low/High for the Attack and Long/Short for the Release Time. I'm want more of my natural note attack to go through so I can still have good articulation and dynamics. Any advice on settings to achieve it? [/quote] hi paubass, I'm happy with these settings:
  9. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1399633648' post='2446066'] Jazz jams are generally horrible. The standards are pretty low and the biggest issue is the choice of material. It is always the same tunes played badly. Anything labelled 'funky' isn't and the number of delusional people who can barely string a phrase together is always disproportionately high. Unless [b]the players are there[/b], they can be soul destroying and the time is far better spent at home with your Aebersolds!!. [/quote] yes, but if...it can be great, as it was yesterday. not a jazz jam but spontaniously improvised pop songs with bridg and dynamics. it is a lot of fun when it works!
  10. easy mate, it's not about failing. it's about getting up again. better next time!
  11. these are ace: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/lehle_little_lehle.htm?sid=3324350646b554163c4963086dd8f46f"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/lehle_little_lehle.htm?sid=3324350646b554163c4963086dd8f46f[/url]
  12. I love open Jamsessions and I should since I host a weekly one on thursdays. I explained my unterstanding of the term here already: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/235728-so-what-is-a-jam-session-really/page__view__findpost__p__2437213"]http://basschat.co.u...ost__p__2437213[/url] of course jamsessions can be boring. and sometimes they can be really terrible. BUT: if there is the right combination of musicians you can really create magic on the fly. The key to this is being able to listen and knowing what you better do not. And dare to fail. try, experiment, play from your heart and soul! If everybody plays to support the others and is trying to improve the team energy then musical miracles can happen. For me these are most adored moments as an artist.
  13. My understanding of the term Jamsession is a spontanious creative moment within a bunch of musicians either on stage or in the rehearsal room or studio. For the whole 30+ years of of being a musician playing a great jamsession always has been the goal to reach for me. there is nothing more demanding and satisfying for for me as an artist than spontaniously creating "art" and receiving a direct feedback from an audience. As a musician an improvised Jamsession that works and connects with the audience for me is the highest level you can reach. But obviously these great Jamsessions are hard to find. Usually Jazz Jams offer the possibility to work on this, but even these usually only take patterns (realbook, etc.) that most musos can agree about and interpret their "coverversion" of a song. Free Jamsessions tend to become boring very easily and usually stay on one or two chords if they are not guided in some way. As a Host of a weekly non-Jazz-Jamsession I always try to create more of these creative moments and not so much adaptions of songs. Usually you need a good drummer, a good bassplayer and one good player on a harmony instrument. if all three of them have the ability to listen to each other and communicate actively then all the others can add their chops and it is possible to create songs on the fly and if you are lucky these even reach the audience. as an example, here is the video playlist with some jams I filmed at my weekly event (bands are mentioned as bands): [url="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJTWinGTXtHHg5UurUJQVFvnWiLIUZNRZ"]https://www.youtube....JQVFvnWiLIUZNRZ[/url]
  14. great work guys! it was a hard decision.
  15. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1397794589' post='2427461'] THat sounds good. All passive, right ? [/quote] jep, no onboard preamp needed. these nordstrands have a lot output, do a lot of different nuances when you use the vol/tone pots and they react beautifully to your fingertips. I love them, they made completely new instruments out of my old pilots.
  16. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1397741722' post='2426997'] Cool ! one thousand smackeroos are on their way to you ! Many thanks. [/quote] btw, this is how the zebra pilots sounds with fender 9050l flats (both pickups full, tone -30%, if I remember correctly): [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddWCbT7cIdo[/media]
  17. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1397716029' post='2426668'] Cool ! One more question.... I can't see your profile pic in any detail at all. How far back from the P is your Big Split ? If you could measure the distance from pickup to pickup centre and post it here I will send you a cheque for £1000 ! [/quote] well here you go: send me a pm for my adress!
  18. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1397682077' post='2426531'] Interesting ! How well do the two pickups blend ? I am mainly looking for a pickup to blend with the P, rather than one to solo in the bridge position. [/quote] they blend perfectly, work ace together.
  19. I have Nordstand P with Nordstrand Bigsplit at the bridge in my 2 guild pilots and this combination is killer! (see profile pic)
  20. krysh

    Guild... but

    [quote name='foal30' timestamp='1397445877' post='2423955'] Guild Pilot came out in the 80's Reissued by Fender Korea as DeArmond in late 90's early 2000's [b]original had Bartolini pick ups[/b]. V versions where JJ, IV's P + J fast neck, versatile gigging bass. The reissue V is serious bang for bucks. Excellent make/fit and B string is strong and 'in tune'. [/quote] sorry to correct, but here are some additional infos: guild pilots were made from 1983-1995, the first 2 years with pickguard and splitcoil in p-bass position. from 1985 without pickguard and reverse splitcoil. standard body woods have been poplar with full colour finishes and maple with transparent finishes. slim maple necks with rosewood and maple fretboards, standard pickups have been active emg's. optional bartolini and dimarzio were available. also a "highend" version with necks with binding and blocks has been available. 1994/5 the pilot pro 4/5 were had emg with BTC and more shaped bodies. the 5-stringers can be very good, but usually will work great with a tapered b-string. the 4 string versions had been available as j/j (very rare), p only (rare) and p/j models (standard). the 5er only with j/j. the dearmond reissues can't really compete with the originals, build quality and pickups are not the same quality. I had 2 orignals and 1 dearmond and today 2 modded pilots sb-602 are my main 4-string gigging basses. duffs pilot has a custom finish and custom block inlays. but during the 80s and 90s guild had a lot weird hair metal finishes a special runs.
  21. just got back from a small acoustic "office openig gig": and the view from the "stage":
  22. [quote name='woodster' timestamp='1397327758' post='2422913'] [url="http://s56.photobucket.com/user/woodsy_photos/media/AAD02CD0-3BD0-4B58-B07F-FB87E396236A-6432-000002AC5BCC2EBA_zpsc232ed10.jpg.html"][/url] My 2 Overwaters. [/quote] lovely couple!
  23. very well, here my 2 black (modded with nordstand big split & p- pickups) 1984 &1989 (fl) guild sb-602 pilots:
  24. I was lucky, I didn't buy/sell excessively but now am absolutely happy with what I have. So enough time to focus on the music!
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