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Everything posted by Alfie

  1. Has anyone ever needed a backup bass?
  2. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1388497831' post='2322660'] Was told after the gig by a couple of locals that the bloke was an expert on everything and a constant source of entertainment for them [/quote] He should join Basschat.
  3. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1388497296' post='2322648'] They are a lot appearing, they were a £129 brand new in the box bass sold at most music shops. They got put in cupboards and forgotton about . They were reasonably well made on a par with the latest Squire deluxe range's. Someone decided they were ultra rare and the price rocketed, this has lead to people digging out the cheap beginers bass from the loft or back cupbaord and they are hitting the markets by the thousands and mugs are grabbing them thinking they are really worth £1000+ They are not and as they are hitting the market place in bulk now the word is out the price will fall back. They were the beginers Christmas bass of the day and they certainly sold in quite large numbers at the time, As folk who long gave up playing dig them out of lofts and closets, every one that hits the market knocks the price down as people work out that they are not as "rare" as first thought. I have had the odd one here and there, they play OK, but I would never dream of paying more than a nice USA Fender precision price for them. Like all bubbles, it will burst. [/quote] That is £370 in today's money. Hardly beginner basses, more like the Classic Vibe series, which are fantastic instruments.
  4. If you are serious about spending so much money on pedals, I would advise that you go somewhere that has all the options in stock (such as http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/contact-us-1-w.asp) and try them out, preferably with your own rig. That is the only way of truly cutting through the forum hype and BS
  5. What amp set up are you using?
  6. The micro amp will give you boost with no alteration to your tone. It is just about the best clean boost around. The LPB will fatten out your sound a bit. They are both worth owning for the great jobs they do. They are also very simple circuits if you are handy with a soldering iron. Or there are lots of boutique clean boosts which are basically micro amps, LPB-1s or miniboosters with added snake oil.
  7. While by no means the best bass I have played, my number one is a jazz bass made by http://mjtagedfinishes.com, which I bought a couple of years ago. I wanted a jazz to channel my inner JPJ. I also wanted an instrument that would look roadworn in 30 years time because of the toil and sweat I have put into playing it. So I have a fiesta red jazz with a nitrocellulose lacquer finish. I toys with the idea of good for an AVRI, but was put off by the idea that it is nitrocellulose lacquer over a poly base coat. The best thing about the bass is that it has little resale value, so I don't have to worry about damaging it, this adds to the genuine roadworn idea (not that I actively try to damage it). I also like not having a logo on the headstock, it's just me and my bass.
  8. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1388343154' post='2321021'] You guys DO know who Francis Dunnery was, don't you? He's certainly not famous for dressing down. Lol. [/quote] I have no idea. Wikipedia also left me none the wiser.
  9. Thread ontology. That is a deeper question altogether.
  10. I would like to see him make a Ric.
  11. There seems to be a lot of JV Squiers around at the moment. Makes me worry.
  12. Any extended range bass is like a concept car, it looks great at the convention but daft when taken down to the pub.
  13. I am a multi-instrument owner
  14. Alfie

    Xmas FX

    My wife has bought me a bass big muff. There is also a pedal shaped box under the tree from my dad that has the reassuring weight of a Maxon VOP9.
  15. I am really dubious when people compare the the sound of one cab to another without a/bing within a full band setting. In reality that is impossible therefore most comparisons are on the unreliable side of subjective. What I can say is that in the three years I spent gigging an SP212 the bass was not found wanting. It was heavy, but still a beatable one handed lift for a km or so.
  16. I can't believe anyone would try to negotiate this price, it's flipping steal.
  17. No one has ever come up to me after a gig to say, "I love the height you wear your bass". Either I am doing it wrong, or it really [i]really [/i]doesn't matter.
  18. Alfie

    Pedal power

    http://beavisaudio.com/techpages/PoweringPedals/ This page will explain how many mA your board will draw. Seriously, I think the Harley Benton is the best option.
  19. Alfie

    Pedal power

    You can daisy chain from each output, you can easily power 10-15 pedals.
  20. Alfie

    Pedal power

    I have a 1Spot and it is does the job. Recently I have invested in a Fuel Tank Jr because I wanted isolated outputs so I could use a doubler to run a pedal at 18v. Harley Benton do basically the same model for a fraction of the price and I would have got this except it wouldn't fit under a pedaltrain nano like the Fuel Tank Jr can. It also didn't have a UK plug, but that wouldn't be an issue for you. In short I would advise you to get a Harley Benton Powerplant Junior.
  21. I use a Fender Bassman 100T, it's a brilliant amp, really brilliant, but quite temperamental (I have just had mine replaced). You can select between 100W, 25W and silent output- so you can record using the driven power valve sound. The bias of the valves can be adjusted to subtly alter the tone. You also have the choice between passive and active tone controls, providing lots of variables. However there seems to be a common problem with the auto-biasing unit, hopefully fixed now.
  22. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1387290603' post='2310295'] I need someone around here (Sheffield/South Yorkshire) to loan me one briefly don't I [/quote] You live in Matamp country, you only have one option.
  23. I am all for supporting good local businesses, crap businesses still exist because they think they can get away with it. Name and shame.
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