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Everything posted by Alfie

  1. Alfie

    DIY Effects

    Thank you
  2. Alfie

    DIY Effects

    Hypothetically, would it be possible to mod a Boss BB-1X to replace the TRS line out with an XLR socket?
  3. Very very useful. I especially like it for tinkering with pedal settings while a riff is going.
  4. https://www.guitarworld.com/news/mansons-guitar-shop-closes Looks like they tried to pass the torch to new owners, but Liz Truss happened.
  5. I love how this shows actual road wear (buckle rash and dings) compared to the stylised and contrived modern faked up attempts.
  6. Perhaps said civil servant could channel his existential rage into catching the billionaire tax dodgers, rather than a bloke trying to buy a used box of knobs.
  7. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285089592931?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ACsP6zULTAy&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=24gLYL-uRg-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
      • 2
      • Haha
  8. The amp is switchable 2-4-8 ohms, so all options are possible. Would two Two10s act the same as one Four10?
  9. Now that my beloved Fender Bassman 100T is working again, I need to find a cab to properly complement it. At the moment it's running to a Barefaced Midget. Sonically this is fine, but visually it is a bit odd with the amp being larger than the cab. The flight case helps a bit, but I probably need a bigger cab. A Fender Neo 410 would look good, but after years of Barefaced I don't think I could go back to heavy lifting. Would a second midget next to the original work sonically (assuming I can find one)? Or am I best off exploring a Two10 or two Two10s or a Four10?
  10. Fender pulled through, fixed the autobias, ribbon cable and even replaced the valves, all free of charge including shipping. So I take it all back! So Fender UK good,the authorised repair centre less good.
  11. Alfie

    DIY Effects

    The mini booster is sanded and polished as I wanted the LEDs to reflect under the glass table-top fixing plate I used as a knob. The ex boss enclosure was also sanded and polished. I have recently discovered that the school I work in has a sand blaster, so I might have a go with that next time.
  12. Alfie

    DIY Effects

    But here is the latest evolution of my homemade collection. L-R: Mini Booster, LPB1, Valvecaster, Bazz, BBOD, Woolly Mammoth, Tubescreamer, SHO, Orange Squeezer.
  13. Alfie

    DIY Effects

    I have answered one of life's great questions: is it a good idea to use a slice of agate as a knob. The answer is no.
  14. I have tried, both official service centres and local valve experts, but no one is interested.
  15. I have a Fender 100T with a broken auto bias and it seems impossible to fix. In theory it's the perfect amp, in reality it's been a massive waste of money and I wouldn't risk buying a Fender amp ever again.
  16. I have an MJT Jazz, a Squier Classic Vibe Precision and a Fender 51RI. I want to set them up differently, one with steel roundwound, one with flatwound and one with nickel roundwound. What would be the most logical combos?
  17. Second gig with new band. Top musicians, great songs and we totally nailed our set. But there was nobody there.
  18. How has the RD-9 been now you have had time to play?
  19. Alfie

    DIY Effects

    The stripping and polishing process mostly involved swearing. I did as much as I could with a random orbital sander and 220 grit, then sanded by hand every grit from 320 to 7000. Then I used auto sol aluminium polish combined with a vigorous wrist action developed during my teenage years. Finally I dropped a screwdriver on it from a great height, creating the dent you can see in the middle. The switch is a soft-click 3pdt so it feels like boss switching without the faff of building a relay. There isn't much margin for error with the switch because the battery cover plate doesn't leave much room for the latching process to complete, but it is possible.
  20. Alfie

    DIY Effects

    Family shot
  21. Alfie

    DIY Effects

    I have rehoused a minibooster I made years ago. I love big knobs. I might alter the CLR to improve the LED effect.
  22. Alfie

    DIY Effects

    Thanks for the offer, Banzai are sending replacements
  23. Alfie

    DIY Effects

    Yes and yes. Also breadboarded to try different resistors. I think I have been sent the wrong LED
  24. Alfie

    DIY Effects

    Warm white when illuminated.
  25. Alfie

    DIY Effects

    A couple of LEDs I ordered recently are white rather than purple, is this likely to be a problem with the manufacturing/stock or is there some electrical wizardry I am missing?
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