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Everything posted by Alfie

  1. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1000603' date='Oct 25 2010, 10:48 PM']The VU meter on the Ashdown amps is the best feautre on them IMHO![/quote] +1 1/4" jack outputs (especially when I only pack the speakon cable).
  2. Bump
  3. [quote name='bartelby' post='998976' date='Oct 24 2010, 04:17 PM']Does this count? [/quote] That's brilliant! Not sure that two bass players adds much to the song, as opposed to the performance.
  4. I don't know if anything ever came of it, but weren't Mani, Andy Rouke and Peter Hook working on some sort of bass only project?
  5. [quote name='rOB' post='997829' date='Oct 23 2010, 09:48 AM']I've never seen it done but had a go in our rehearsal room the other day using a floor pod for amp modeling and went straight to the mixer. Sounded good to my ears, would save hauling an amp to gigs [b]provided there was good stage monitoring[/b]. Any thoughts?[/quote] I have played some awful gigs going only through the PA, stage monitoring is a lottery at the best of times.
  6. Wow! I guess your houses are bigger in Canada, that rig would destroy my village. Welcome to Basschat!
  7. For sale is my Waterstone Indra semi-hollow, short-scale bass, bought in March 2007 from Bass North West in Seattle. It's a really fine looking instrument with nice binding, front and back. When plugged it in, it provides an immensely full bass whooom. I used this as my main gigging bass for about a year, so I have many happy memories associated with it. This also means there are a few bits of buckle rash on the back, but the rest has an impressively glossy, glassy finish. Scale length is 30". Weight is around 3.5kg according to kitchen scales. Currently strung with La Bella flats and comes with a Waterstone gig bag. £350 collected [attachment=61914:DSC_3620.JPG] [attachment=61915:DSC_3621.JPG] [attachment=61916:DSC_3624.JPG] [attachment=61917:DSC_3645.JPG] [attachment=61918:DSC_3650.JPG] [attachment=61919:DSC_8978.JPG] [attachment=61920:DSC_8981.JPG] [attachment=61921:DSC_9011.JPG] [attachment=61922:DSC_9013.JPG] [attachment=61923:DSC_9015.JPG]
  8. The only time I swapped pots for supposedly better CTS ones, the CTS ones were a lot cracklier, so I swapped back again. Definitely snake oil IMHO. Considering resale value, I would only part with cash for an "upgraded" bass if the work was done by a professional, otherwise the bass has been tampered with and is worth a lot less (IMHO).
  9. MORE CAPITAL LETTERS!!!! The only sentence that wasn't emphasised by CAPS LOCK was when the seller was asking us to trust him, says it all really.
  10. I would stick the bass on eBay with a 99p starting price. It is pretty rare to get a bargain these days, things tend to go for exactly what they are worth. In this case it is probably the only way to find out what it is worth.
  11. I was tempted by the Highway One but (slightly guilty secret) [size=1]I'm actually looking for a telecaster not a bass[/size], and they are quite hard to find. I would also like it to be Fiesta Red, so I guess I will either have to get an unfinished Warmoth or refinish a Fender. On the subject of refinishing, would it be counter intuitive to get a Road Worn and refinish it? I really like the spec of the 50s style telecasters and a road worn nitro finish would be easier to strip than poly.
  12. As there seem to be a few Warmoths on Basschat, I thought someone could help me out with this. How thin are the finishes that Warmoth offer? I like the look of reliced basses, but I would rather get there under my own steam with 40 years of playing, as this doesn't seem to be likely given the teflon coating of modern Fenders, are Warmoth finishes thin enough to wear naturally? Or am I better off getting an unfinished body and having it finished in nitro over here?
  13. [quote name='Shaggy' post='987293' date='Oct 13 2010, 07:09 PM']I honestly read this thread title as "What to do about Nipples?", and now feel mildly let down [/quote] I originally read it is something incredibly racist.
  14. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='986250' date='Oct 12 2010, 09:12 PM']i think the fact that you started a thread about it tells me you're not happy with it at all! These niggles are unlikely to go away as your first impressions will stay with you! dont feel pressured to keep it! the customer is always right! [/quote] And if you don't keep it then let us know which shop you got it from. I would keep it if I was you, little quirks are just part of the identity of the instrument.
  15. [quote name='Nick449' post='985766' date='Oct 12 2010, 02:28 PM']what more do you need to know? I've said what its made of & where it comes from???[/quote] Did you actually buy the neck and body in America or via the internets? If you got them online then you can search your email for a receipt. Do Warmoth, USA Custom Guitars, Allparts, Mighty Mike, WD ring any bells? Are they licensed Fender parts or made by a guy in a shed? So Americans have sheds?
  16. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='983277' date='Oct 10 2010, 12:56 PM']But it does have a rosewood thumbrest!?![/quote] The genuine Fender screws are where the tone comes from
  17. [quote name='si_t4' post='980782' date='Oct 7 2010, 06:00 PM']No hardcase, no upgrade, but basically not used.[/quote] No warranty, no 30 money back guarantee, none of the other benefits that you pay new shop prices for. Basically not new.
  18. It did seem like a bit of a lynching or what appeared to be a fairly small mistake, more cheeky than fraudulent. It would probably be better to sell off this bass in parts. A second hand bass is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it and without the f-word, that value will be considerably less than the sum of its parts.
  19. For sale is a Korg DT-10 pedal tuner with a few light, UK hand-made scuff-marks. If you want that authentic rock and roll look and feel, but without the hassle of playing in an empty pub very other Saturday, then this is your chance! This is [i]the [/i] tuner that Jaco or Adam Clayton would have used if they were still alive. [attachment=60642:DSC_8804.JPG] [attachment=60643:DSC_8805.JPG]
  20. [quote name='orangepeelneil' post='977637' date='Oct 4 2010, 08:50 PM']I'm a bit cautious of the simple dual string bridge on the models -anyone have experience of these? Personally I'd like something more like a Gotoh 201 with individual string adjustment,but I guess its a classic design from 50 years ago and if it works and all that....[/quote] I really like the bridge on my '51, mostly because it prevents me from becoming anal about intonation. I guess if you are going down the Warmoth route then it would make sense to go for a Gotoh 201 (I think Wilkinson make a '51 bridge), if you are buying off eBay then you can judge for yourself. IMO it adds to the appeal of Fender's most charming bass.
  21. I am desperately hoping that Fender release a 60th Anniversary '51 next year
  22. I don't think its unreasonable to dictate what type of instrument to play if it is integral to the concept of the band. People forget that being in a band is a visual performance as much as an musical one. If three-quarters of a band are trying to present a beaten-up vintage concept and the other quarter is totally different it will undermine the whole idea of the band and look ridiculous. Some bands don't care about the visuals and that's cool, some care very much about the visuals and that is also cool, it's pointless arguing about it.
  23. Auditioning for a band is only like a job interview if you are joining a covers/tribute band or a very very very good originals act (either already signed or gigging with a big local following). As even very good originals bands will struggle to make any money from their music, bands are mainly for having a bit of fun and not just for the singer/guitarist/drummer. One person doesn't have a monopoly on musical wisdom.
  24. [quote name='discreet' post='902163' date='Jul 22 2010, 05:59 PM'] The Bass Viol had frets. In 1701. [/quote] That thar be fightin talk!
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