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Everything posted by ojplaysbass

  1. sorry - i was talking about the GK being un-ported (is that a word?) http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products_mbe_series.html
  2. First Bass Owned: Squier '50th Anniversary' P-bass 'Go To' Bass: Fender american standard P-bass 'Your Bass': Fender american standard P-bass there might be a pattern here....
  3. the ashdown shares more or less the same specs as the gallien krueger 212 MBE cab (the GK handles 600 watts and doesn't have a port like the ashdown) has anyone tried these a/b style? they're pretty much the same price too....
  4. i was playing with a drummer recently and we tried getting him to use 'hot rod' style sticks in order to cut his volume a little - his argument for not using them was: "i'll have to hit the drums so hard to get my normal sound that i'll only end up breaking them" d'oh!
  5. vocal harmonies are an amazing thickening/interest=piquing device I'm not sure how it'd go down in your pub band but i've always found that my EHX big muff combined with double stops thickens up the texture no end - this does lead to a little bit of the bottom dropping out though....
  6. i've recently (in the last 2 years) found myself in rehearsal and live situations straining to hear my own playing - i'm using the same equipment as i always have and it hasn't dipped in volume (and i'll be damned if i blow my amp/drive an audience away from the dancefloor in order to satisfy my drummer and guitarists' egos) but it doesn't stop there - i go to pub gigs, etc. and end up being unable to enjoy the sounds because the band turns up louder and louder through the night it's not that my hearing is shot - i always use proper protection (oo er missus) it surely can't be that i'm turning into a grumpy old fart - i'm only 26! is this a trend? has anyone else noticed it? am i making it up? help :S can we start a revolution of musicians who play quieter?
  7. how i wish i had the money..... http://www.cashconverters.co.uk/auction-item/404308/g-l-asat-bass-guitar
  8. lol no worries - i just hope you find/found it useful p.s. if you want it in tab format just let me know that's an easy fix.
  9. bassists who shaped my 90s: Alex James - Blur Robert Sledge - Ben Folds Five then there's eddie gomez - Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Bill Evans, Gerry Mulligan, Benny Goodman, etc., etc. +1 for Colin Hodgkinson
  10. today's gem.... father of a drummer i know: 'my am-dram company need a band for some incidental music for a show next week - would you be interested?' me: 'sure' f.o.a.d.i.k.: 'it won't be much of a payer, mind, £100 and a curry for 3 shows..... and you've got to dress as a WW2 american G.I.' me: 'that's ok it sounds like a bit of a laugh' f.o.a.d.i.k.: 'ok i'll need the £30 for the costume rental up front' i won't be doing the gig.
  11. damn you - just when i'm trying to sort myself out with some smaller/lighter equipment you come along with this! bump :'(
  12. you could do a lot worse than an Epiphone EB0 (IMO)
  13. here ya go - i had a bit of spare time this evening - he does quite a bit of sliding to certain notes which i haven't marked out but all the notes/timing are just about right page 1 [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/67269248@N03/6228966380/in/photostream"]http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream[/url] page 2 [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/67269248@N03/6228516087/in/photostream"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/67269248@N03/6228516087/in/photostream[/url] hope you'll find it of some help p.s. i hope this isn't betraying any copyright type laws - if anyone thinks it is, let me know and i'll take it down :s
  14. a drummer i was working with on a pretty tricky sight reading gig the other night nearly walked out 5 mins before the show started because the MD didn't want him bringing a 6 pack of beer into the pit.....
  15. i've never seen (tbh never looked for) any decemberists sheets but good call - what a tune! one of my fav bands
  16. ojplaysbass

    Epiphone EB-0

    these basses are great - i stuck a 'ramp' type doodah (piece of old skirting board) under the strings to make it easier to play near the bridge which made it sound a little less wooly and a bit more usable - i'd definately recommend it to someone who wants a shortscale - nice sound if you're playing with a jazz outfit or big band because you can get a slightly double bassy sound if you try my only criticisms are: the 3 point bridge is really frustrating and the hipshot replacement costs more than the bass does :/ the intonation becomes 'questionable' above 12th/14th fret (on mine) gorgeous looking though and surprisingly good quality for such a cheap instrument
  17. is this definitely legit? if so, i can't wait for more of this kind of thing from GK.
  18. has anyone tried the hartke hydrive 112 yet? the 4/8ohm switching really appeals to me but i can't find a decent review of it anywhere - just wondering how it compares to the likes of schroeder, barefaced, etc - obviously there are gonna be some differences but i can't find anywhere to do a decent a/b test. apologies if this has already been covered elsewhere...
  19. bump - is the price too high? i'm gonna put an 'ono' on this
  20. excellent condition - about 10 years old but only ever used about 5 times for studio work. lovely clear sound. pick up only or i'm willing to meet (within reason) i'd like £200 [b]ono [/b]for this or trade for a 1x12 unit only reason for sale is that i haven't needed to use it in so long - I usually just take a combo to gigs - which brings me to my next point..... for an extra £50 i'll throw in my hughes & kettner bassforce XL combo - i've been told it needs a new speaker but i think it may be something to do with the power amp section - either way, i don't think i'm ever going to get round to fixing it, also, even though it's a great match for the 1x15 cab, it is bright red - so a bit of an aesthetic mis-match. it's also been well used and it shows. [attachment=90593:IMG20111003_002.jpg] [attachment=90592:IMG20111003_003.jpg] [attachment=90591:IMG20111003_001.jpg] i've just noticed - on the back panel it may look like some cracks/scratches - they're actually just cobwebs haha
  21. yes. yes please. [url="http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2011/09/30/gibson-introduces-krist-novoselic-signature-rd-bass/"]http://www.notreble....nature-rd-bass/[/url] http://www2.gibson.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/Bass/Gibson-USA/Krist-Novoselic-Signature-RD-Bass.aspx
  22. can't there be a passive jag with tone/volume pots and pickup selecter switches? i badly want to like the jags but they're either over the top with a million controls or just bits nicked from existing models :/ i do like the maple neck and block inlays though (and the p/j setup) gripe over plus isn't this nicer? [url="http://www.fender.com/en-GB/products/search.php/?partno=0327900506"]http://www.fender.co...rtno=0327900506[/url] dammit i keep thinking of things - a 5 string option on a jag would be AWESOME - if you're listening, fender.......
  23. I used to use my mag 2x10 combo all the time with a (3 guitarist) post-hardcore type band and although i'd sometimes need to crank it a little higher than I was comfortable with (never further than about 2 o'clock), it never failed to give me a decent volume level/ overall sound - usually, but not always, having PA support. If you've got the room in the van and the energy to lug it about, an extra cab is always better - but I'm lazy so never have
  24. thanks
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