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Everything posted by Alfie

  1. [quote name='Pkomor' post='852244' date='May 30 2010, 11:46 PM']Hmm, If I couldnt fit the cables in with the F500 in the front could I put them in the pocket for the straps on the back, or would they fall out? It would only need to be for one instrument, speaker and power cable, anything more and i'd take the F500 in a laptop case anyway, so I can fit plenty of other stuff in...[/quote] That is a deep pocket, I guess you would be fine as long as you don't carry it upside down for long periods of time. The Mono also has plenty of D rings. The iGig is a viable alternative, it just looked a bit too much like a hiking backpack for my liking.
  2. [quote name='Pkomor' post='851708' date='May 30 2010, 11:16 AM']Ive been thinking about a Mono gigbag, and it looks great, but I want something i can fit my markbass F500 in, and I cant find the pocket dimensions anywhere! Does anyone know them?[/quote] Usable dimensions are about 30cm by 28cm, you should have no problem fitting the F500 in. For my gig last night I had a Fender volume pedal (those things are bulky), two large leads and a couple of effects boxes. You should definitely get one, it has probably been my most satisfying acquisition this year- it's really light and comfy and I trust my bass in it more than in my hard case.
  3. Sell it as a 'relic' pickup for loadsa money, then buy a shiney new wizard.
  4. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='846049' date='May 23 2010, 09:28 PM']What kind of music is being played? Sorry if it's been said but I can't seem to find it.[/quote] It's folk. When I signed up I was thinking Fairport or Steeleye Span, there are some pretty juicy basslines in the world of folk, but in reality it is more country. I may have to put my foot down with the 'jam' songs, if I am going to travel 45 mins each way for rehearsals then I am going to need at least one fun song to get all the superfluous notes out of my system.
  5. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='845605' date='May 23 2010, 11:33 AM']If you find it frustrating, then leave. There are plenty of players out there willing to "plod", but also remember that at the end of the day, you have to play what's right stylistically for the music. If their opinion on this clashes with yours, then you're playing with the wrong people. Busier bass players work better in trios, anyway. In a trio with no rhythm guitard you can be as busy and creative as you want.[/quote] I like the people in the band and it is generally fun, so I will stick with it [quote name='BurritoBass' post='845608' date='May 23 2010, 11:35 AM']That said you are currently working on existing tunes, it could get better when the new stuff starts coming into play[/quote] The songwriters produce a couple of new songs each week, they have hundreds of the buggers with very fixed ideas on how they should sound. I like being in the band, I like listening to the music and I am happy to play roots if that is the best thing for the song. I just wish we could have a couple of free form songs. The problem is that whenever a jam song comes up, the band leader says he has a bass line for it, so everyone gets to jam except me and the bass lines are generally boring or guitar line transposed to bass (which seldom work imho). Deep down I know that in band with so many 'lead instruments'(guitar, fiddle, mandolin, banjo, harmonica, flute) I am going to have to accept that simple is best. If I had more time then I would form a smaller group as well.
  6. Previously I have been in bands from their inception and so I have naturally had a strong creative influence in the band's sound. However I joined my most recent band quite late on, so they already have dozens of songs written by a very strong song writing partnership, there also happen to be 9 other people in the band so creative input is very limited. Now I don't mind this as playing for the song is the most important thing, but it can be tough when the band leader basically only wants roots or umpah-umpah sounds and I naturally want to be a bit more melodic. Who else has been in/ is in a band where your influence is minimal and how did you/ do you cope? Is being in a band solely about playing bass or do you need creative input to fully enjoy yourself?
  7. Wow! Ruddy bills, couldn't you sell a kidney or two instead?
  8. It's good to see someone from Guernsey on Basschat again, I seem to recall a nice guy called Jimmy from Guernsey.
  9. The one who has had the most obvious influence on my style of playing is JPJ. When I first heard Led Zep record my only thought was "I must learn that bass line", I have never had that reaction to any other band.
  10. [quote name='Johnston' post='822949' date='Apr 29 2010, 12:44 PM'] Compare the sounds I don't think the squires are too shabby compared to their counter parts.[/quote] What I have always noticed about that video is that he just doesn't look comfortable playing the Squiers, but I am sure that is more to do with being handed 3 unfamiliar basses compared to his own three that have been set up more to his liking.
  11. [quote name='Johnston' post='822913' date='Apr 29 2010, 12:11 PM']I've always preferred the cheaper stuff with a Hohner a dean the shop couldn't sell and two epi's. Would love a '51P but like the squier cv and TBH although I would love to have atleast 1 big name atleast once, from reading reviews and comments I can't justify paying the difference between a squier cv and the fender reissue in my head. After all if I ever gig again how many in the audience are going to know one is swap ash or alder and the other basswood.[/quote] The Fender '51 is slab bodied where as the Squier CV is contoured, the extra £400 buys you more wood. More wood = good.
  12. I was randomly searching Google and came across the Fender Custom Shop Lounge in Dusseldorf: [url="http://www.fender.com/news/index.php?display_article=60"]http://www.fender.com/news/index.php?display_article=60[/url] Has anyone ever experience this holy of holies?
  13. Alfie


