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Everything posted by Alfie

  1. Boxing Day bump and price drop
  2. I bought my wife a Squier Classic Vibe 50s Telecaster for Christmas and I am in love with it, so much so that I want to get a bass to compliment it. I have very strong GAS for a Fender 51 Reissue, but the only stumbling point is that it is says Fender on the headstock and I wish it said Squier. This is the first time I have experienced this emotion. Don't get me wrong, I much prefer the look of the Fender 51 to the Squier 50s P, but I prefer the Squier brand. Is this weird or has does anyone else feel like this?
  3. I have decided to remove the blue pickguard cover. So here it is, now in its original white. Available for collection from West Oxfordshire, Oxford or London.
  4. Serrano Picoso now sold, only the compressor remaining.
  5. For a long time I have wanted a Fender P that is the same age I am (b.1983) [url="http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/basses/83poly.htm"]The one I have been gassing for[/url]at Classic and Cool Guitars for looks like it has been sold: There is an almost identical one for sale on Denmark Street, but it has been modified and I reckon a grand is too high a price to pay for an 80s bass that has been fiddled with (even if I would have put in a set of Wizards anyway).
  6. I love his playing on Blister on the Moon. The riff he plays with Rory Gallagher at the end is superb in itself, but is made better by him playing the same note for an eternity. Sometimes you can get the job done by playing a single note repeatedly, that is the method I have stuck to anyway.
  7. So he isn't in Taste at the moment, a trip to see them at the Skegness Blues and R&B Festival would probably be a disappointment.
  8. Basschatters present themselves as a fairly knowledgable bunch (and whatever they don't no is supplemented by expert google searching), so I thought I might start a thread to try and track down some of the talented bassists that time has forgotten. I am particularly interested in finding out what became of Richard McCracken who was the bassist for Rory Gallagher in Taste. I am not really one for finding [i]that[/i] tone, but of all the music I have listened to in my short life, the bass playing that I have most striven to achieve has been McCracken's dark, thick, soupy driving basslines on the first Taste album. I know that he formed a short-lived band called Stud after Taste collapsed, but what happened after that? Does he still gig? Is he still with us? So, can anyone help me and does anybody have any other obscure bassists to track down?
  9. [quote name='jmsjabb' post='684162' date='Dec 14 2009, 04:47 PM']Do you have a price to sell the Korg?[/quote] Not really looking for a sell, I don't want to be out of tune.
  10. Bump
  11. I will be in South West London over Christmas, so collection is available from there as well. I will probably be in Bolton between Christmas and New Year, so even more collection options are available. In fact, as I will be driving from Bolton to Oxfordshire, if you live somewhere on the M6/M5/A44 or M6/M40 routes then I can easily drop it off.
  12. [quote name='WonderHorse' post='680184' date='Dec 10 2009, 01:02 PM']That's very cool. How does it sound?[/quote] I'm not a tone connoisseur I'm afraid, so I would say it sounds like a bass. One thing I would say is that the pickups are fairly quiet, but then again the only things I had to compare it with were an active Fender and a Squier with Wizard Thumper pickups. Playing with a small clean boost pedal gave me a nice punchy sound.
  13. [quote name='bumnote' post='680055' date='Dec 10 2009, 11:21 AM']how wide is the neck at the nut? is it a 44 mm or a 42mm one[/quote] 42mm
  14. I've added pictures as attachments as well
  15. I have been a bit too generous for my wife's christmas present, so I need to find a bit of money from somewhere and unfortunately that means selling this bass. This is a SX Vintage Series Precision Bass in Metallic Silver, bought two years ago from Rondo Music in the US. I decided I wanted a blue pickguard so I fashioned one out of car decal vinyl and slapped it over the original. I can leave this on or take it off, it's up to you. I bought this because I fancied a big ol' P Bass with a chunky neck and big sound to use at band practice. What I got was a surprisingly playable little beast and I have ended up using it far more than either my Fender P Bass Lyte or my Waterstone Indra. So I will be sorry to see it go, but needs must. Pick up from me in Chipping Norton, or I can drop it in Oxford, perhaps in London too. £90 [attachment=38057:DSC_2892.JPG][attachment=38058:DSC_2895.JPG][attachment=38059:DSC_2898.JPG]
  16. Bump before eBay. The Serrano Picoso will go to eBay if no one wants it. The DHA is too good for eBay.
  17. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='679252' date='Dec 9 2009, 04:55 PM'] Sorry. [/quote] I think I've been watching too much The Thick of It
  18. Is anyone interested in trading a Boss TU-2 for a Korg DT-10? The Korg is 2 years old and in great shape for something that gets trod on. I am looking for a Boss TU-2 in similar condition. The reason for the trade is that I have a few Boss pedals so I want increased pedalboard consistency. I can put a picture up if you want, it looks a lot like a Korg DT-10.
  19. I have never had a setup done to a bass after purchase, any tweaks of action or intonation I have generally attempted myself. However I would now like to have one done to a bass I have owned for a dozen years or so, more to see whether a proper setup offers a significant improvement over what I have been doing. I came across [url="http://www.rptech.f2s.com/index.html"]RP Guitars[/url] by doing a google search, has anyone used them? There seems to be a handful of West Oxfordshire bassists dotted around Basschat, where do you usually go? Witney would be fine, Chippy perfect, Banbury good, Oxford a last resort. Also while I am in the repairing mood, are there any amp techs in West Oxfordshire?
  20. Price dropped on the DHA and the Catalinbread, the Boss and the EHX are now eBay bound. I really want to find a nice home for the Serrano Picoso, a lovely little thing. Have some more pictures: I have included a 2p and a 1p for scale, but you could own them too if you want! Just add 3p + 1p handling charge to the final price... bargain.
  21. SXy...
  22. Did you ever manage to find a decent dedicated shortscale case? Has anyone come across one in the last year?
  23. I don't know too much about this cabinet. I bought it second hand about 18 months ago but have hardly used it, certainly haven't gigged with it. Comes with the operating instructions and is on casters. 150W continuous, 300W program 8Ohm Height: 68cm Width: 62cm Depth: 47cm Weight: 26kg [b]£60 pick-up[/b]
  24. Hey I am no longer in a band, and I don't see an opportunity coming around anytime soon, so I am selling off some lesser-used pedals. I am open to offers and I am in Oxford a fair bit if anyone wants to deal in person. [b]Catalinbread Serrano Picoso[/b]- SOLD Tiny clean boost (30dB), very pretty little box. I mostly used this to boost my signal before going into a 3Xfx Fatman, which I no longer have. [b]DHA VT1 Bass Compressor[/b] SOLD Tube optical compressor, I'm sure you all know about it. I am a bit reluctant to let this one go because I have found it to be so versatile, however it is better for gigging than playing around at home. I got it with a custom colour job (as you can see), which I have pretty much wrapped in cotton wool- so it is in pristine condition.
  25. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='443076' date='Mar 23 2009, 08:43 PM']No argument there, being a yorkshireman, cricket is a way of life, we must carry a set of emergency wickets with us at all times, there is no dispute that can't be settled by a few overs, and there is no greater honour than defeating lancashire (damn that red rose)[/quote] Nothing can compete with spontaneous cricket. A couple of years ago I organised a game in a street in Bulgaria, planks for bats, bins for stumps and a ball made out of wine corks wrapped in duck tape. I recall that it ended in a draw.
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