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Everything posted by ojplaysbass

  1. nice one guys - thanks for all the help! after a bit of looking around i think i'm going to go for a Kobo touch - not as versatile as the ipad i'll admit, but seeing as i want it just to experiment with PDFs on some gigs i think it'll probably do for the moment (the price point helps a fair bit as well). thanks again James
  2. cool - just checking its not one of those apps you have to be connected to an online storage facility/cloud type thing to be able to really access - can you tell i'm not really up on the jargon? lol
  3. can you use the forscore app if you aren't connected to the internet (3g or wireless)?
  4. damn - what started off as me making a labour saving purchase just turned into ipad GAS
  5. do you think a 6" screen would be pushing it? is it an easy read on your ipad? can it handle pdfs? sorry about the heavy questioning
  6. hi all - just wondering how many (if any) of you use an e-reader or similar device during gigs instead of carrying books around. i've been using one with a 6" screen to practice with in the house and its fine, but if anyone has any experience with one in a live situation i'd love to hear opinions (my main concerns are lighting, screen timeout and use with PDFs that aren't the best quality) cheers James
  7. argh i went to see them last weekend in Bristol - BRILLIANT show!
  8. i'd take time and find a bass i could really get on with - regardless of the price - isn't that the goal?
  9. this is a lovely amp, but shouldn't it be in the for sale section/ marketplace?
  10. no. in fact, it's my pet hate
  11. lol thanks for your input guys - i guess they're gonna suffer from stress of some kind no matter the orientation of the cab....
  12. it is - lots about jaco that i didn't know before (although lots that i'm sure a ton of people will know already lol)
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTcbTg8O548&feature=player_embedded# there are 3 other parts to this....
  14. hi this thought just occurred to me as i was putting my cab into storage..... i was told a while ago that you should never store a cab face down or face up because it puts undue stress on the cone fittings/seals etc. - this made sense to me at the time because the full weight of the driver would be placed on points that aren't neccessarily designed to cope with the strain.... so with my schroeder 1210 (where the 10" is set at an angle) is it a bad idea to store it vertically? my common sense tells me it's not a very good one but i've seen a lot of people using them in a vertical position when playing live (presumably for dispersion reasons?) so basically what i'm asking is.... is this : [attachment=100747:Schroeder1210frei_webvert.gif] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/67269248@N03/6923354317/in/photostream"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/67269248@N03/6923354317/in/photostream[/url] a good idea? cheers J
  15. wasn't Matt Bellamy meant to be the modern guitar hero?
  16. i don't know if it qualifies strictly as a theory book, but my favourite music/bass book is 'standing in the shadows of motown (the life and music of James Jamerson)' i think its fairly cheap on Amazon at the moment, too. i always reach for it when i need to brush up on my sight reading.
  17. i'm sorry i opened this can of worms.... i don't even like the guy lol
  18. [quote name='ojplaysbass' timestamp='1329155765' post='1538068'] fair enough then Seth Horan is a singer/songwriter/bassist/nice guy from the states - [url="http://web.me.com/sethhoran/Seth_Horan/sethhoran.com.html"]http://web.me.com/se...hhoran.com.html[/url] is his site - i quite like his stuff [/quote] sorry - i edited this into my above post also i stand corrected - i seem to have overestimated the fame/international exposure of Macca...
  19. fair enough then Seth Horan is a singer/songwriter/bassist/nice guy from the states - http://web.me.com/sethhoran/Seth_Horan/sethhoran.com.html is his site - i quite like his stuff
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1329155136' post='1538049'] It's fairly normal and common I'd say. Anyway who is Seth Horan? [/quote] I'm not so much concerned with whether or not they know who Paul McCartney is because he's a bassist - rather because he's got to be one of the most recognisable faces in the world and, if they don't know who he is, what other massive gaps in people's general knowledge are there? not everyone's gonna be on mastermind but you've gotta wonder.....
  21. just thought i'd bring this to people's attention if they haven't seen it already - i picked it up from Seth Horan's Facebook post http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/who-is-paul-mccartney ( http://web.me.com/sethhoran/Seth_Horan/sethhoran.com.html ) i don't know if i should be angered, amused or baffled by this whole thing :/
  22. ojplaysbass


    EHX big muff - i love that thing
  23. ojplaysbass


    [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1328826021' post='1533489'] I have a Boss CE-2B. Why the shuddering? Unless you're using pedals for top-banana recording, isn't it good enough for your average venue gig? Pino used a Boss Octave for Tear your PLayhouse Down. If its good enough for Pino... [/quote] i saw Pino last year at a gig where he was using the boss octave - its still good enough .....but to stay on topic, i got a digitech bass multichorus because i thought it'd be better than the boss alternative - not so - a TON of hiss when engaged renders it more or less useless except for the chorus of "Don't stop believin'"....
  24. i've heard some Brad Mehldau pieces but nothing has grabbed me like this just has - i don't know how this has been off my radar for so long Larry Grenadier on bass sounding gooooodddddd [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3wy33KFaFY&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3wy33KFaFY&feature=related[/url]
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