    [quote name='MIJ-VI' post='706393' date='Jan 9 2010, 12:12 PM'] [url="http://www.philjonespuresound.com/products/?id=120"]http://www.philjonespuresound.com/products/?id=120[/url][/quote] Has anybody had the chance to play one of these yet? I am intrigued.
  14. So plenty of people have been in contact (including me), but has anyone from BC actually bought anything? I was interested in the Vintage White 1983 Precision, but he seems to have sold it a few times and the price is too high considering the big ding on the top of the body.
  15. For a while now I have been looking at a few nice basses on this site: [url="http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk"]http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk[/url] Has anyone on here ever had dealings with this guy? He is based in the South West. He seems to get a lot of nice stuff in, but I am put off by it not really being a proper shop and he doesn't accept credit card, which I like to use in these situations to provide piece of mind. A lot of the stuff also seems to be priced at the high end of the valuation spectrum, regardless of condition. Any thoughts?
  16. [quote name='JTUK' post='809231' date='Apr 17 2010, 10:39 AM'] sure. Compromise, get a decent jazz that works on other gigs and tell the band that that is the bass he should have played but Noel insisted on the retro thing. How about a relic'd jazz..? On a wider note and this might be heresy but aren't P-Basses rather limited..?? Great sound in itself..or can be...but that is it.[/quote] I think in the spirit of true compromise the op should get a Fender 51RI, a Highway One Precision and a Road Worn Jazz.
  17. Played mine through an EBS 410 at a gig a couple of weeks ago, it was the first time I had used it with a 4ohm cab, jeebus it was loud. I play in a folk band so I had to set the volume at lowest possible position where sound still comes out, even then I could only hear bass on stage.
  18. [quote name='HarryPotter' post='808281' date='Apr 16 2010, 12:19 PM']A wise man once said 'opinions are like bumholes, everybodys got one and most of them stink' 10 years ago I hated Oasis, I've warmed to them in the last few years, I used to do the sound for this (covers) band before they split up and now they've 'reformed' again. And it has to be said very few things can get a reaction out of a pub style crowd like an Oasis song going full bore, and a crowd buzzing its tits off is, to me, what giggings all about.[/quote] And you can easily play an Oasis bass line after a few jars or ale.
  19. Guigsy had a tele bass on the good stuff.
  20. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='806820' date='Apr 15 2010, 08:59 AM']Use an accoustic guitar? [/quote] I think that was the original problem, this thread could become a feedback loop.
  21. Does anyone know of small bass cabs with speaker drivers smaller than 10"? Basically a cab equivalent of the Micromark or the Bass Briefcase.
  22. Alfie

    Orange PC

    I am not sure if this is an amp or a computer. I think it is basically a toy for someone with more money than sense. [url="http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/07/orange-music-puts-pc-into-guitar-amp-ours-is-not-to-reason-wh/"]http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/07/orange-...t-to-reason-wh/[/url]
  23. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='795191' date='Apr 3 2010, 06:42 PM']Generally it's to make them look old - vintage necks were not tinted originally AFAIK, although there may have been a faint colouration to the nitro that would reduce the utter bone-whiteness compared to a new poly-coated neck[/quote] So vintage tint necks aren't that far removed from fake relcing then. I always thought the American Vintage series and the 51 were reissues, but I guess they are more like closet classics.
  24. This may well fall into the category of silly questions. Are vintage tint supposed to look like a neck that has aged, or did old basses have their necks tinted? I only ask because I was looking at a AV57 and was wondering whether that was actually what the bass would have looked like in 1957, or would the it have had a much whiter maple neck?
  25. The bridge one used to contain a piece of foam for muting (on a precision bass). They do get in the way, but look good.
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